
Tips 17.05.2019

A complex of measures to combat wire


The wireworm is not an adult insect, but a larva of a click beetle. The insect looks like a worm up to 4.5 cm long with a brown torso, three pairs of legs and a dense chitinous casing. This pest is considered the most dangerous for the garden. Therefore, each owner of the suburban area needs to know how fight wireworm in the garden, what measures to take in spring and autumn, as well as during the growing season.

What is dangerous

The wire was named for its bright brown with a reddish tint of shell color. From a distance, the larvae may actually resemble copper wire trimming. It turns from a larva to a beetle during different times. Sometimes it takes up to 5 years. During this time, they are able to eat a lot of vegetable crops, bringing a lot of damage to the landowner's nerves.


Wireworms can dive into the ground at 60-70 cm so they do not freeze even with very cold weather.

The beetle beetle flies to the gardens in early April, when a stable temperature reaches + 8-10 and massively lays eggs. The larvae hatch 15 days later.

wireworm gluttony

The voracity of the wireworm is striking. He eats everything, even the roots of fruit trees. But most of all the larvae love:

  • potatoes;
  • carrot;
  • corn;
  • sunflower;
  • salad;
  • tobacco;
  • melon and watermelon.

Pest activity depends on the climate. When it is dry and hot, it is activated and begins to eat juicy fruits, seeking to compensate for the lack of moisture. During the rainy season the insect becomes inert.

Parasites eat roots, completely destroy the stems, stems and roots. However, they are carriers of a variety of fungi, infections and bacteria.

Ways to fight

Ways to destroy the wireworm a lot. In the spring, ash, lime and chalk should be added to the ground. Enough to do it every 3-4 years. If it is planned to plant potatoes and tomatoes on the garden, from this moment it should take at least 2 months. If cabbage is planted, dolomite flour should be added during the landing process.

Another good spring method for the destruction of the wireworm is making poison. You need to take a few potatoes, beets or carrots. Soak for a day in the insecticide solution and bury them around the perimeter of the bed.

As soon as the relative heat comes, the pests in search of food will gladly taste the treat and die. In the same way you can do with the seeds of corn or oats.

Before planting, you need to dig up the ground well and remove dead larvae.

In the fall, the surest method of dealing with wireworms is deep digging just before the onset of frost. So the wireworm larvae will be on the surface and freeze.


Crop rotation is of paramount importance. It is proved that pests do not affect crops that grow on the site for only the first year.

And throughout the growing season, you can use these methods:

  • metal cans filled with young potato tops, place traps around the perimeter of the site. Weave enough 10 pieces. Once every 3 days, the stuffing should be changed, pouring into a specially designed barrel and burning. The point is that on these young leaves the female will strive to lay eggs, and you will immediately destroy them;
  • in each well during planting you need to throw a handful of onion peel. In addition, planting material can be soaked in onion broth and then the smell will scare away the pest for a long time;
  • One of the most effective methods to control wireworm and other insect pests is to sow annual green leaves after harvesting green manure. These plants have a strong root system, loosen the ground perfectly, scare away uninvited guests with their scent;
  • mustard powder, black or red pepper can be poured into the wells. And you can make a mixture of them. For planting one potato tuber it is enough to spoon only the dessert spoon not in one place, but rather to spray it well.

Wireworm loves juicy weeds and especially wheat grass. If we destroy these plants in a timely manner at the site, the amount of food of the pest will decrease, and it will be forced to look for another place of residence.

They are afraid of the larvae of the click beetle solution of potassium permanganate. It should be saturated pink. In one well should be poured half a liter. The method is time consuming, but it works fine.

potassium permanganate

Can't tolerate the wireworm to smell the needles. If we expand the fur-tree or fir-tree branches into the furrowed furrows, it will not come close to the beds.

These were folk methods. But apart from them, you can use special preparations.

The most effective are:

  • basudine. It is a fine granular powder. One pack weighing 30 grams. enough to process 20 sq. m. meters of land. The drug paralyzes the larvae and causes their death. Bring in dry form to each well before planting potatoes or tomatoes. You can pre-mix with sawdust or clean river sand.

If the beds became the subject of an attack by a wireworm, in the fall, before the very frosts, it is necessary to scatter the powder on the surface of the soil, and then carry out a digging. 90% of pests after treatment will die.

  • provotox. The drug is designed specifically to combat wireworm. Pellets are scattered into the grooves before planting potatoes and other types of crops. It does not accumulate in the ground, it is safe for people, birds and animals. Has no effect on vital activity of worms.
chemical preparations to fight wireworm
  • zemlin This broad-based tool is used to combat not only the wireworm, but also with the bear, cabbage fly and other common pests. It is used in the spring during planting seeds, as well as in the fall during the digging of the soil.

In addition, it is possible to use mineral fertilizers on your plot, which, getting into the ground, create conditions that are unbearable for the existence of a wireworm. This ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate and chalk.

Getting rid of the wireworm isn't easy. Depending on the neglect of the situation, you will need to use a whole range of different methods, but with regular care of the beds you can protect your site forever.

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