
The best hybrids of tomatoes with photos and descriptions 28.12.2017

Tomato "Rich F1 hut" for those who want to get an early harvest

The closer the spring, the more you want your fresh tomatoes. There are many varieties of tomatoes - for every taste, color, shape. And I want very early tomatoes ripe as soon as possible. What sort to choose in this rich variety, from which the eyes diverge. In order to get an early harvest of your tomatoes with little or no problems, it is better to choose among undemanding hybrids.

Tomato Rich hut according to reviews of those who have already grown it in their plots, presented photos of these compact bushes, confirming good yield, meets all the expectations of gardeners-gardeners.

Characteristic and description

A very compact, dwarf variety that can be grown even at home, will provide early production to anyone who plants it.

Tomato Rich hata has excellent characteristics, which reveals a detailed description of the properties and qualities of the variety:

  • ultra early;
  • medium early, determinant, standard;
  • fruits ripen on 90-105 day after sowing;
  • a short, compact bush, about 30-50 cm tall;
  • You can even grow on the balcony;
  • suitable for cultivation in open ground (in the south), in the closed - further to the north;
  • low-branched plant;
  • does not need tying and pinching;
  • stem thick, strong;
  • leaves are light green, carved, bright;
  • possesses complex resistance to diseases of a tomato;
  • high yield with proper care of plants;
  • one shrub can produce 1–1.5 kg of tomato, and from 1m2 you can get 8-9 kg of ripe fruit, which is just very good for such a short, compact variety;
  • average tomato weight 90-120 g;
  • tomatoes ripen not immediately, ripening is gradual, which allows them to feast on these tomatoes for quite a long time;
  • excellent transportability, which is very attractive for growing on an industrial scale;
  • good keeping quality, although superearly tomatoes are not stale.

The fruits of the “Rich F1 hut” tomato are very early, not very large, attract with their qualities:

  • low-ribbed tomatoes, round, elastic;
  • ripe fruit is rich red;
  • 3-4 nests in tomato, 5-6% of dry substances;
  • good, bright taste;
  • the pulp is sweet, juicy, aromatic;
  • tomatoes are fleshy, not watery;
  • the skin is smooth, dense.

Appointment: salad, for the fresh use, for salting and integral conservation: for technical processing (juice, adzhika, paste, mashed potatoes).

Tomato hybrid “Rich F1 hut” in 1997 was brought out by Ukrainian breeders. In Russia, it was registered and entered into the State Register in 1999 as a hybrid variety for cultivation in open and protected ground. Originator Aelita.

Best of all, the rich tomato hut has shown itself in the south, where it successfully grows and bears fruit in the open field, it can be grown in greenhouses and garden beds in the middle lane, and further to the north it is better to grow in the green field.

Disease and Pest Resistance

Hybrid Rich hata is remarkable for its resistance to many diseases of the tomato. If a tomato is affected by a disease, this happens due to lack of attention and care. Diseases are possible:

  • some fungal, such as dry blotch, for example, spraying fungicides and antifungal drugs;
  • tomato cracking: occurs due to improper irrigation regime and humidity; preventive maintenance of the light regime and maintenance of the required level of humidity will help;
  • The remaining tomato diseases are practically unaffected.

For the prevention of diseases, it should be ensured that Tomato Hata’s house is regularly ventilated (if in closed ground), the necessary degree of illumination, moisture regime, normal ground, loosening, etc.

See also: Tomato "Siberian early" description of the variety

Pests are more likely to affect Tomatoes rich hut, which grow in greenhouses, although this happens on beds too:

  • scoop gnawing: preventive measures - is digging the soil, timely removal of weeds, manual pest removal. Scoop does not like the neighborhood of medicinal plants, it is possible to plant, for example, calendula along the perimeter of the beds. It is useful to spray it with infusions of garlic (garlic shooters), decoction of wormwood, universal infusion (celandine, wormwood, tobacco, tobacco); of chemical preparations, for example, Intavir may be used.
In order for any solution, decoction, infusion to adhere well to the leaves and hold onto them for a long time, they need to add a soap solution: rub the grated soap, dissolve it in a container (jar) with water. Then, in any decoction, infusion add a soap solution.
  • slugs: autumn and spring deep soil loosening; attraction of starlings, ground beetles, hedgehogs, freshwater toads to the site; set traps; sprinkle the soil with tobacco, ash, lime, tobacco crumbs; put tomato mulch between the bushes, treated with extract of cumin seeds; time to remove weeds;
  • Colorado potato beetle: spraying infusion of wormwood, infusions of tomato, garlic, walnut leaves, hemp or elecampane. Spraying infusions or decoctions should be carried out once a week, the final - 20 days before harvest.

It is easier to prevent the occurrence of pests than to get rid of them. Preventive measures will well secure the area:

  • observe crop rotation: do not plant at the same place,
  • do not plant other solanaceous plants near the tomato (eggplants, peppers, potatoes, etc.);
  • deep loosening of the soil;
  • timely removal of weeds;
  • keeping greenhouses and other rooms clean, disinfect them before planting plants there;
  • plant medicinal plants nearby (marigolds, calendula, mustard, etc.);
  • inspect the plants regularly, spray them with special infusions, decoctions and preparations.
The measures are not complicated, but effective. If you observe them, the plants will calmly grow and bear fruit.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like other varieties of tomato, tomato rich hata has its advantages and disadvantages.


  • early fruit ripening;
  • the ability to grow even in a pot on the balcony;
  • high yield;
  • resistance to diseases of tomatoes;
  • widespread distribution, even in the Far East, partly in Siberia;
  • good keeping quality;
  • excellent transportability;
  • resistance to low temperatures.

Tomato has a few drawbacks. Judging by the opinions of those who planted this tomato, there is practically no. The only thing that can be noted is the demands on feedings, without which the fruits of this tomato lose weight and their taste deteriorates.

The disadvantages include the small size of tomatoes, but this disadvantage is compensated by the fact that in a jar or in salting a tomato looks just great, great for canning.

See also: We grow tomato seedlings for the greenhouse

Features of growing varieties

In general, it is necessary to follow all the rules of tomato agrotechnics. However, tomatoes rich hata have their own distinctive features of growing, as can be seen from their description:

  • plant seedlings to sow in mid-March (for the middle band), preferably in peat pots right away;
  • seedlings should be planted in the ground at the age of 60-65 days;
  • planted on a bed of 40x50 cm, preferably in a square-nested way;
  • Better to have beds from north to south: so tomato bushes will be better and longer illuminated by the sun;
  • acidic soils should be deoxidized: with lime-fluff, chalk, peat or wood ash, green manure plants or special preparations for deoxidation;
  • do not forget to feed tomatoes;
  • bushes to form three to four stalks;
  • ensure adequate watering;
With careful and attentive care, a tomato rich in hut will bestow a good harvest of tasty, fragrant tomatoes.

The variety of this tomato is picky, practically not picky about growing conditions. You just need to feed it in time, water it (but not water it!), Follow the simple, simple rules of farming, and then the tomato is grateful to respond to taking care of yourself with a good, high-quality harvest.

See also: Large crop of tomatoes at home

Good weather and rich harvest!

Video: How to grow good tomatoes in the open field at the cottage

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