
Growing tomatoes 2.11.2017

Growing a tomato according to the method of IM Maslova

Growing tomatoes according to the method of IM Maslova. Advantages and disadvantages of the method

In pursuit of the best, the cultivation of tomatoes by the method of I.M. Maslov became popular. The method itself does not carry something new and unknown, as a rule, all vegetable growers know something about it and have heard something, and many even apply it to themselves. However, IM Maslov systematized and justified each agrotechnical operation.
Those vegetable growers who have already tried to grow tomatoes by this method from “A” to “Z” respond very positively. Some of them took from the methodology one thing and were just as pleased with the result.

The basis of the method

By carefully observing the tomato plant, one can see that the roots can grow from any point of the stem. Perfectly rooted and stepchildren, both bent down to the ground, and separated from the parent bush and placed in the water. Watching the stepson in the water, you can see how the root bulges (white “acne”) grow all over the entire shoot, and then they turn into young roots. After some time, there is not even a small place on the stem without a root process. It is this botanical feature that formed the basis of the method.

See also: Spark Flames Tomato - reviews

Growing tomatoes using the Maslov method is that the tomato plant is given the opportunity to grow a very voluminous root system. The larger the roots, the larger the area of ​​absorption of nutrients, the higher the yield.

Vegetable growers claim that stunted varieties grown on this method add up to 25% yield, and tall ones increase by 8-10 times. That is why everyone unanimously asserts that only tall tomatoes are grown by this method.

The method is based not on planting seedlings, but on laying. Laying the seedlings in the soil trench, and falling asleep the stem, we allow it to build up the root system along the entire length of the stem.

Features of the seedling period

Talking about his method, Maslov recommended the use of overgrown seedlings. Experimenting with tomato culture, he repeatedly proved that a tall stalk naturally would give more roots when rooting, only because it is allowed by the area, meter.

To follow the biology of the plant, and grow a high, overgrown seedlings need to sow it much earlier.

Many vegetable growers have already managed to improve the Maslov method, and carry out multiple transshipment with a change in pots of greater and greater height than they seek to increase the root system for a long time before the seedlings fall into the open ground.

Variety selection

When choosing a seed, preference should be given to those tomatoes that lay the first brush over a 9-11 leaf. Next, you need to choose those varieties that are not short internodes, so that the whole space could be overgrown with root processes.

Therefore, stunted, peeping, determinant varieties are completely unsuitable for this method.

Giving preference to a variety or hybrid of a tomato when marking is indicated indeterminant, one can unmistakably plant any. The choice of color, shape, use is yours.

When purchasing seeds, it should be remembered that the author of the method recommends making crops 5-7% more than the planting area allows.This is done so that from all the seedlings you can choose the best, strong instances.

Grow seedlings

Growing a tomato according to Maslova has its own peculiarities of the seedling period.

  1. Sowing must be done in advance. After sowing seeds at the end of February, this will give us the opportunity to have more adult seedlings by the time of planting in open ground;
  2. If ordinary seedlings are grown to be “plump”, low and dense, then this one should be elongated;
  3. In order for the seedlings to stretch, it is necessary to withstand the conditions of illumination and temperature. The darker and cooler, the seedlings are taller and “thinner”;
  4. Sowing is best done in a group method and quite tight, then at the first stage, the seedlings will be pulled upwards;
  5. During the period of formation of the first true leaves, we perform picking No. 1 and plant it in a box with a supply area of ​​2 x 2 cm;
  6. After 2.5-3 weeks, in fact, after the first rooting, we perform picking No. 2. To do this, we cut off the bottom two sheets and plant it in a common box with a 3 x 3 cm food area;
  7. After the next 2.5-3 weeks, we again tear off two leaves and re-plant even deeper. This will be the No. 3 pick and the food area will already be 4 x 4 cm.

Some growers grow without picking, but they do it in a peculiar way. For growing is taken plastic container 0.5 liter, transparent. Seed is sown at the very bottom, and as it grows, nourishing soil is constantly poured. Thus, the root system, by the end of the seedling period, takes up almost 25 cm.

See also: Tomato "Cardinal": description of the variety, photos, reviews

Planting in open ground

If you grow seedlings far enough away from the landing site, you will need to be prepared for transportation difficulties. The seedlings grown in this way are quite voluminous, they are tall, elongated and fragile. Experienced growers manage to transport it not in an upright position, but in a horizontal position, as it will be planted. Plants are folded in a box on top of each other with a “jack” and are beautifully transported.

The method of growing tomatoes according to Maslov implies planting lying seedlings horizontally. For this, a deep trench is made and filled with water. Next, allow the water to soak and re-fill with water.

At the seedling they cut off all the leaves for almost 23 shoots and lay them in ditches. Maslov recommends laying the “head” to the north, so that the place of rooting warms up well, and the “spine” of the seedlings will rise in any case and grow vertically.

However, according to experts, farmers, so planted only in the northern regions, where the sun is not very hot. In the southern regions, the agrotechnology of planting seedlings implies the planting of sprawling seedlings “head” to the south, so that when she rises, she covers the place of rooting. If the area where the root and stem are covered with soil is in the shadow for at least some time, it will not allow it to overheat much, and the root formation will be better.

Putting the plant in the furrow, cover it with a soil mixture of 10-12 cm.

If the planting is carried out in the northern region and the weather conditions for the tomato are not comfortable, then the rooting site should be covered with mulch material to prevent the young roots from overcooling.

When landing, do not fill the trench on the same level with the ground; it should be with a good recess.

Care culture

Planted in this way, the plant needs very abundant watering, and very abundant dressings. But how else. If we plan to get a huge harvest, and for this we have grown a huge root system, therefore, we need to provide a large amount of nutrients.

It makes no sense to build rhizomes in fresh ground, no matter how many roots, there is nothing to take. No matter how convinced, those who recommend the method, that care is no different from the usual, so can not be. Feeding should be carried out:

  • regularly;
  • timely;
  • complex;
  • root and non-root.

Cattle or not

Maslov convinces everyone that removing side shoots is a decrease in yield. His method completely prevents the removal of lateral shoots.

With stepsons do as follows: as soon as the stepson grows to 25-30 cm, it begins to bend down. It is better to do this when the plant does not water for several days and the turgor is slightly lost. Otherwise, with the application of excessive force, the stepson may break off.

The steps, which, under the effect of the slope, have reached the level of the ground, are completely cleared of leaf plates and covered with earth, and then grown as a neighboring plant.

No matter how good the method is, independently regulate the number of stepsons, otherwise you risk turning the garden into a jungle, without reaching the desired harvest.

Nuances of care

Carefully considering the method, it should be envisaged that the stepchildren will have to take root near the mother plant. All this “construction” should be watered and “fed” intensively. Between these plants will need to move like that to carry out agrotechnical activities.

Moreover, heavily thickened plantings in regions where phytophthora often rages, will also introduce their own nuances, since there are no completely resistant varieties yet, and they will have to be treated often.

Looking at all the nuances, it should be understood that for such a landing it is necessary to allocate a place of a meter to a meter for each bush. Initially, it will seem that plants are rarely planted, but when the stepson rooting begins, it will be clear that there is not enough space.

Garter plants need the same way as with other methods of cultivation. However, if you are accustomed to slender neat rows, then this method is more complicated. Tie up Maslov recommends to the tensioned grid, and then in what configuration you pull it, will depend on your bush.

See also: Varieties of tomatoes of Siberian selection with photos and descriptions

Advantages of the method

The greatest advantage of this method is that you need a small amount of seedlings. Having planted several bushes, and using stepchildren, we get a whole bush with a huge number of daughter plants.

When figuring out how to grow tomatoes using the Maslov method, sometimes vegetable growers are puzzled about how to water it all. However, there was a method here. Around all this plantation digging grooves, and water flows through them. They are also fed and feeding. Some find it very convenient, saving time and effort.

With the introduction of a drip system in vegetable production, the issue of watering has become even easier. The laid “drop” in diameter and sectors will allow watering and feeding to be carried out regularly and in a timely manner.

When deciding to plant tomatoes according to the Maslov method, do not plan a lot at once, plant several plants, and then, if you like, expand the plantings. Having grown tomatoes once correct the method "by yourself" and maybe you will forever abandon the traditional cultivation of tomatoes.

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Growing tomatoes according to the method of IM Maslova. Advantages and disadvantages of the methodGrowing tomatoes according to the method of IM Maslova. Advantages and disadvantages of the method

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