
The best hybrids of tomatoes with photos and descriptions 3.11.2017

Characteristics and description of a hybrid of tomatoes "Evpator F1"

Yes, a lot of tomatoes. But which of them is better to choose for your problem? We advise you to look at the tomato "Evpator", the reviews about it by those who grew it positive. To better understand what these tomatoes are, what are their advantages and what is their appearance, read our article.

Characteristics of tomatoes "Evpator"

Immediately it should be noted that the variety "Evpator" is a tall tomato, which shows itself best in greenhouse conditions. Why so produces? The fact is that in greenhouses the most favorable climate for cultivation, and high varieties help optimize the territory to the maximum. But this does not mean that this species can not be grown in the open air.

Tomato "Evpator" is a hybrid that was developed by Gavrish. This is a very famous company that creates good products for agriculture. Seeds of this producer are one of the most popular and demanded in the domestic market.

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So, let's talk about the characteristics of the variety.

  • The height of the tomato bush "Evpator" can reach more than two meters. This means that it needs to be tied up or shaped. Wire and trellis are suitable for support.
  • Maximum yield yields during the closed mode of cultivation.
  • Often the variety is used for growing on large farms. That is, from this it can be understood that the tomato is suitable for planting for sale. Its yield reaches 45 kg per square meter.
  • Hybrid variety.
  • The ripening period is short from the time of planting. The first crop can be harvested within 100-105 days after sowing.
  • The hybrid is valued for its resistance to major diseases of tomatoes.
  • Fruits tolerate long-distance transportation, they do not spoil for a long time and do not crack.
  • The fruits look appetizing and aesthetically beautiful. They are rounded, proportional, smooth, glossy.
  • The weight of one tomato on average is about 150 grams.
  • The taste and flavor are excellent.
  • The compactness of the fruit makes it possible to twist as a whole. And high taste indices provide pleasure while eating both fresh and in salads.

Now it is necessary to consider separately the answer to the question of how to form a tomato "Evpator". After all, most tall varieties give good results when they are properly looked after. And the formation, garter, removal of stepsons are those agricultural practices that directly affect yields.

Video review "Evpator F1"

See also:How to feed tomato seedlings to be plump?

Forming a bush

how to shape tomato eupatorTomato bush grows very powerful, branching heavily. Because the fruits were not in the shade, there was no stagnation of excess moisture, plants need to be formed. It is also important that this variety forms many stepsons. They need to be removed completely and everything.

That is, from here we can conclude that the bush is formed into one stem. If you do not understand what it is about, then we will explain. If it is recommended to form any kind of tomatoes in one stem, then you need to leave the main shoot, all side stepsons are removed. Also, the top can be pinned so that the bush does not stretch much.

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If the recommendations for the variety indicate that it is better to form it in two stems, then from the crown you need to find the first side shoot, in its bosom there will be a stepson. His and leave. Soon it will be the second stalk. All other stepchildren are removed. The same process occurs during the formation of the three stems.

All steps for removing stepsons should be carried out in the early morning or in the evening. So wounds will be delayed faster. The rest of the tomato "Evpator" in the care is no different from the others. He also needs to provide watering, bark, loosening, access of oxygen.

So, now you understand what he is a tomato "Evpator." Reviews about it are great, you can see the photo here, the yield also pleases.

All of the above is confirmed by the fact that this variety is not just valued by farms. Look at him and you.

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