Tigridia: planting and care in the open ground

18.02.2016 Tigridia

tigridia outdoor planting and careIf you want to get a wonderful, delightful flower in your garden, tigridia is suitable for you - planting and care in the open ground for it is not at all complicated and any grower will cope with the exotic beauty. And how much joy will bring delight from the contemplation of this truly colorful and delightful flower! Yes, tigridia blooms for only 1 day for each flower, but if you plant it a lot, heap, then for almost a month it will delight you with the delight of its unusually beautiful flowering.

The flower is bright, elegant, unusual, colorful, with a wonderful butterfly similar, and no one will take his eyes off him when he sees such beauty in the flower garden. An alien from America, this flower has taken root with us, tolerates our summer, only for the winter, like gladioli, dig it out and keep it until spring. Tigridium can grow up to 70 cm with proper care, each plant gives up to 5 flowers - every day it blooms one. He loves sunny places, tolerates heat with good watering, requires a minimum of fertilizing and is not demanding in care.

Where to plant

The site, as we have already reported, needs to be selected sunny, it’s good if it is covered from the winds, or if it is impossible to find one on the site, the plant needs to be tied to a support. You also need to choose a site with loose soil, or in extreme cases, first loosen it, add sawdust or sand and then plant an overseas beauty, if the soil is acidic - the lime additive will not damage it.

How to plant with seeds


There are two ways to grow tigridium in your area - seeds and bulbs. The seeds of this exotic plant do not even germinate very well, and even if you are not too strong at growing flowers, you can handle this process. Buy a regular mix of earth in the store, or make it yourself by adding some sand and peat to the turf ground. Pour into pots (if you are going to cook seedlings in the house), spread the seeds on the surface (it’s better to 5 cm back, then it will be better to grow), sprinkle with 2-3% zemnite, moisten, and that’s all. Only periodically moisten the earth gently, preferably with a spray gun, so that the seeds do not erode, they sit close to the surface, and after three weeks wait for seedlings.

If you do this in winter, get onions in the spring. In May, transplant them into the ground (it is necessary that the earth is already warmed up properly, the overseas beauty of the cold does not like and can die), and by the fall you will already receive incredible delightful flowering.
Tip: in the pots where the seeds will be planted - be sure to add drainage so that the plants do not rot.
Beautiful plant hydrangea garden - planting and care in the open ground.

Planting bulbs

If you have stocked up onions of tigridia in the winter, or bought them in the spring on the market, you need to do such work. Look through the bulbs, remove the damaged areas, if it is already May and the earth has warmed up to 20 degrees - it's time to put it in it. Choose a place in accordance with the tips that we gave above, about 15 cm from each other, pit to a depth of 12 cm, spill them and plant onions.

sprouted tigridia
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If you want to get flowering early, you can first plant the bulbs in the pots at the end of March in the house, water them, and by May just transfer the already rooted bulbs with a lump of earth so as not to damage the roots. And so get the flowering much earlier. In order not to miscalculate with watering, you can do this: put pots with holes in the bottom and good drainage in a deep pan and pour water. And the plant will take how much it needs, and you just check the presence of water in the pan.

Top dressing

After planting a plant near the garden, after 2-3 weeks it needs to be fed with nitrogen, and when it blooms - make nitrophoska. Count so - on 1 sq.m. land take 30-40g of fertilizer. If you plant in the house - after 2.5 weeks you need to feed, then when the buds are set, to help them with complex fertilizers.



The flower is not very demanding, anyhow it was watered on time, tied up as necessary, and flower stalks removed. For the winter, of course, you need to dig out with the first frost, and put it away for storage.
See also: When to sow petunias for seedlings in 2016 according to the lunar calendar .

How to store bulbs

While the plant is blooming, it must be watered abundantly, then after fading, remove wilted flowers, after flowering is completed, reduce, but do not stop watering, so that the bulbs are filled with useful substances from the soil. How to fade the stem - cut. And how do frosts begin - dig up the bulbs. Carefully remove the earth, and spread them on the windowsill to dry. After the expiration of a month, carefully clean from the remnants of the earth, spoiled rotten parts, put in clean paper and lay down in the refrigerator for the winter.

Who lives in a private house and has a basement - can be put in sandboxes. But if the basement is not ventilated, it is better to fold and hang them in the nets, so they are better preserved. To get it in the spring, and then everything, as in the section "How to plant with bulbs" to do.

Tigrid pests

The plant is not a problem, the most that can harm it is a cabbage scoop. To protect our beauty, be sure to treat it with a special preparation against the larvae of this pest before planting.

By the way, a flower can be easily grown at home in pots on the windowsill, putting it in the sunniest place. Thus, it is possible both in the garden and in the house to have this beautiful gentle miracle that will delight the eyes and warm the soul.
See also: phlox perennial - planting and care, photo.

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