
Tomato varieties with photos and descriptions 14.02.2017

"Balcony miracle" tomatoes all year round

What is the essence of today's topic? Everything is quite simple and interesting. We will talk about the Balcony Miracle tomato variety, which makes it possible for absolutely everyone to grow their vegetables right on the windowsill. Because it does not matter if there is no country house, your home. Growing homemade tomatoes is not something complicated, unknown. Many people practice it and get their vegetables on the balcony, it is important to choose the right variety. And the “Balcony Miracle” is the right tomato for those who are going to raise crops in the apartment.

General description and varietal characteristics

“Balcony Miracle” is a tomato bred in Germany. It can be grown not only at home, but also on the street, in the greenhouse. However, most often it is planted only at home on the windowsill. And here tomatoes grow and develop well. At the same time the grade is undemanding to care, conditions. Even the lack of light is not as bad for him as other varieties.

People really love these tomatoes, and they are among the most popular for home-grown. Of course, speaking of the Balcony Miracle Tomato and its variety description, we must tell you about the characteristics of the fruit, about the bush itself.

  • Variety is a determinant species. The height of the stem can reach a maximum mark of 50 cm. Sometimes, if the bushes have enough light and power, they grow well, therefore support is required.
  • "Balcony miracle" fruitful tomato. One bush in a pot can produce 2 kg of fruit.
  • The skin color is scarlet, the surface is glossy. The pulp is fleshy, dense.
  • All those who grew this variety say that the fruits are juicy and tasty.
  • Unpretentious tomatoes.
  • They have a universal table purpose - that is, they can be eaten fresh, you can close whole, make salads.
  • Fruit weight up to 100 grams, depending on conditions.
  • Fruits can be picked unattended and put in the sun to ripen.
  • “Balcony miracle” is also appreciated for not having to wait for the harvest for a long time, investing its strength, wasting time. The first fruits from the moment of sowing can form within 85 days.

As you can see, a decent grade. Its cultivation is not burdensome, and makes it possible to get environmentally friendly products at home, moreover, it can be done all year round. Shrubs have a good decorative appearance, because they do not spoil your interior.

See also: Rocket tomato characteristic and description of a grade

Tips for growing and caring for the Balcony Miracle hybrid

You already have some idea about tomato, see his photo. Now it's time to move on to the most interesting, namely, planting and growing. Tomatoes "Balcony miracle", growing at home is not a difficult process. You can land at any time. For optimal development and for the harvest bushes need at least three hours of light, and this is easy to ensure at any time of the year. But if in your apartment in the winter it is very cold, then you either have to move the crops, or turn on the heater, because the temperature should be between 23-25 ​​degrees.

Tomato is resistant to diseases, but still it is recommended to soak the seeds of Balcony Miracle tomatoes in a weak solution of manganese for 15-20 minutes. After that, the nutrient solution to stimulate germination will not interfere. You can take "Appin" or "Zircon". Next, the seeds are dried and start sowing.

See also: Tomatoes Siberian garden catalog with description

You can plant as immediately in separate pots, where the bushes will grow continuously, and first in the capacity for seedlings. You can also use peat tablets.If you plant in a common container, then after the appearance of 2-3 leaves, seedlings you have to transplant in pots. With regards to the soil, you can use universal soil for vegetable from the store.


Soil can be made and most. For this you need to take certain proportions: garden soil and humus in equal parts, 10 grams of urea, a glass of ash, 40 grams of potash fertilizer and the same amount of superphosphate.

Crops are produced under the film. When the seedlings have risen, it is removed, while sowing, the seeds do not deepen strongly, only they press and moisten with a spray bottle. Grow tomatoes will be on your windowsill. Bushes pasynkovat, tie up is not necessary. The main thing is watering and feeding. The first should be as needed - 1-2 times a week. Water should be taken only warm and defended.


“Balcony miracle” is a stable variety, but if it is poured, the phytophtora will begin, or the roots will rot. Therefore it is better not to drain than pour water. To the tomatoes enough moisture, always put next to just a glass of water.

Bushes should not stand on a draft, this variety does not like. To the fruit was formed quickly and evenly, need feeding, especially during the ovary and fruiting. For this you can use chicken manure (sold in dry form), well suited drug "Tsitovit." You can make this fertilizer - superphosphate, potassium, urea. They are taken in grams 5: 1: 1. That's all you need to know in the question of how to grow "Balcony miracle."

See also: Tomato "Kate" characteristic and description of the variety

For information!

If the leaves on the bushes in the morning are slightly folded, and at night, on the contrary, open, look rich green, then this is a sign of proper development.

So just you can get your tomatoes. And do not need a cottage, garden, travel to the place, a lot of time and effort.

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