How are tomatoes sick and how to treat bushes

7.05.2015 Tomatoes

Tomato diseases and their treatmentTo consider in detail the diseases of tomato seedlings photos and their treatment is necessary even during the period of planting seeds. The more responsible already at this stage the gardener approaches the process of planting tomatoes, the more strong and prolific seedlings will be.

But, do not worry if tomatoes are already blooming and bear fruit, and pests have made themselves felt. The most important thing is to notice the disease in time. Then quickly take up her treatment and then everything will surely work out. So, are you set for a great harvest? Then you have to tinker with the study of diseases of tomato seedlings (photo) and their treatment (photo).

The main diseases of tomato seedlings: treatment and prevention

Late blight

Let's start with him, because, in our latitudes he is a frequent visitor. When planting seeds for seedlings, it is already possible to begin prophylaxis. It is enough to fill the seeds with potassium permanganate, but the soil in which the seeds are planted will need to be further disinfected. Because this disease is transmitted through the earth.

As for the growth of seedlings and already bushes of tomatoes, late blight can occur at any stage. The appearance of this disease means that your tomatoes are lacking in nutrients. In particular, potassium and copper, iodine and manganese. It will be necessary to provide additional fertilizer for tomatoes, pour it under the root.

late blight

Interesting! The popular methods of excellent prevention of late blight already on the beds include planting tomatoes next to basil, potatoes, onions and garlic. The substances secreted by these plants will protect tomatoes from late blight.

Streak (streak)

Appears due to the spread of the virus. May be on leaves and stems in the idea of ​​red or brown stripes. The diseased leaves die off, and the affected stems are so brittle that they can no longer hold the bush. To get rid of the disease, you will need to destroy those bushes that are infected. Moreover, do it quickly. Next year, no longer use the seed material of these tomatoes (even taken from healthy bushes), because the epidemic of the virus may recur.



Transmits this disease tomato seedlings (photos and their treatment on video can be found on the Internet) fungus. Fungi live in the soil, so seedlings can still be cured at the stage of only their hatching. So that this does not happen, it will be necessary to prepare the soil in a special way. Activation of the fungus in the open ground leads to strong moisture or too high air temperature: this should be remembered.

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The disease manifests itself on the stems, but often the gardener does not notice it at the initial stage of development, because part of the stem is hidden in the ground. If the leaves began to fade, it is recommended to dig a little under the stem and look at it. You can sprinkle the affected area with wood resin, normalize the irrigation regime and lower the air temperature for growing these infected tomatoes.


Species of tomato leaf spotting


The disease is transmitted by a fungus and often appears if seedlings are not properly handled. Since the mushrooms are in the ground, the lower leaves are initially affected. Then the disease rises higher if it is not stopped in time.

If a white or gray coating appears on the leaves, this indicates a white spot. Later, the leaves will turn brown and simply dry, having fallen. To save your seedlings and future crop, it is necessary to use a one percent solution of Bordeaux mixture. To spray seedlings, and if possible, if not many bushes are affected, it is better to destroy the diseased seedling altogether.It is also recommended to water the earth with a solution of potassium permanganate.

white spotting


The leaves are affected, but the brown spot is already showing yellow spots. On the reverse side, spots also appear, but have an olive color. At the end, the leaf becomes brown and dies. Often, brown spotting affects seedlings in humid conditions.

brown spotting


Unlike the two previous diseases, it can be transmitted not only through the soil, but also through the seeds. It is easy to distinguish from other tomato diseases - black dots will appear on the leaves. The treatment scheme for the bushes as with white spotting will help.

black spotting

You know from now on not only the main diseases of seedlings of tomato photos, but also their treatment with alternative methods. Also, be sure to resort not only to folk methods, but to various means of the modern chemical industry. The main thing is to choose what is ideal in composition and does not affect the growth and development of tomatoes in the future.

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