
The best hybrids of tomatoes with photos and descriptions 5.12.2017

Variety "Loving Heart": what are its advantages and disadvantages?

In pursuit of the very most, it is possible to consider a tomato. The loving heart is red, the reviews are a description, photo, yield, the producer is very encouraging, but what do the facts and reviews of those who have already experienced this tomato say in their gardens?

Official data

Tomato "Loving red heart", according to the online store "Ural summer resident" - grade. Since the general information is very limited, so far you can only believe in a word. The variety is not entered in the list of breeding achievements. There may be several reasons for this: the variety is still very young, it undergoes a variety test (it takes 2-3 years to do this), it has little prospects, it is affected by diseases for how many, that entry in the register is meaningless. Which of these reasons is suitable for “Loving red heart” is not yet clear. It is possible that 1-2 years will pass and this variety will be well-known to vegetable growers from all over the country, as well as “Bull Heart” to which the Ural summer resident collective is sent when comparing yields.

"Ural summer resident" is a whole series of seeds, which prepared "Sortsemovosch" for his birthday (76 years old - the date is respectable). These seeds were uniquely selected and tested under conditions of risky farming. Experts picked up only those varieties and hybrids that did not withstand the best conditions and presented crop growers in the Urals climate. The range of varieties and hybrids is constantly updated, but the information is quite scarce.
Variety description

See also: Tomato "Batyanya": description of the variety, photos, reviews

Characteristics of a variety

In compiling the characteristics and description of the variety (point by point), the breeders of the company “Ural summer resident” do not indicate the height of the plant, but the reviews of those who have already managed to plant, grow and enjoy the fruits say that the plant:

  • indeterminate, powerful, but not very tall;
  • salad destination;
  • fruits are large and weighty;
  • pulp consistency tender, grainy, soft, fleshy, with light aroma;


  • high yield
  • the balance of organic acids and sugars is well maintained;
  • the taste of tomato is well pronounced, saturated, the fruit has a pleasant aftertaste.
  • many fruits are tied;
  • fruit set in all weather conditions.


  • the fruits of the next brush are smaller, and so it goes on to the last - gradual, shallowing;
  • in the conditions of a short summer, not all of them mature and they have to be cleaned brown or green.

Characteristics of the fetus

Tomato peel is dense enough to protect them from adverse weather conditions. The fruits taken from the bush ripen and have the opportunity to lie down for some time without losing their organoleptic properties.

The instructions on the use of the variety indicate that the variety is quite suitable for processing into tomato products. And indeed, tomatoes are fleshy and have an excellent sweaty texture, as well as a rich, red color. This allows you to get out of them juice, sauce, and after cooking even a tomato paste.

Reviews about the variety say that “Loving heart is red” in the conditions of unfavorable summer showed the best crop of all the planted tomatoes.

Interesting fact!

As for the form, the producer of the variety describes it as heart-shaped, but those who have already planted say that all fruits are of different shapes. At the same time, one bush bears fruits from round-oval-heart-shaped to heart-shaped.

Our catalog of varieties of tomatoes and their description with photos

Features agrotehnika

Its formation should be carried out in one or two stems with the obligatory fixation of fruit branches. This is done because the first fruits are quite weighty.

When marking the seeds on the bag, the sowing date is indicated - March, the beginning of April. Consequently, the variety belongs to the early ones, and the manufacturer does not insure by offering its customers earlier sowing.

Grade growers claim that the variety produces 60% higher yield from Bull's Heart, a very similar tomato. Such a probability is quite possible, because “Bull” is a determinant variety, and “Loving ...” is indeterminate, and these varieties have a higher yield.


In the conditions of short summer and fluctuations in weather conditions, assessing the advantages and disadvantages, it should be noted that preference should be given to early varieties and “Loving Red Heart” is the best way for this.


Preparing in advance the tank with the ground, do not rush to sow dry seeds, soak them. In a saucer, put a sheet of filter paper, toilet paper or a napkin, moisten with warm water and spread tomato seeds on top. Pack in a plastic bag and place in a warm place, where the temperature will not be below 25 ° C. Under these conditions, the seeds will turn in 2-3 days. Such an event will show seed germination and will accelerate the seedlings for 5-6 days.

Seal the soil in the tub, and one at a time prying the seeds with a toothpick, place only those that show signs of life, with a distance of 2 cm from each other. Cover the crops with soil for 1.5-2 cm. Pour warm water from a spray bottle, wrap it in a plastic bag and send it back to a warm place. After 4-5 days, shoots will appear.
Now the package should be removed, and the temperature should be lowered, thanks to which the seedlings will not stretch. Set the pot with seedlings on the lightest sill.


Ideterminant tomatoes desirable to grow with a dive. This will help to increase the capacity of the root system, since large areas of nutrient absorption are required to obtain high yields.

We dive in the phase of two true sheets. To do this, gently pry the seedling, remove from the ground and cut off with a nail 1/3 of the spine. Thus, from the taproot we translate it into a fibrous root.

Seedlings are planted in disposable cups with a capacity of at least 200 g. In the conditions of the Urals, you need to be prepared for the fact that the conditions of open ground may not allow them to land in a timely manner and have to do transshipment.

When picking, immerse the seedling in the ground on the very cotyledon leaves, firmly press and pour with warm water. A special feature is the fact that you need to fill the cup only for 2/3. The rest of the void is needed in order to pour the soil when the seedling is drawn out. This will allow it to grow the root system from the stem.

Features of growing

If in the process of growing seedlings stretch a little, there is no big trouble in this, conduct its transshipment. To do this, take a glass with a capacity of 0.5 liters, or cut the bottom of a disposable bottle and without filling with soil, place a tomato plant there, but after removing the glass 0.5.

There will be space on the sides and the top, it must be filled with fresh nutrient soil or clean compost.

Conducting such a technique, you will create conditions for the normal growth of the root system, and a tomato plant may well be formed before June.

Some experienced growers, conduct special early sowing, and then do the transshipment. Thus, they manage to plant tomatoes in the open ground already with buds, and even completely blooming.

This technique contributes to the rapid production of tomato products, and in the conditions of the Urals, it is simply a necessity.

Before planting tomato seedlings in open ground, it must be taken out into the open air in order to weathering and hardening.

See also: Siberian selection hand-drawn tomato varieties

Landing in open ground

It is recommended to plant seedlings in greenhouses at the age of 60-65 days, however, if its root system is closed (in individual cups), then the age of planting does not matter much.

Disembarkation is also carried out. The distance between the bushes should be maintained at 35 x 50 cm. Such a landing will allow the root system to develop well enough and not compete for water and nutrients.

Top dressing

Considering the peculiarities of growing indeterminate tomatoes, it should be noted that these plants are very demanding on the nutritional value of the soil. It is impossible to feed a high-quality, large and sweet tomato on fresh ground.


If you are not engaged in the initial preparation of the site for tomatoes, then fertilizing should be regular and timely.

The first feeding is carried out in 2-3 weeks after planting. For this dissolve 2 tbsp in a bucket of water. spoons of ammonium nitrate or urea and pour 0.5 liters under each bush.

The second feeding is desirable organic fertilizers and spend it 2-3 weeks after the first. For this, 1 kg of cow or horse manure is dissolved in a bucket of water, for 0.5 kg of chicken droppings and pour 0.5 liters under each bush.

If the first top dressings were nitrogenous, then for the second one it is necessary to add 1 cup of furnace ash, 0.5 st. l potassium sulfate and 1 tbsp. spoon superphosphate. This feeding will allow to feed the buds and ovaries and will contribute to better fruiting.

The following fertilizing is no longer necessary to apply nitrogenous fertilizers and only superphosphate and potassium sulphate will suffice.

Conducting timely sowing, growing properly seedlings and fruiting forms, you can easily get a good harvest of tomato "Loving Heart".

Video: The best varieties of tomatoes in the context of 2017

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