How to fertilize tomatoes when planting

25.06.2016 Tomatoes

What fertilizers to apply when planting a tomatoWhere is the best place to plant tomatoes?

Before thinking about what fertilizers to make when planting a tomato in the ground, it is worth clarifying in what places it is best to grow tomatoes. For example, if there are too few nutrients in the ground, then the plants will not be able to fully develop, because after planting the tomatoes will no longer perceive fertilizers. That is why the gardener must find a place that was fertilized in the autumn period of last year.

If the gardener already knows that he will plant tomatoes in the spring in a certain area, then he should add various fertilizers in advance, for example, about three kilograms of manure is suitable, if manure is not available, then it is worth using compost, one square meter must be used about sixty grams of this substance.

What do tomatoes like?

Before you think about what fertilizers to apply when planting tomato per well, it is worth learning about the preferences of this plant in nutrients. If you believe the experts, you can find out that tomatoes are very fond of feeding on the basis of phosphorus, but at the same time this tomato uses this fertilizer much less, mostly tomatoes like to eat potassium and nitrogen. If the gardener began to look for information on what fertilizers to apply when planting tomatoes, it is worth using phosphoric fertilizers.

During the planting of each seedling, it is necessary to add a small amount of top dressing in all wells with seedlings, after which tomatoes can be left for further growth. It is phosphoric fertilizers that help tomatoes begin their flowering much earlier than time, top dressing allows the roots to develop quickly and well. In addition, it is such a substance that improves the quantity and quality of fruits, and the tomatoes themselves will ripen several days faster than in ordinary soil.

What fertilizers to apply when planting a tomato

In addition to phosphorus fertilizer, there are a number of other important top dressings, for example, such a component as potassium is responsible for the fast and high-quality ripening. But if there is not enough nitrogen in the soil, tomatoes will not be able to ripen quickly even if there is enough phosphorus and potassium in the soil. It is best for nitrogen to enter the soil in the form of ammonia.

Potassium and nitrogen-based nutrition is especially necessary for the plant at a time when the first buds are just beginning to appear on tomato bushes, also these two substances help tomatoes to bloom and form the first fruits. If there is too little nitrogen in the soil, or another substance - potassium, can seriously weaken the plants, they begin to fade and thin out. Also, an insufficient number of useful elements leads to a decrease in the size and number of fruits on each of the bushes.

What fertilizers to apply when planting a tomato

But do not get carried away, since too much nitrogen in the soil can lead to the fact that the plant begins to actively grow foliage, but the fruits grow small, the fruiting of each of the plants is greatly reduced, the excess of nitrogen can completely destroy the yield of plants. Another disadvantage of the nitrogen content in the soil is that tomatoes become weaker and are easily amenable to various diseases.

The opinion of scientists

If you consider some of the conclusions of experts, you can find out that plants consume about ninety percent of phosphorus, all this substance is used only for the formation of new fruits. If the gardener will look for what fertilizer to apply when planting a tomato in the open ground, he should take fertilizer in the form of granules.The fact is that superphosphate in powder cannot give the result that granules give, the powder includes about one hundred and eighty grams of phosphorus, and plants can choose only fifty grams from fertilizer, and sometimes even less. Need to carry out top dressing tomato 2 weeks after planting.

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What fertilizers to apply when planting a tomato

If you use superphosphate in the form of granules, you can get an excellent yield, since plants can consume phosphorus four times more than from powder fertilizer. It is quite difficult for young plants to release phosphorus from feeding, this is only possible for adult tomatoes, which is why when planting seedlings in the soil, it is recommended to add a little granular superphosphate to each well.

Let's talk about potash fertilizers

If the gardener wondered what fertilizers to apply when planting a tomato in a greenhouse, he should only use potassium sulfate. If other types of fertilizers are used, the level of chlorine will quickly increase in the soil, and this badly affects not only the yield, but also the well-being of the plants themselves. But the lack of chlorine will be noticeable, because if this substance is not enough, then soon the leaves of tomatoes will begin to acquire a brown color and curl into a tube. In this case, the root system will completely stop its development, and fruiting will not begin until the balance of chlorine and other necessary substances is restored in the soil.

What fertilizers to apply when planting a tomato

Feeding outside the roots

Tomatoes respond well to fertilizers that are applied outside the roots, such top dressing as boron helps to form special pollen, it pollinates the flowers, at this point tomato fruits will form later. It is worth noting that there are several other types of minerals that affect the formation of fruits, for example, if there is insufficient manganese or copper in the soil, then all the flowers on the plants will begin to fall, and the fruits will not be able to form in their place, since the buds will fall off together with the ovaries.

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Excess Substance

Do not add too many useful top dressings to the soil, as they can harm the plant. For example, if the soil contains too much nitrogen, this can lead to the removal of potassium from the ground, this leads to a deterioration in the health of the plant. If a large amount of potassium is present in the soil, it will remove magnesium and calcium, and these substances are also important for plants, as well as phosphorus with nitrogen.

What fertilizers to apply when planting a tomato

If a gardener wants to get a really good crop, he should calculate in advance the amount of fertilizer that will be applied to each well, or per square meter. When the tomatoes begin to ripen, but even when ripe they have a light shade, it’s worth adding a little mullein to the soil, and bird droppings are also suitable for fertilizing the soil.

One part of the bird droppings is mixed with ten parts of pure water, and then ammonium nitrate and a little potassium sulfate are added to the mixture, each substance should be taken with just a small spoon. After top dressing is done, the next fertilizer is applied no earlier than two weeks later.

To get a large and high-quality crop from tomatoes, you need to correctly calculate the amount of fertilizer, only in this case the plants will feel comfortable.

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