Have you planted the tomatoes roots up?

23.07.2024 Tomatoes

Tomatoes and cucumbers can be grown not only by traditional methods in a greenhouse or in the open ground. There is another unusual way - growing a vegetable crop upside down. It has both its advantages and disadvantages. Knowing the secrets of tomato growing technology “upside down” will allow you to get a presentable and good harvest.

The essence of landing technology

It is necessary to plant seedlings in pots or in any other container, which in volume will be at least 5 liters. Landing technology includes the following steps:

  1. At the bottom of the tank, make a hole of approximately 8 cm in diameter.
  2. The bucket is filled with nutritious soil, a substrate can be placed along the edges along the walls. The container is closed with a lid and turned over.
  3. Seedlings are planted in the hole. For the full development of tomato in the new soil, it will take 21 days.
  4. After the bush began to grow, the capacity can already be turned over. Then it will grow upside down, but since the stems will still reach the sun, the tomato will grow not down, but up.
  5. A container with a planted vegetable crop must be hung on a solid support.
On a note!
It is important to constantly monitor soil moisture. Since the capacity is small, the earth will often dry out. If it is not moistened in a timely manner, then you can lose half the crop or, even worse, the plant itself.

To avoid strong evaporation, the bucket can be loosely covered. Before each watering, the cover is removed and upon completion it is covered again.

Advantages of the technique

This method of growing tomatoes has its advantages:

You may be interested in:
  • the opportunity to get a high yield;
  • saving space on the site;
  • you can use the top of the greenhouse for this method of growing crops;
  • the possibility of carrying a hanging vessel in case of bad weather;
  • act as scenery;
  • such tomatoes are less susceptible to disease and pests;
  • no need to install pegs for garters.

Such beds do not need loosening or weeding. It is enough to water and periodically check the soil in a timely manner. Watering itself is convenient in that it is very similar to watering indoor flowers.

Disadvantages of the method

The disadvantages of this technology include:

  1. The need to design a strong and sturdy suspension.
  2. It does not always turn out to be a beautiful form when the bush grows. The plant still seeks to grow up, so during the growing bushes can be ugly.
  3. To form a large bush, you need sun for at least 8 hours. And the container in which the seedlings were planted first gives a strong shadow, inhibiting the normal development.
  4. If the summer turned out to be too hot and dry, then you need to constantly water the tomatoes to provide the necessary soil moisture.
  5. Not all cultivars can grow in such conditions.

Sometimes it becomes difficult to find a hook or other place for hanging a vessel. Of course, you can independently make a tripod or buy it, but this entails some financial waste.

Tomato Growing Recommendations

It is important to choose the right variety for this method of growing tomatoes. These varieties should produce small fruits, and the trunks should be thin. These varieties include Pearl, Ampelny, Wagner Mirabelle or Black Bunch.

Tomatoes can be grown upside down in special containers that are sold in stores. But in order to save capacity can be made from improvised means. Most often, choose a plastic bucket or a plastic bottle.

On a note!
A plastic bottle helps prevent shade formation during the formation of the bush in the initial stages. Since the hole in the bottle is elongated, it does not create a strong shadow for the plant.

You can mount such a dish on the ceiling, on the wall or make a separate crossbar. The latter option is more profitable, since it allows tomatoes to get a sufficient amount of sun.

Growing tomatoes upside down is an opportunity to plant a vegetable crop in a small summer cottage, where there is little space in the garden. For people who want to grow tomatoes, but there is no garden, this method will allow you to plant tomatoes on the balcony. They do not require a strong investment. The only thing that needs to be done is to water the bushes in a timely manner so that the earth does not dry out.

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