Fitover for indoor plants - how to breed and apply?

4.02.2019 Fertilizers and preparations

Fitoverm is a biological product that has established itself as an affordable and easy to use insect repellent. It is suitable for processing not only garden crops, but also for the care of domestic plants. The insecticide is used in home crop production to care for delicate flowers; it is notable for its low toxicity and quick-manifesting effect. Due to the fact that the dosage of Fitoverm varies for different indoor plants, gardeners often have a question about how to breed the drug.

Principle of operation and special instructions for the use of Fitoverm

The active substance of Fitoverma is aversectin C. The insecticide is most often used to kill dangerous insects. The biological product has a paralyzing effect on pests, because of which they die 2-3 days after using the substance. Advantages of Fitoverm - low toxicity and lack of addiction of insects to insecticide.

The duration of action is from 7 to 20 days. The tool does not accumulate in the cells of leaves and fruits. The drug can be used in hot weather, before and during flowering of fruit crops. The decomposition period of the substance is short, so that the soil in which the plant is located is not contaminated.

It should be noted that the prepared Fitoverm solution must be used immediately after dilution. In addition, the sprayers used for processing quickly become unusable.

Indications for processing

Fitoverm must be used if on indoor plants have been noticed:

  1. Aphid. Yellow, green or black insects reaching 5 mm in length. Parts of plants on which aphids start to become sticky, often deformed, flowers and shoots of the plant wither away.

  2. Whitefly Small insects that weaken flowers resemble butterflies outwardly. They appear on the back of the leaves, and when shaken, the flowers fly apart.

  3. Thrips. Rarely visible to the naked eye, but leave many bright spots on the outside of the leaves. Pests also infect buds and flowers.

  4. Ticks The plant is partially covered with a thin cobweb, the leaves lose their saturated color and die off, can be covered with white dots.

    Common spider mite
    Common spider mite

Hazard Class and Precautions

Fitoverm belongs to moderately hazardous substances (3rd class). Before processing plants, contact of the chemical with the skin and mucous membranes must be avoided. The following personal protective equipment will help:

  • latex gloves;
  • mask;
  • glasses.

It is advisable to dress in a suit or work clothes with long sleeves and trousers, and tie a head with a scarf or put on a hat. Closed shoes should be worn on your feet. The safe working time with this chemical preparation is 4 hours.

Phytoermus orchid treatment
Phytoermus orchid treatment

During processing, do not smoke, drink or eat food. Symptoms of poisoning are manifested in nausea and vomiting. In case of accidental ingestion of the drug into the body, it is necessary to drink activated charcoal with a large amount of liquid, rinse the stomach, and call an ambulance.

Dispose of the unused funds in the sewer or soil of the plant. Do not drain the chemical into a sink in a house or into open water.After treatment, hands should be washed with soap.

Compatibility with other means

A chemical agent cannot be used in parallel with pesticides. It is possible to use other substances for plants a week after they are sprayed with Fitoverm.

The combined use of an insecticide and substances with an alkaline reaction is also prohibited.
Three days after the application of the insecticide, the plant can be processed:

  • fertilizers;
  • growth regulators;
  • organophosphorus insect repellents;
  • fungicides;
  • pyrethroids.

How to breed Fitoverm and method of application

Initially, the solution is prepared in a small amount of water. Stirring the product, you need to add fluid to the required volume, which varies depending on the disease and the type of plant. It is necessary to prepare a solution only if it will be used on the same day.

Dilution solution
Dilution solution

It is impossible to prepare a solution from Fitoverm and other chemicals, but it is permissible to mix it with biostimulants. Before using the resulting solution, the compatibility of the mixed preparations should be checked: if a precipitate appears in the solution, the preparations are incompatible. Color processing can be carried out using a manual or mechanical spray.


Thrips are the most common pests of ornamental crops. To combat them, it is necessary to dissolve 2 ml of the drug in 200 ml of water. The flower must be sprayed from the spray gun. You can also wipe the leaves of the plant with a sponge dampened in solution.

The frequency of treatment depends on the size, age of the flower and the number of parasites on it. On average, 4 sprays will be enough to get rid of insects. The processing interval is 5-8 days. The drug begins to act after 3-5 days. After the last spraying, the flower can be treated with Epin strengthening agent.

Spider mite

To remove the spider mite by Fitoverm, you will need to dissolve the ampoule in a liter of water. The maximum number of plant treatments is 4.

The procedure must be repeated after a week or 10 days. Orchid and ficus leaves should be wiped with cotton wool soaked in a solution, the rest of the house plants can be sprayed from a spray.


Aphids most often start on indoor roses. To remove insects, two capsules of the product (8 ml), diluted in 1 liter of liquid, are enough.

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A solution of this concentration is suitable for all domestic plants on which aphids have appeared. Insects die in 2-3 days. It is required to carry out 2-3 procedures with an interval of a week.


To destroy flying insects, the volume of liquid and a chemical agent must be increased. Therefore, the whitefly solution must be prepared from 1.5 liters of water and 6 ml of insecticide. To spray an insect, two sprays are enough. The interval between procedures is a week. The effect of the drug is noticeable after three days.

Features of Fitoverm treatment of some houseplants

When processing indoor flowers, several points must be taken into account. If pests are found on one plant, it is necessary to inspect all the flowers in the house to avoid the risk of secondary infection. Tips for processing indoor flowers:

  1. Chemical spraying should be done 3-4 times every 7 days. The air temperature should not be lower than 25 ˚C. If the temperature is higher, then the treatment must be carried out every 5 days. Processing will be ineffective at a temperature of 18 ° C and below.
  2. After spraying from a spray bottle, you do not need to put on a plastic bag on the plant (orchids are an exception). It is much more important to re-spray on schedule.
  3. A single treatment gives only a temporary effect: the treatment of flowers should be systematic.

Plants need to be sprayed when they are dry. It is better to carry out the procedure during the day.
Due to the fact that Fitoverm is a drug of the 3rd hazard class, it is better to carry out the treatment on a balcony or fresh air. If you have to spray flowers indoors, the room must be carefully ventilated at the end of the procedure. To enhance the effect of Fitoverm, potassium soap can be added to the solution.


Indoor violets are most often attacked by thrips, aphids and ticks. It is necessary to process the whole flower, and not just the affected areas. It is advisable to change the soil in the pot or thoroughly treat the old with an insecticide. Before processing violets from pests, it is necessary to remove peduncles.

Violet Processing
Violet Processing

The solution should be prepared from 2 ml of Fitoverm and 1 liter of water. You can add a little shampoo or soap to the solution to enhance the effect. All you need to do 3-4 treatments, with an interval of 4 days. After spraying the violets, they need to be put in a dark place so that the leaves do not become stained.


Fitoverm is used in case of mite damage to the stems and leaves of the orchid. Processing Algorithm:

  1. Remove the orchid from their pot and sanitize it. If possible, it is advisable to purchase a new pot in order to protect the flower from re-infection with parasites.
  2. Peel the orchid roots off the substrate. After the root system, you need to rinse with hot water and soak in a container with Fitoverm solution (1 mg per liter).

    Orchid treatment
    Orchid treatment
  3. After processing, the orchid should be put in a basin and cover the roots for a day with a plastic bag. You need to put the container in a place where sunlight will fall on the plant. The roots may begin to dry out, so if necessary, they will need to be moistened.
  4. Processing must be repeated after 10 days, and then plant the orchid in a new pot. You can water the flower after 5 days.
  5. Processing the flower is repeated 2 more times, and the drug should not be applied to the leaves, but to add it to the soil.

the Rose

On roses, the most common spider mite. Pest treatment should be carried out in the fresh air, spraying leaves from both sides of the sprayer. If part of the solution remains, it can moisten the topsoil. With a sponge moistened in a chemical solution, you need to process the windowsill, on which stands a pot of roses.

Rose treatment
Rose treatment

Parasites die in a few hours. To completely get rid of them, 3-4 treatment of the rose with breaks per week is enough. The average dosage of Fitoverm for roses is 2.5 ml per 1.25 liters of water.


Lilies need to be processed from a sprayer, which provides fine dispersion of the solution. It is important to process the lily leaf plates on both sides. The duration of the insecticide depends on the type of pest. Gnawing begin to die after 6-8 hours, and sucking - after two days. The chemical drug exhibits its maximum effect in a week. After 20 days, lilies can be reprocessed. The dosage of Fitoverm differs depending on the lily disease:

  • 4 ml per 2 liters of ticks;
  • 4 ml per 1 liter of aphids;
  • 4 ml per 0.5 liter of thrips.


For spraying ficuses, the smallest spray in the sprayer should be installed. On average, 2 ml of the substance and 1 liter of water will be needed to process the ficus. This method is suitable for removing a spider mite. Re-treatment should be done after 4 days.

To remove thrips from a plant, 2 ml of the drug must be diluted in 500 water. In especially advanced cases, you can take 300 ml of liquid. It is necessary to spray not only the leaves, but also the topsoil. The number of treatments is 2, with an interval of 2 weeks.

Common questions

Is re-treatment required by Fitoverm?
Reprocessing is necessary. Its maximum frequency for indoor plants is 4 times a year.
What time of day do I need to process?
Plants need to be sprayed with an insecticide in the evening, as sunlight accelerates the decomposition of the product.
Will the drug destroy insect eggs?
The active substance of the drug has an intestinal contact effect on insects, therefore it kills only adults.
How long does a product diluted with water keep its properties?
Fitoverm diluted with liquid must be used within 2-3 hours, otherwise it will lose its properties.

Fitoverm - an effective analogue of toxic insecticides. It is characterized by low toxicity, and insects do not develop addiction to the substance. The drug can be used during flowering and at high air temperatures. The insecticide is used in gardening not only for the treatment of indoor flowers, but also for fruit vegetables and trees.

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