How to feed tomato seedlings to be plump?

3.05.2016 Tomatoes

How to feed tomato seedlings so that they are plumpIn this article we will tell you how to properly care for small tomato sprouts, how to fertilize, and in which period it will be better to feed them. It is important to understand how top dressing acts on plants, as well as which fertilizers it will be preferable to use for tomatoes of different types.

How to Feed Vegetables Using Yeast

Many gardeners are interested in how to feed tomato seedlingsto be plump, folk remedies. In fact, the most effective method of feeding is the infusion with the addition of yeast. Most tomato varieties respond well to such fertilizer, so it is best to fertilize the plant at least three times, but not more than four, over the entire growth period. The first feeding should be done at the moment when the plant appears buds, that is, during the flowering period. As soon as the tomatoes are transplanted under the open sky into the soil, you need to wait about twenty days, and again feed with a special mixture of yeast.

I would like to say that there are a large number of different types of top dressing that perfectly affect the growth of tomatoes, but it is yeast that is the most effective activator of the growth, flowering and fruiting of plants. Yeast is especially beneficial for tomatoes during the onset of flowering vegetables. Since the future crop will depend on flowering, it is important to properly prepare a solution of such fertilizer so that top dressing gives the desired effect. And preparing fertilizer is very simple, you need to take pressed yeast (only ten grams will be enough), this amount is diluted in ten liters of warm water. Cold water should not be used, since yeast cannot come to life in it. When the solution is fully prepared, you can start watering each plant.

How to feed tomato seedlings so that they are plump

Mullein dressing

Such top dressing will be an excellent nourishment for vegetables at any time of their growth, you can use fertilizer even in the first days of life of sprouts. To improve action top dressing tomato seedlings, about three drops of a potassium permanganate solution are added to it. I would like to note that it is necessary to take into account the growth of plants in order to feed enough. For example, if the bush is stunted, then only one liter of fertilizer per bush will suffice, but if the plants are of medium height, then about one and a half liters of fertilizing is poured on it, well, and exactly two liters of fertilizer will be needed on a large bush.

Ash dressing

Unfortunately, such top dressing is unlikely to be complete for tomatoes, but it can be used as additional fertilizer. It is better to use this type of recharge only when the tomatoes have stopped growing, such a fertilizer will improve the growth and flowering of vegetables. If a gardener thinks about how to feed tomatoes after planting in a greenhouse so that they are plump, then feeding from ashes will be an excellent option for improving plant growth and thickening the stem.

How to care for plants in the open

Many people know that it will be much more difficult to care for plants outside the greenhouse, since tomatoes do not tolerate cold. It is important first to wait for the time when it becomes warm enough on the street, this will enable the plants to develop normally and adapt to another life in the open air, and not in greenhouse conditions. For those vegetables that have already been planted under the open sky, there are special types of fertilizers that will help the vegetables develop properly, start flowering and bear fruit.

How to feed tomato seedlings so that they are plump

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Feeding with iodine solution

It is advisable to carry out such top dressing at least every fourteen days.First, ten drops of ordinary iodine are dripped into a bucket of water, you need to add a little phosphorus and twice as much potassium to the same solution. On one bush it is important to pour exactly half a liter of such fertilizer.

Many gardeners say that the effect will be much more noticeable if you not only fertilize the earth with nutrients, but also water with this type of solution. It is recommended to replace ordinary water with this solution, since iodine is present in the composition of this fertilizer. Water only the soil itself, you can’t pour fertilizing the plant, this can worsen its condition and the vegetables will stop blooming, which means that the gardener will not receive any harvest this year.

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Feeding from regular manure

It is such top dressing that is considered the best species for tomatoes of any kind and variety. But unfortunately, not every gardener has natural manure, and buying it is quite expensive, because many acquire chemical fertilizers that do not bring a positive result. Manure is an ideal fertilizer that consists exclusively of natural substances, if gardeners began to think about how to feed tomatoes so that they were plump, then it is recommended to use manure to feed vegetables in the garden. It is important that this fertilizer is prepared in the correct proportions. For 30 liters of water it will be enough to take one bucket of manure.

How to feed tomato seedlings so that they are plump

Water is poured into a large barrel, the required amount of manure is added to it and left for two days. When the fertilizer is ready, its smell will be extremely unpleasant, but nevertheless it will be an ideal option for growing tomatoes. In order for the fertilizer to act well on the plant, it is necessary to water each bush with such a solution, half of a fertilizing bucket should be spent on each of the plants. Such fertilizer procedures are carried out once every fourteen days, since more often such procedures cannot be done.

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And in order for the fertilizer to give the best results, it is recommended to make a special drip irrigation, which will provide the tomatoes with constant moisture in the soil, because these plants really do not like drought. Make drip irrigation is not difficult, just take a hose, make holes in it of small diameter.

Urea dressing

Such top dressing is perfect for tomatoes in the early stages of their growth and development. Gardeners recommend making such fertilizing under the roots of each of the plants. It is better to do this when transplanting small sprouts into separate pots or boxes. Also, superphosphate is also added to urea, of course, such fertilizer will not be enough, but with timely and constant watering, the plants will feel very good, and this will allow them to grow normally and begin to bloom a little earlier. If the gardener decided to use urea for feeding, then no other type of fertilizer should be used. If you additionally do fertilizing using other fertilizer options, this will completely ruin the tomato crop.

How to feed tomato seedlings so that they are plump

What fertilizers to feed tomatoes during flowering

As you know, for a tomato crop to be large, it is important not only to use high-quality seeds, but also to properly care for small shoots. Plants need special care during the period when they begin to bloom. The first top dressing is carried out immediately after the picking of plants, and such top dressing should be sufficiently saturated with minerals and nutrients. If the plant feels comfortable, then its development will be rapid, which means that the stems of the sprouts will be dense and thick, and the leaves will be thicker.If the plants already have fairly strong stems, then the first top dressing can be done only ten days after the first transplant of the sprouts into the ground.

To get high-quality material for feeding, it is necessary to prepare all the components in advance. It is recommended to start feeding only at the moment when the plants begin to bloom, and to make fertilizer, take special components, for example a glass of wood shavings, add mullein tincture to it. Two tablespoons of superphosphate are added there, the resulting mixture is diluted in clean water, one bucket of water will be enough). If there was no mullein, then you can make a special infusion of green slurry, it will not be difficult to make it at all, for this you will need clean water and mowed grass.

How to feed tomato seedlings so that they are plump

Any container that holds twenty liters of liquid is taken, a lot of fresh grass is placed in it and it is poured with water. Such a container must be tightly closed with a lid so that oxygen does not enter the barrel, the container is placed in a sunny place and insisted for exactly one week. As soon as time passes, the infusion is filtered and cleaned in a dark and cool place, there the green slurry will be stored until use.

Topping tomatoes outside the rhizome

Such dressing can only be carried out if the gardener takes into account changes in weather conditions. If it is cold outside, then all the nutrients will double badly by the plant, that is, no sense should be expected from such dressings. Before starting to fertilize the plant, it is necessary to moisten the soil in sufficient quantities, for this it will be enough just to water the plants, and after some time to fertilize.

If the proportions are correctly observed and the advice of experienced gardeners is followed, then top dressing will help the gardener make his crop rich and tasty. If a gardener is looking for an answer to a question, how to feed tomato seedlingsto be plump (see free), this article will be the perfect answer to this question.

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    Here, gentlemen, for those who choose healthy, tasty fruits and vegetables - UNIQUE ORGANIC FERTILIZER COPROLIT. This is a liquid extract from coprolites of California rainworms. PLANTS

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