
The best hybrids of tomatoes with photos and descriptions 15.05.2018

Tomatoes "Pink Clair f1": a popular variety among gardeners

Tomato Pink Claire (tomato Pink Claire F1) has many positive qualities. These are fleshy large fruits with good taste, and excellent resistance to major diseases, and good keeping quality of fruits. In this article, you will find a description of the Pink Cler F1 tomato variety, description, reviews, photos of the bush, yield, and a description of the cultivation of agricultural technology.

Characteristics and description

Pink Cler Tomatoes are a characteristic and description of the first-generation variety of hybrids (F1). As a rule, the second generation of hybrids is not cultivated, because there is a loss of basic varietal qualities (yield, large-fruited, resistance to diseases, etc.).

Variety bred by Israeli breeders. It grows well and develops in a warm climate, so in the middle zone of our country it is advisable to use film beds and greenhouses. Pink Cler's tomato refers to mid-season varieties, ripening period - 90-100 days.

Description of the bush

This is an indeterminate variety, i.e. its growth and development are not limited, but depend on external factors. The bush is formed sprawling, medium-rich, powerful, more than 2 meters high. During the summer, pasynkovaniya and tying the plant to the support. The root system is well developed, provides good nutrition to the plant. The leaves are medium in length, dark green. It has a simple and compact inflorescence of 5-6 ovaries.

Description of the fetus

In appearance, tomatoes are round, slightly flattened, slightly ribbed. Pink Cler has pink tomatoes. They have few seeds, as in all F1 hybrids. Fruits are quite fleshy, sweet, have a well-balanced, pleasant taste. They have an increased content of vitamins PP (nicotinic acid), vitamins of group B, but less than in red and yellow tomatoes lycopene and betacarotene.

Vitamin PP is involved in metabolic processes, has intoxication properties. B vitamins (from B1 to B20) ensure the normal functioning of the nervous and digestive systems, and are involved in all cellular processes.

Lycopene has a positive effect on the human body, it destroys the intestinal pathogenic microflora, helps to normalize the metabolism (including cholesterol), strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Betacarotene is processed in the body into vitamin A.

Productivity and quality

All fruits are almost the same size and shape, weighing about 100 grams, but with good care, the weight reaches 150-250 grams. During the growing season the fruits do not shrink. The average yield of 3-4 kg from a bush, comes to 7 kg.

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According to the research of Federal State Budgetary Institution “State Committee on Commerce”, the commodity yield amounted to 340 c / ha in open ground, fruit marketability - 98.0%

Thin and durable peel keeps tomatoes from cracking when overwetting the soil, provides long storage and good transportability.


Fruits of this variety have few seeds and dense flesh. Suitable for use in fresh form, in salads, processing into juice, tomato paste and all kinds of canning.With good quality, this variety can be grown for winter storage.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all varieties of tomato, Pink Cler's tomato has its advantages and disadvantages.

Inherent advantages of this variety include innate resistance to adverse climatic factors. The plant continues to evolve and become tied up during heat, lack of moisture, in dry air and sudden temperature changes. Possessing excellent taste, the fruits of Pink Cler F1 tomato are well stored and transported. Tomato has immunity to certain diseases, while practically any type of soil is suitable for cultivating this variety.

Not a lot of disadvantages. Some inconvenience in the cultivation of culture causes the need for the timely formation of a bush, tying it to the support and removing stepsons.

Passing will be easier if it is carried out in the morning before being exposed to direct sunlight. From the evening it is necessary to water the tomatoes.

Features of growing varieties

Recommended seedling method of cultivation. Since it takes 90-100 days to ripen the first fruits, it is possible to calculate the time for planting the seeds. This is usually the beginning and middle of March.

Before selling the seeds are treated for major diseases. Additional disinfection is usually not required. But you can soak the seeds in a growth stimulator for 10-12 hours, be sure to dry before sowing.

Recommended growing regions

Pink Cler's tomato grows well in all climatic regions. It should be borne in mind that in central Russia a tomato will not grow without additional shelter. Used planting in greenhouses, film beds, greenhouses.

See also: Tomato "Polar precocious": impressive for its qualities

Disease and Pest Resistance

It has good immunity to viral mosaics, blight, verticilous and fusarium wilt. To combat the other pathogens, prophylactic treatment of seeds, soil, garden tools, greenhouses and the plant itself should be carried out as it grows.

Growing seedlings

The soil for seedlings should be weakly alkaline or neutral. Soil mixture is prepared from peat or black garden soil and humus in the ratio of 1: 1. For disinfection, you can add wood ash.

Sow the seeds in the furrows, embedding shallow (1.5-2 cm). The temperature should not be below +25 degrees. After the emergence of shoots box is transferred to the solar window, or under a fluorescent lamp. Watering is moderate, as the soil dries out, the water should be settled.

When the first pair of true leaves appears, it is necessary to dive. This is easy to do while transplanting young sprouts into seedling boxes. At the same time, fertilizing with complex fertilizer is carried out.

Transplant into the ground

Planting seedlings in the ground produced in the second half of May, when the threat of frost has passed.

Before planting, you can conduct a second dressing solution of mullein, chicken droppings, manure under the root.

Planting pattern is as follows: 60 cm between seedlings and 70 cm between rows. Plants should not touch each other with leaves in order to obtain abundant fruiting and to avoid the spread of infections.


Caring for Tomato Pink Cler is no different from caring for other varieties.

  • Timely weeding. With strong thickening, the air humidity increases, and this is a favorable environment for the spread of fungal diseases. In addition, weeds are the source of the spread of pests and insect vectors of diseases. Not to mention the fact that they absorb nutrients and water destined for a tomato.
  • Moderate watering. To obtain a tasty sugary fruit, tomatoes are not recommended to be watered often. If necessary, obtain for themselves the moisture of the root system deepens into the soil, grows. And powerful roots are a guarantee of a good harvest.

Plants are watered at the root, trying not to leave water droplets on the leaves.In this case, they act as a lens, collecting and focusing the sun's rays. The plant gets sunburn.

  • Fertilization. During the entire growing season, it is recommended to feed 3-4 times, not more. Between fertilization should take at least two weeks.
  • Loosening. Easy to combine with weeding. During loosening, the access of oxygen to the roots is restored, the soil crust is broken, which is formed during irrigation.
  • Gotting is carried out with the growth of lateral shoots every 10-14 days.

See also: Tomatoes of Volgograd breeding: description of the varieties of the series

Excess nitrogen in the soil increases the susceptibility of the plant to diseases, reduces its immunity to almost all pathogens. This applies to all cultivated crops of vegetable plants. It is important not to think too much with fertilizer.

In general, Pink Cler F1, a wonderful variety in all tomato varieties, is popular among gardeners. Under all conditions of cultivation of crops, you can achieve a brilliant harvest.

Video: Tomatoes - from sowing to harvest

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