
Tomato varieties with photos and descriptions 21.11.2017

Tomato "Siberian early" description of the variety

But in the modern world it is already illogical to do this, because for each variety you can find a lot of necessary and useful information, as well as feedback from those who planted the culture. For example, we can tell you about many tomatoes, what are the pros and cons of one or another. And today on the agenda - a variety of tomato "Siberian early."

general description

There are new varieties in our time, there are those that have been bred for a very long time, but have not lost their relevance to this day. Here "Siberian early" - this is exactly this option. There are summer residents who have been growing this particular variety for more than 30 years. It says a lot, because now any modern hybrid can compete, but no. Experience has shown that the tomato has proven itself. There are, of course, and cons. About them later.

Description of tomato varieties “Siberian early”, we start with information about the place of its breeding. Back in 1959, this tomato was bred in our country. He received, as often happens, from the crossing of two varieties. The hybrids were taken as a basis, and, as is known, such tomatoes always have a number of positive characteristics that the Siberian Puny has inherited.

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Varietal characteristics will tell you what kind of variety, but first you need to say important information. Sometimes you can find negative reviews about this tomato. They can be absolutely contradictory - then the bush is small, then collapses, sometimes it bears bad fruit, then it’s not what was expected.

The fact is that many gardeners noticed that buying seeds from different companies can grow completely different tomatoes. And the one that is real, gives excellent results. Of course, who can know exactly what kind of seeds the producer put in the package. Therefore, the results are so different.

Tomato produces few seeds, and it is not so profitable to grow it for commercial purposes, because unscrupulous producers simply add others. Be careful. Those who grew a real variety “Siberian early” say that it is unpretentious, grows well in a harsh climate, the return of the variety is good.

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Video review of the fruits of tomato "Siberian early"

description of tomato variety Siberian earlyCharacteristic variety

  • The variety is determinant.
  • The height of the bush can be as compact as half a meter or as high as a meter. It all depends on the growing conditions.
  • Fruits are formed together. Their weight can reach up to 120 grams. But more often tomatoes are 60-70 grams. Such compactness makes it possible to preserve them as a whole.
  • Universal table appointment. Fruits are eaten fresh, canned. Because of the high percentage of dry matter, fruits are used to make juice, sauces.
  • It can be grown both in open and in closed ground.
  • Unpretentious, tolerates weather adversity.
  • The taste of the fruit is pleasant, they are very fragrant.
  • From the name we can understand that the tomato is vulnerable. So from the moment of emergence of shoots to obtain the first harvest will be about 110 days.
  • Productivity at a grade good. If it is grown in a greenhouse, then you can get 10 kg of tomatoes from a square meter, if in open ground, then 7-8 kg.
  • It has resistance to a number of diseases, but it can still hurt.
  • Bushes have a dense green mass.
  • Fruits with proper storage can lie for up to two months, which makes it possible to grow them for sale.

Yes, the grade is good. But, unfortunately, many believe that it is already becoming obsolete. But this is everyone’s business, because if a tomato is loved in a given family, it will be grown from year to year. Now we will tell you more useful information about tomato "Siberian early". We are talking about its cultivation, about care, feeding and other intricacies.

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Features of growing varieties

600-2_600x371Sowing seedlings is carried out depending on the region in March or early April. Before planting, it is always better to seed the seeds from diseases first, as the variety has an average resistance to some ailments. For this, as always, you can use a simple solution of manganese in water. Here the seeds should be held for about half an hour, then rinsed with warm water and dried on a napkin.

In order for seeds to grow better, they are placed in a nutritional preparation after processing. Ambiol, Epin, Zircon help very well. How to act is described on the packaging of each drug.

Sowing is carried out on the lunar calendar in the nutrient soil. You can immediately fill them in peat pots, so as not to dive the seedlings. With the same pot, then you will plant the seedlings in the open ground or in the greenhouse. Soil, you can buy ready-made or take the sod land, mix 1: 1 with humus. Add a spoonful of ash here.

Seeds are sown, after which the container is covered with a film. After 7-10 days, shoots will appear. Now they only need the sun and watering as they dry. Before transplanting for 2 weeks the seedlings are hardened. You can do this by putting it on the balcony or on the street, or by opening the window. As the seedlings grow, turn to the light.

It is necessary to replant seedlings in open ground in May or in June. The temperature should already be settled at night more than 13-15 degrees. Seedlings planted after 50 cm from each other. We need to take care of the supports, the bushes will be tied to them. The distance between the rows should be 35-50 cm.

In the hole before planting put a spoonful of superphosphate. Then place the seedlings, well deepening the stem. Now spill profusely. Tomatoes are best shaped in three stalks. As the soil dries out, they shed it, they loosen it in the morning, you also need to monitor the weeds.

For a rich harvest, you can apply organic supplements for the season 2-3 times. Tomatoes love mullein, chicken droppings. You can alternate feed with mineral preparations. For the first time after transfer to the open ground, fertilizers are applied not earlier than 2 weeks later, after every 14-18 days. But "Siberian Early" also grows well on poor soils, so you should not worry much about this.

With regards to disease, it can affect phytophthora, rot, fusarium and alternariosis. To cope with the illnesses will help fungicides that are easy to find in stores.

In conclusion, we can say that this tomato is a good option for our regions. He has already checked the time.

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