
Tomato varieties with photos and descriptions 23.01.2018

Tomato "Brandy Pink": in detail about its advantages and disadvantages

Tomato "Brandy Pink" characteristic and description of the variety, yield, reviews are not unambiguous. To blame, those seed packers, who print information on bags, slightly add beauty to fruits and yields to the whole plant. Vegetable growers, who are counting on getting a return, have a negative opinion about the variety as a whole, and, by the way, should be sorted out.

general information

An application for inclusion in the register of breeding achievements was submitted by Agrofirma Poisk LLC, Moscow Region, Russia in 2013. Having passed the trials for two years, in 2015 the variety was entered in the register under the number 8653771.

“Brandy Rose” was recommended for cultivation in all climatic regions of the Russian Federation for growing in household shelters for private farms.

Characteristic and description

Herbal vegetative form indeterminantnogo type. The plant is tall, can reach a height of 150-160 cm. This indicator is not very suitable for vegetable growers, since the upper part of the greenhouse remains unused, which in turn affects the return on investment and profitability of such expensive structures.

In addition, reviews of vegetable growers indicate that a good, large, marketable tomato variety gives only on the lower and middle inflorescences, and the higher, the smaller it becomes.

The variety is mid-season, salad destination and this is another minus. The fact is that at the time of ripening “Brandy Rose”, lettuce tomatoes, early and tasty, already experienced vegetable growers have tasted, and they are still at the height of the growing season, and the receipt of the next lettuce seems to be overkill.

Tomato leaf plate is small, green, without color intensity. Tomatoes with articulations. The inflorescence is simple, not wrist. Fruit sticking on each brush 3-4.


The largest tomatoes in the range of 100-150 g. The shape is flat-round with well-pronounced ribbing. Vegetable growers indicate that the ribbing of the first, lowermost tomatoes is more intense than the fruits that ripen on the upper inflorescences of the vegetable shoots.

See also: Characteristics of the Pink Paradise F1 hybrid

Unripe green tomato with a spot at the stem. As the greenery ripens, the fruit turns pink. Tomato color can not be called intense and uniform, it is slightly pale.

The density of the tomato is average, although there are reviews of vegetable growers that it is soft and does not correspond to the stated characteristics. Nests in tomato 6 and more, they are filled with pulp and seeds. When cut there is no leakage of juice.

To taste the tomato is served with an "excellent" rating. It really doesn't taste bad. Gentle pliable pulp with a light acidity. The combination of sugars and organic acids is well balanced and the tomato flavor is pleasant enough.


The claimed yield of 6.6 kg per square meter. Of course, for breeding novelties, especially greenhouse tomatoes, this is unacceptably small.

The market is filled with excellent high-yielding tomatoes, which will ensure a high profitability of the greenhouse, so this indicator is considered a disadvantage for this variety.

Marketability and Lezhkost

On this basis, the variety also falls short of the standard. Considering that the ripening of the fruits does not take place in harmony, they are of different sizes, although they have already fully reached commercial ripeness, it is not possible to harvest a large crop overnight.

Stability grade is also not great. After harvesting, it soon begins to soften and is no longer suitable even for making salads.

Excess products can be well used for the preparation of tomato products, sauces, ketchups, tomato juice. However, given that the tomato is a pale color, the products require the addition of red varieties; otherwise, these tomato products will not have a presentation.

Disease and Pest Resistance

The register of varieties provides a variety with a statutory resistance to tobacco mosaic virus. The relation of the variety to other diseases is silent. However, experienced growers, who grow tomatoes in greenhouses from year to year, argue that when growing Brandy Rose, one cannot refuse preventive treatments with fungicides.

See also: Low-Yield Tomatoes

Pests have no desire to attack this variety more than all the others.

Advantages and disadvantages

Unfortunately, reviews of vegetable growers who have already planted a variety of this tomato in greenhouses are not in his favor. Talking about tomato, more stop on the disadvantages than on the merits.


  • Good taste


  • low yield;
  • low texture density;
  • low product yield;
  • not fullness of the greenhouse.

Features of growing varieties

A tall plant that has a fruit of 100 grams or more requires formation and garters.

The best management of the brandy rose crop was chosen by vegetable growers in 2-3 shoots. However, in this case it is necessary to adjust the density of the landing and not thicken.

Seedlings are sown on seedlings in early March. In the state of two true sheets, the seedlings are spiked into disposable cups with a capacity of 200-250 g. If universal seedling soil is used for planting, then during the growing period additional feedings are not carried out.

A well developed, deep root system is very important for indermic tomatoes. To grow it with optimal performance, you need to transfer seedlings to a larger capacity. This event is held when the roots are fully mastered earthen room.

See also: Variety "Loving Heart": what are its advantages and disadvantages?

If the seedlings are pulled out, then transplantation is carried out while lying down, which is even more desirable, since the area of ​​root nutrition increases.

Immediately after planting it is necessary to begin the garter and the formation of the plant. The stepchildren are removed when they reach 3-4 cm. The peculiarity of the variety is that by removing the stepchildren 2-3 times, their growth slows down, and then stops altogether.

When choosing a variety for cultivation in greenhouses and greenhouses, it is better to give preference not only to rose-bearing and tasty, but also to a super-productive variety or a hybrid. In order for the greenhouse to grow profitable products, it is necessary to strictly follow the agrotechnical instructions, maintain water balance and nutrition, and feed.

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