
Tomato varieties with photos and descriptions 30.01.2018

Tomato "Raspberry Giant": simple agricultural technology and excellent harvest

Characteristics and description of the variety

Your garden gives a person a lot of useful products - in our time it is very important.

After all, although the counters abound with assortment even in the cold season, the quality of products, unfortunately, not happy.

Much better than their tomatoes from the garden - fleshy, fragrant. And so that their cultivation does not turn into hard work, you need to choose good and productive varieties.

For example, today we introduce you to the tomato “Raspberry Giant”, its characteristics and description of the variety will be interesting to all summer residents.

general description

This variety cannot be called old - it was bred not long ago, it was included in the register in 2007. But this does not diminish its merits at all. Summer residents adore the "Raspberry Giant", and the variety has something to love. His breeders brought in LLC Agrofirma "Sedek". The grade received the best qualities of predecessors, it has almost no downsides.

This type of non-hybrid, which has its drawbacks and advantages. If we talk about the first, the hybrids are always more resistant to disease, weather, and pests, but plus simple varieties are that you can collect the seeds annually and re-plant in the new season - the quality of the fruits will not be worse from year to year.

This tomato has its hybrid sibling with the same name and the “Raspberry Giant F1” label. Be careful when choosing a seed.

Varietal characteristic

“Raspberry giant” is tomatoes that delight with their performance. They always give a good and stable crop, look appetizing, do not require complex farming techniques. Let's get to know them closer.

Description of the variety:

  • bushes determinative type. Pinching them is not required;
  • do not form shtamba, have powerful root system;
  • medium-grown tomatoes - up to a meter tall, more often - 60-70 cm;
  • have a universal table purpose - they are tasty fresh and used for processing;
  • up to 12 brushes with fruits are formed on one bush, the stem keeps its own crop well, but still supports are recommended;
  • the leaves have a rich green color, large and they do not have the characteristic gun;
  • refers to early-ripening species - the period from germination to harvest is about 90 days;
  • fruits do not fall, despite the weight;
  • mass of tomatoes - more than 400 grams, while they do not crack;
  • there are few seeds in the pulp, it is dense, fleshy and very tasty;
  • productivity - more than 6 kg from one tomato bush;
  • can be used to feed children;
  • stored for a long time, but the quality of tomatoes may deteriorate. Required conditions;
  • fruits have a pink hue of the skin;
  • transported well. Suitable for growing for sale.
The market for sale has a twin of the variety “Raspberry giant” from Agrofirma Seeds of Altai LLC. This variety has radically different characteristics.
  • Indeterminate plant;
  • The fruits of medium ripening.

See also: Why are the leaves curled around a tomato in a greenhouse?

As you can see, the tomato variety “Raspberry Giant” deserves to grow on your beds, because it pleases with its indicators, but we will single out the main advantages and disadvantages a bit later.

Diseases and main enemies

On the one hand, the variety is non-hybrid, which means that it can hurt more, but the “Raspberry Giant” also pleases here with its resistance to the pathogenic environment. He rarely gets sick, the cause of the disease can be the wrong agricultural techniques - non-compliance with the irrigation regime, the absence of loosening, the presence of a large number of weeds and poor immunity. In order not to make mistakes, we will tell you how to grow this variety.

Plus, early ripe varieties that they manage to give their crops earlier than the pathogenic environment, pathogens and the main enemies - insects enter the most active phase.

If the summer resident badly follows the plantings, floods the plot and does not loosen the soil, then the roots and leaves may begin to rot. Then it is urgently necessary to revise the agrotechnology, to regulate the stages, to introduce fertilizers in time, which will help not only not to get sick, but also to obtain large fruits. With regards to pests, they are practically never bother with the early varieties.

The main advantages and disadvantages

Let's summarize all of the above about the tomato "Raspberry Giant" from its characteristics and description of the variety, and highlight the pros and cons. The first is much more.


  • large-fruited, early ripeness;
  • the possibility of growing for sale;
  • the grade does not cause an allergy;
  • used for fresh food, for the preparation of ketchup, salads, juices, pasta;
  • not sick, suitable for cultivation in the open and protected ground.


  • fruits can not preserve the whole form;
  • powerful roots need a lot of space;
  • pasynkovanie and the formation of the bush;
  • gives maximum yields in open ground in warm regions. In temperate climates, Siberia and the Far East can be grown in greenhouses;
  • with improper storage, the crop deteriorates quickly.

As you can see, the minus varieties are very conditional, they do not spoil the merits and even a novice can easily grow tomatoes of excellent quality and in large quantities.

See also: The best varieties of tomatoes for open ground


Crops begin with the first decade of March. Buy seeds from reputable manufacturers, but still always carry out presowing treatment. It consists of selecting for germination, dressing, which will be the prevention of diseases, and soaking in a growth stimulator.

The technology is as follows:

  • in the first days of March, the seeds are soaked in saline solution (per liter of water a spoonful of salt), all hot seeds are removed;
  • for 3-5 days spend dressing in a weak solution of manganese for half an hour, then washed and dried;
  • 1-2 days before sowing seeds can be put in stimulants - “Epin-extra”, “Zircon” or use the folk method - aloe juice;
  • It is up to you to germinate seeds or not, but they sprout in about five days, which is, therefore, fast.
It is better to coordinate all actions with the lunar sowing calendar of the gardener. He is new every year and greatly helps summer residents.

Preparation of seeds is over, by this time you should already have the ground and the containers ready. You can buy the soil or make your own - humus and soil from the site are mixed in equal parts, here you can add wood ash - a glass, a mineral complex preparation and sand for drainage - about a third of the volume. Any soil before sowing for 3-5 days, pickled with boiling water with manganese.

Crops carried out to a depth of 0.5 cm at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other. Moisturize trays and put on the windowsill, covering the film or glass. During the week shoots will appear, the film is removed. Now seedlings need light and watering, but as they dry.


This sort of tomato tolerates thinning of seedlings quite well, which is produced when 3-4 true leaves are blooming. Planting seedlings immediately in separate cups in a new nutrient and sterile soil. It is better to take tara from peat or cardboard, so that after it is planted on the plot.After all, it is during the transfer of seedlings that the most injury occurs to the roots. If they have suffered, yes, even the weather conditions are not encouraging, then even the most stable variety can stop growth for a long time. After picking, seedlings are not fertilized for two weeks.

After picking in peat pots, watch out for humidity, as the material absorbs moisture. Do not allow the ground to dry out and lag behind the walls.

Further care and transfer to the ground

So, your seedlings have found a new place, you water them as needed. After two weeks, you need to make nitrogen supplement, which will give plants the strength to build green mass. Seedlings should receive a lot of light throughout the growing season. Before transferring to a permanent place, tomatoes should be hardened. They do this in the apartment by lowering the temperature when opening the vents, bringing them out to the balcony, in the house - by means of transfer to an open veranda or threshold. The first days of the seedlings are left for 30-60 minutes - no more, so that there is no stress, in May you can already leave for the night, if there are no frosts.

Transfer to the greenhouse is carried out from the second decade of April, when the temperature does not fall below -7 at night, it is transferred to the street after all frosts - usually it is the end of May or June. The soil in both cases is prepared in advance.

  • The plot is dug up, remove all weeds.
  • Spill boiling water with manganese - prevention of disease and the fight against parasites.
  • The holes are dug at a distance of 50 cm from each other, to a depth of 30-40 - so that the roots inside feel free.
  • In the pits make half the humus, 100 grams of superphosphate, sand. Also on the site scatter wood ash.
  • The holes are spilled, and the seedlings are planted.
  • In the future, with a strong growth of the bush requires support.
Tomato "Raspberry Giant", according to reviews and photos, has an excellent yield, so you may need support and under the branches with tomatoes. The maximum yield gives the formation of two stems.

See also: Characteristics and description of a hybrid of tomatoes "Evpator F1"

Permanent care

After planting in a permanent place seedlings need to adapt and take. Now she needs only watering as it dries out, removal of weeds. After 14 days, make a complex drug. Every time after moistening the area is loosened. After the first feeding, organic matter is added after another 10-14 days - the litter is diluted with water in a ratio of 1/20 or manure in a ratio of 1/12. Feeding can be alternated every 2-3 weeks. That is, first they bring in mineral fertilizer, after organic, then mineral again. Also do not neglect foliar spraying.

Spraying is carried out only in the evening or early in the morning, not in the heat and not in the fog.

Formation in two stems is done by leaving the main stem and stepson in the upper sinus, left or right. Some of the lower leaves are also removed. Pasykan bushes in the evening are not in the heat, when the shoots have already reached about 8-10 cm. Once a week, spraying with a weak solution of manganese is carried out in order to eliminate all the risks of developing diseases. Tie up bushes to sticks or to a trellis. If insects have started to bother you, then insecticides can be used, but you can also get rid of them with simple folk infusions on weeds, spices, flowers - marigolds, tansy.

As you could understand, the tomato “Raspberry Giant” pleases with its harvests all summer residents who grow them. Agrotechnika tomatoes simple, you can do it.

Video: First care for tomatoes after disembarkation

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