A few tricks and your violets will bloom 10 months a year!

9.12.2017 Violets

More than 1,500 species of indoor violets (senpolia) are known. It is unlikely that miniature flowers of various shades and shapes will be left indifferent. You can achieve abundant flowering of violets through competent care. Failure to comply with certain conditions is displayed, first of all, on flowering.

Pot sizes and suitable soil

Blooming year-round violets cannot but please the eye. And in order for the plant to develop well, it is necessary to adhere to a number of conditions:

  1. Violets love small pots. If the capacity is large, active growth of the root system will begin, respectively, the plant will give all its strength to maintain it. Too small a pot will not allow the plant to grow normally.
  2. To plant a violet, you will need universal soil or designed specifically for the senpolia. Soil from a garden or a garden is not suitable, because it may contain larvae of pests. It is also worth taking care of the presence of drainage. If many other indoor plants are able to do without it, violets need it without fail.

Lighting and temperature

When caring for the senpolia, it is important to monitor the indoor temperature and then so that the plants receive enough light. The following points should be considered:

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  1. Although violets need lighting, direct sunlight should be avoided. It is best to place the senpolia on windows that face north or west. If the windowsill is on the sunny side of the house, you can not do without light curtains or mosquito nets, thanks to which the light will be scattered.
  2. Despite the fact that violets love warmth, too high a temperature is detrimental to the plant. In this case, the flower should be protected from drafts and cold air. Temperature indicators should be at the level of 16-21 degrees.

Feeding and watering

Some complain that the violets do not take root and die quickly. Often this happens due to improper watering and fertilizing the plant. In order for the senpolia to bloom magnificently all year round, it is worth listening to these recommendations:

  1. When spraying plants, you must act carefully. Water is used in small quantities, while it should not fall on the flowers. Watering should also be done carefully. If water appears on leaves and flowers, they will rot. It is advisable to pour water into the pan.
  2. Do not get involved in fertilizers. The ideal option is once a month. Feeding violets too often can cause yellowing of leaves and their falling.

To obtain a neat and lush rosette of leaves, attention should be paid to its formation. To do this, you need to constantly remove dry flowers and leaves, as well as small sockets that appeared nearby. If you regularly turn the violet in different directions to the light source and make sure that there are no extra leaves, the outlet will be uniform and beautiful.

It's nice when your favorite violets bloom year-round. But without proper care of a houseplant, good results should not be expected.

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