Methods of processing onion sets from pests

19.07.2016 Onion

How to treat onion sets before planting from diseases and pestsOnion is a vegetable that many gardeners grow, and they always produce a rich harvest. However, success in growing onions is impossible without some preparatory work. One of the problems that can be encountered when growing onion sets is the shootings of the plant, which prevents the cultivation of large fruits, and various diseases that can easily destroy the plant.

Onions are actively used in folk medicine, because it is able to kill viruses and various bacteria, but the onion itself must also be provided with an ambulance during cultivation. How to process onion sets before planting.

Preparatory work before landing

Not only do you need to know how to process onion seeds before planting from diseases and pests (video), and the timing when to plant a plant, you also need to select seeds correctly. Seed selection is carried out according to the following principle:

  • Soft, small bulbs that are spoiled can be immediately thrown away, there will be no sense in them, and they will interfere with the full growth of healthy seeds;
  • If the bulb does not yet have feathers, then it must be trimmed, carefully cutting off the husk in order to accelerate germination;
  • Selected seeds should be dried using a warm and dry place;

Also, the selected seeds must be warmed up. First, the seeds are kept at a temperature of at least 20 degrees with a plus sign (about 3 weeks), and then you need to leave the seeds for 10 hours at a temperature of 35-40 degrees with a plus sign. At the last stage, the main thing is to keep track of time and not overexposure the onions, otherwise there will be a poor harvest.

There is another way of warming up: you need to soak the seeds of onion seeds in water with a temperature of 50 degrees with a plus sign for 10 minutes, then bathe the seeds in cold water with a nutrient solution from fertilizers. This procedure, unlike the first method of heating, will take a maximum of 6 hours of time and will give exactly the same result.

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Knowing how to properly select seeds and prepare them, you can move on to the next question, how to treat onion sets before planting from diseases and pests.

How to treat onion sets before planting from diseases

Onion processing before planting

It is necessary to process onions before planting, this is an integral part of the entire process of growing this crop. Processing onion sevoc before planting from diseases and pests consists of the following procedures:

  1. Dissolve two tablespoons of salt in two liters of water and lower the seeds there. This "soaking" allows the plant to grow faster and protects against the aggressive effects of external factors, disinfects the bulbs from the nematode. Soak the seeds in saline for at least three hours.
  2. You can disinfect the seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate. 35 grams of potassium permanganate must be diluted in ten liters of water and left in such a solution onion seeds for two hours. Despite the fact that now there are many special tools for treating onion sevoc before planting from diseases and pests, potassium permanganate is still the most popular and effective method.
  3. Often, as an alternative to potassium permanganate, gardeners use a solution of copper sulfate or phytosporin. The principle of preparation is exactly the same as in the case with potassium permanganate, the proportions of the substance also do not change.
How to process onion sets before planting

Knowing how to process onion seeds before planting from diseases and pests, you can not only increase your chances of a rich harvest, but also avoid difficulties in further growing the plant.After planting onion seeds, you need to water the plant with water and sprinkle the soil with sawdust so that the moist soil does not stick to the seeds. For hard work and proper care, the plant will thank healthy, large bulbs in abundance.

Good luck in the beds!

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