Savory fermented eggplant with carrots, herbs and garlic

19.11.2018 Winter blanks

pickled eggplant

Sour vegetables and fruits are an integral attribute of Russian national cuisine. Many housewives are familiar with tomatoes, cucumbers, and even apples cooked in this way. But few people know that you can also ferment eggplant.

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Like cabbage, pickled eggplants are harvested along with carrots. Greens and garlic are also added to the appetizer. Thanks to this, the workpiece has a rich, moderately sour taste, spicy aroma that will surely find its fan.


  • young eggplant - 2.8 kg;
  • juicy carrots - 800 gr.;
  • garlic - 120 gr.;
  • table salt - 80 gr.;
  • greens - 1 bunch;
  • spices (bay leaf, Korean carrot seasoning) - to taste.


How to cook pickled eggplant

Pre-washed and peeled eggplant boil in salted water. Boil them for 15 minutes. The fruits must be used young, about the same in size.

boil eggplant

Grate the carrots, cut the greens. It is recommended to use fresh, juicy carrots, without damage.

grate carrots, cut greens

Pass the required amount of garlic through a press. Add spices, and mix all the ingredients in a container.

add garlic

Cut cooled eggplant lengthwise into two or three parts, but do not cut to the stalk. Then you need to put vegetables under the press for at least an hour. This will help rid eggplant of excess bitterness and moisture.

put eggplant under the press

After stuffing the blue carrot filling, then put them in a pan and send under the press.

stuff eggplant with carrots

So that the vegetables do not fall apart, they can be bandaged with a thread. Leave the blank for three days at room temperature.

Done. Eggplant can be tasted. They will be a great addition to any side dish.

pickled eggplant ready

Cooking pickled eggplant according to this recipe will not cause much trouble. And everyone will like the result, since in three days the vegetables will become soft, juicy, fragrant and with a pleasant acidity. In addition, they are an inexhaustible source of nutrients for the whole family in the cold season. Give it a try!

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