When to harvest garlic planted before winter in the Urals in 2019

27.08.2019 Garlic

Garlic planted in the Urals before winter is valued for its early harvest. Its seedlings will be able to "please" two or even more months in advance than the vegetable that was planted in the spring. It is important to know how and when to properly clean it in 2019, how to store it throughout the winter season.

Landing time

If there is a desire not only to get a healthy and rich harvest of garlic, but also to preserve it until the next season, it is important not to miscalculate the planting dates, and also dig up the vegetable on time. With the Ural climate, jokes are bad, so many often prefer spring varieties of garlic, but there are those who plant winter varieties of it and do not regret it at all.

digging up garlic
For reference!
Winter garlic will not only “present” an early crop with large heads, but will remain intact until the next fall.

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You need to have time to plant garlic 20 days before the onset of the first serious frost.

This period falls on the second half of October.

Experienced gardeners used to take the first snow as a landmark. As soon as it falls out and melts, garlic should be planted promptly in the ground, only then it will have time to take root and frost will not beat it.

If you hurry up and plant the garlic before the due date, then the first sprouts will appear in the spring with the first thaw and will be "killed" by frost.

In addition, the shelf life of this garden crop will be significantly reduced. According to the lunar calendar for October 2019, winter garlic is recommended to be planted on October 11 or 15.

garlic storage

The most favorable period when in the Urals in 2019 remove garlic, planted in the winter, will be July, or rather only three dates. They are presented in the table:

date of

Moon phase

July 6, 2019 (Saturday) when the Growing Moon will be in the constellation Virgo, otherwise this day is called - "Day of the root"
July 18, 2019 (Thursday) The moon is in the phase of Descending, the zodiac sign is Aquarius, this is “Flower Day”
July 23, 2019 (Tuesday) Waning Moon in Aries, "Fetus Day"
Hybrid varieties of garlic have the best germination, resistance to adverse weather conditions and pathogenic fungi.
garlic harvest

There are 2 popular varieties that are recommended for cultivation in the Urals - Alkor (94 days) and Novosibirsk (85 days to complete ripening).

Harvesting Recommendations

The most important point is the identification of characteristic signs of maturity of the root crop.

garlic storage

The full maturation of winter garlic is determined by a number of factors:

  1. The husk. To do this, you should "free" the bulb from the ground and carefully consider. If the husk is firm, dense and easily leaves the bulb, then garlic can be dug up.
  2. Feathers. They are distinguished by dryness, lethargy, the neck of the false stem becomes soft to the touch.
  3. Inflorescences. Cracking, and the main head should become harder.
garlic for planting

Consider the main stages of harvesting garlic:

  1. 20-30 days before the expected harvest, watering the crop should be completely nullified, this will prevent the premature appearance of the fungus and rotting of the bulbs.
  2. In the same period, you need to get rid of the arrows, but not all, you should leave 2-3 strong, no more.
  3. Feathers that have just begun to turn yellow are recommended to be knotted. This is done so that vitamins and important trace elements do not go to the tops, but are transmitted to the fetus.
  4. 2 weeks before harvesting, the amniotic fluid should be thoroughly loosened and removed, having cleared a place in the diameter of 1.5-2 cm from the head itself.
  5. For cleaning, choose sunny weather without precipitation.
  6. If fruits with injuries or lesions are found, they should be set aside and consumed first.
  7. It is recommended to remove this culture with the help of a pitchfork, you do not need to tear out the fruits by hand, in this way they can be damaged.
garlic harvest
After the harvest is harvested, it must be dried properly under a canopy, or laid out on the same bed where it was grown, leaving for a couple of days, provided that the weather is sunny.

Storage rules

Before you send winter garlic for storage, you should cut the rhizomes and shorten the stems, leaving the “tails” up to 5 cm long. Harvest must go through the sorting stage: small, medium and large bulbs should not be stored together, because fruits of different sizes have different periods storage.

garlic storage

Storage is possible in several ways:

  • in the form of braided braids;
  • in a glass container (dismantled into slices);
  • with the addition of salt;
  • in drawers;
  • in nets, nylon.

In general, storing garlic does not cause any problems, the main thing is to sort it out more often, removing the heads that have undergone decay.

Garlic planted in the Urals in the winter of 2019 is famous for its early and strong harvest, because by the time it reaches full maturity, its roots will have stable immunity to the “attacks” of insect pests and diseases, it will be possible to harvest in 100- 120 days. It will be completely ready for storage and use.

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