Foliar top dressing of potatoes: superphosphate, mineral fertilizers

16.01.2018 Potatoes

Most summer residents believe that a good potato crop can be obtained without foliar top dressing. Despite the fact that the culture is unpretentious, you still need to take care of additional plant nutrition.

Foliar top dressing of potatoes is considered very important in the development of culture. The procedure allows you to increase productivity several times. Before applying fertilizers, it is worth learning how to do it correctly and what dosages are considered optimal.

Description of foliar top dressing

Foliar top dressing is the application of fertilizers that come through the leaves. During active plant growth, such top dressing is more preferable. This is due to the fact that fertilizers are absorbed instantly.

Note: foliar top dressing is not basic. In order to get a good crop, one should not forget about introducing other nutrients into the soil.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the morning or in the evening. It is best to select dry and cloudy weather. If the sun shines on the leaf plates, it can cause burns. It is also not recommended to perform the procedure in rainy weather. The effect of such feeding will not be.

Top dressing before planting

All fertilizers are most often applied to the soil before planting. If the procedure has not been performed, foliar top dressing is performed. Their important feature is the spraying of plants. Beneficial substances penetrate through the leaves and instantly enter the root system.

Top dressing after planting

The first foliar top dressing of potatoes in the open ground is carried out 2 weeks after the appearance of the first seedlings. At this time, plants need nitrogen. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to nitrogen fertilizing. Urea can be used as fertilizer.

Important: to achieve a good result, it is worth observing the dosage. Fertilizers need to be planted correctly. It must be ensured that the granules dissolve well. Otherwise, plants may get burned.

Complex feeding before flowering

As soon as the first flowers appear on the plants, you need to pay attention to mineral fertilizers. To prepare the solution, the following components will be required:

  • ammonium nitrate;
  • potassium chloride;
  • superphosphate;
  • copper sulfate.

All components must be diluted in water, let stand for 3 hours. Then you need to add another liter of water and you can begin to work. The resulting composition must be sprayed with plants. This procedure will accelerate the growth of crops, protect them from fungal diseases.

Fertilizing during the growing season

Foliar top dressing of potatoes during the growing season is considered very important. They allow you to saturate the plants with nutrients, as a result of which you can get tasty and large fruits.

The procedure must be carried out in 2 stages:

You may be interested in:
  1. The period of tuber formation. As fertilizers, you need to use manganese and bromine. Manganese is responsible for the taste of root crops, bromine protects the tubers from the formation of voids. Perfectly recommended a drug like Mag-Bor.You can buy it at a specialty store.
  2. 30 days before harvest. As fertilizers, it is worth using phosphorus. It is necessary to pay attention to superphosphate. Fertilizing is very simple, just scatter granules near the bushes.

Formulations and dosages of foliar top dressing

When sprouts appear, the potatoes should be fed with urea.

Note: Carbamide can be sprayed several times. However, you should not use it with herbicides.

During the growing season, crops need to be fed with humates. You can use the finished preparation Gumat +7. The product is diluted in proportions of 2 grams per 10 liters of water.

During the flowering period, a Bordeaux mixture will be required. It is worth choosing drugs containing copper sulfate. Spraying with such drugs will protect crops from pests, provide root crops with good nutrition.

Mineral fertilizers for feeding

Mineral fertilizers for foliar feeding potatoes are also very popular. The most effective are the following formulations:

  • Nitrogen and potassium. To make a solution, you need to take 5 liters of water, 100 grams of urea, 150 grams of monophosphate, 5 grams of boric acid. In addition, boron, zinc, cobalt can be added. These components are taken at the rate of 0.5 grams per 5 liters of water;
The procedure is carried out 14 days after the emergence of seedlings.
  • Phosphorus. To increase the yield and improve the taste of root crops, conduct phosphorus fertilizing. To prepare the composition in 10 liters of water, it is necessary to dilute 20 grams of fertilizer. The solution should be infused for 2 days.

Superphosphate Feeding

Phosphorus is very important for the normal development of plants. However, fertilizing is nevertheless complex. Experienced gardeners recommend paying attention to such a composition: a bucket of water, ammonium nitrate - 15 grams, urea - 30 grams, superphosphate - 150 grams, potassium sulfate - 50 grams.

Processing crops with such a solution will allow plants to obtain the necessary nutrients. The effect will be instant, the crop will ripen in the shortest possible time.


Anastasia, 38 years old:

“Conducted foliar top dressing of potatoes with superphosphate. The result is amazing, the crop was very pleased. In addition, fertilizing is very simple. It is enough to dilute the necessary components in water and spray the crops. It is important to choose dry weather for the procedure. Otherwise, you can’t expect a positive result. ”

Victor, 36 years old:

“I believe that potatoes, like all other crops, need additional nutrition. For this I use foliar top dressing. However, the procedures must be carried out in a timely manner and not violate the dosage. "

Foliar top dressing is very effective. Many summer residents use them to increase productivity and preserve the integrity of the fruit. As a result, it is possible to collect a rich harvest.

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