Do-it-yourself phosphate fertilizer: types, application

4.02.2018 Fertilizers and preparations

Phosphoric fertilizers should not be underestimated. Phosphorus is considered the main nutrient, along with nitrogen and potassium. Participates in photosynthesis, respiration, energy storage and transmission, and many other processes in plants.Phosphorus fertilizers are indispensable helpers of any gardener, but not many people know which fertilizers are better. The names are so different, each species has its own characteristics. Before using any fertilizer, it is important to know how it affects the plant and its growth benefits.

Description and characteristics of phosphate fertilizers

Most phosphate fertilizers combine with other minerals in the soil to create the compounds necessary for the active growth and development of plants. The effect is often noticeable only 4-8 days after fertilizing. Some contain both orthophosphate, which is immediately available to the plant, and long-chain polyphosphates, protected by flavonol staining technology, which leads to the presence of phosphorus in the soil, which is necessary for the smooth development of plants.

The Importance of Phosphate Fertilizers

  1. Improves the quality of fruit, vegetables and grains and is of great importance for the formation of seeds. The absorption of phosphorus is a continuous process during the period of active plant growth.
  2. Phosphorus is absorbed by plants throughout the growing season. At the same time, most of the phosphorus requirement arises during periods of rapid vegetative growth and fruit ripening.
  3. Since phosphorus is necessary at all stages of growth, it is necessary that the nutrient is in the soil throughout the growing season.
  4. Phosphorus is involved in metabolic processes responsible for the transfer of energy from one point to another in a plant. This is important for root development and flowering.

Types of phosphate fertilizers

Phosphorus fertilizer can be made with your own hands, but many prefer to buy finished material. Having dealt with phosphorus fertilizer, realizing what it is, you need to consider its types. In a water-soluble group can be distinguished.

  1. Superphosphate is presented in the form of granules and in powder form. It is suitable for use on all cultures. To achieve an optimal result, it is important to adhere to the correct dosage. Planting trees is carried out with 800 grams per tree. The dose can be increased to 1200 gr. Potatoes will benefit from 8 grams per well. On a square meter of a plot planted with a vegetable crop, you need to use from 30 g to 40 g. Superphosphate water extract is widely used by gardeners. You just need to cook it only about 20 large tablespoons of fertilizer, which are bred in three liters of hot water. The present day suspension is diluted in a ten-liter bucket of water.
  2. The proportion of phosphorus in double superphosphate ranges from 40 to 50%. Most often, this fertilizer is supplied in the form of granules. On a spoon, it turns out, about 15 grams of the substance. Such a dose is equal to a double dose of a phosphate fertilizer analogue. Double phosphate is introduced to fertilize different crops. Dosage due to the power of the substance is reduced. Fruit trees and shrubs benefit more from dual superphosphate.

Phosphorus fertilizer is indispensable for the successful development of crops, it is an important component, but do all gardeners know what other subtypes of phosphorus fertilizer are. To the group of moderately soluble belong.

  1. Ammophos is obtained during acid neutralization.Using ammonia, phosphoric acid is neutralized and as a result a substance is obtained, which consists mainly of phosphorus. The amount of nitrogen is reduced. But the components will be well absorbed by plants. The tool has an excellent effect on crops that need to increase resistance to unstable temperatures. Ammophos is often used on cucumbers. Due to the lack of chlorine in the composition, the culture will not be susceptible to chlorosis and powdery mildew. As part of this fertilizer there are no nitrate components that attract gardeners.
  2. Diammophos is considered a unique fertilizer that can effectively increase the speed of formation of a strong plant. In this case, the acidity of the soil will be reduced. All thanks to the amazing composition of the product, with the content of phosphorus in concentrated form. This reduces the need for making the composition under the plant in large quantities. The effectiveness of diammophos is high. You can use this tool with organic type fertilizer. Using bird droppings and diammophos, you need to take a large amount of water, given the high concentrations of both components. It is necessary to insist for a long time. Planting potatoes using diammophos requires the addition of one small spoon per well. Reuse can be done when the crop begins to bloom.
  3. When considering phosphoric fertilizers, their types, one should not forget about phosphate rock, which is supplied in the form of a powder of gray tint. Sometimes it can be brown, there is no smell. The tool is non-hygroscopic. This flour, which belongs to phosphate fertilizers, easily interacts with acids of the mineral type. Their connection leads to the formation of hydrophosphates. The tool has earned popularity due to its stability. External conditions do not affect its effectiveness. Phosphate flour contains almost 30% phosphorus. The active substance in this fertilizer is considered to be orthophosphate. Fertilizer shows high efficiency when applied to the ground in the fall. Gray forest soils, leached chernozems and podzolic soil benefit greatly from phosphate flour. The composition of the tool allows gardeners to use flour with other materials for feeding. More often, flour is used to create compost with peat and manure. Such a tool helps to neutralize acidic fertilizers. Great popularity is explained by good keeping quality and excellent dispersion after prolonged storage. This affordable fertilizer is absolutely environmentally friendly.
  4. Organic phosphate fertilizers have become popular for a long time. But such a tool as vivianite, extracted from iron ore of the swamp type, is considered relatively new in the arsenal of the gardener. The fertilizer is powdery, has a characteristic blue color, with a shade of gray. According to the principle of action on plants, vivianite does not differ from exposure to phosphate rock.

Liquid phosphorus fertilizers are quickly absorbed by crops, for this reason water-soluble phosphorus fertilizers have become popular. But a greater number of gardeners use citrate and lemon-soluble products.

  1. It is impossible to find out what phosphorus fertilizers are without examining bone meal. This is a product of organic compounds. Such a tool contains up to 60% phosphorus. It is an environmentally friendly substance, without chemical components in the composition. Cultures benefit from the use of bone meal. Gardeners often use it to feed tomatoes and cucumbers, as well as during planting potatoes. Indoor plants also develop better with it. Bonemeal became popular due to its excellent effect on indoor vine and palm.
  2. Gardeners also loved precipitates, which contain concentrated phosphorus, in a percentage ratio of 25 to 30%. All types of soil and plants respond to fertilizer extremely positively. When used correctly, this substance can demonstrate efficacy equal to superphosphate.Fertilizer in acidic soil shows the best qualities.
  3. The phosphorus thermophosphate is sufficient to demonstrate excellent cultivation results on all types of green crops.

How to make phosphorus fertilizer with your own hands

Soluble phosphate fertilizers are renowned for their effectiveness. Gardeners are looking for methods of preparing high-quality products for feeding without the use of chemicals. The composting process is carried out using prepared phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, which are used to sprinkle the components of the substrate.

You need to take garden grass. Although many people think that weeds contain nitrogen, this is a fallacy. Weeds accumulate phosphorites very well. Their amount in biomass may be different, but compost will benefit from this because of the enrichment with useful plant substances.

Important! First of all, gardeners recommend paying attention to such herbs as feather grass and hawthorn. Wormwood and mountain ash together with creeping thyme will serve as good material for preparing fertilizer. Natural phosphate fertilizers are always more beneficial for a plant.

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How to identify phosphate deficiency

Liquid phosphorus in the form of fertilizer should be used to prevent deficiency of this element. Mild or moderate phosphorus deficiency is difficult to recognize. Plant growth may be slower than in healthy plants without identifiable symptoms of phosphorus deficiency. Light deficiency is often associated with darker than usual bluish-green foliage.

Unlike nitrogen deficiency, young leaves remain dark green at all levels of development. The first sign of phosphorus deficiency is premature leaf aging. In most varieties, yellowing is preceded by the appearance of purple anthocyanin pigments, causing a number of shades of yellow in the leaves.

Necrotic lesions can develop in chlorotic zones, and necrosis spreads spots until the leaf blade becomes completely brown and dry. In some varieties, yellowness precedes necrotic lesions that appear on the green leaf tissue. Some varieties may have purple pigmentation on the surface of young leaves.



“Without phosphate fertilizer, potatoes grow more slowly. I’m using bone meal so that the culture has enough for normal development. ”


Two years grown tomatoes without phosphorus fertilizer. But over time, they noticed that the fruits do not develop as it is necessary for the variety. Applied, the next year, fertilizer and there were no problems. I was satisfied with the result. Finally I found a unique fertilizer that I will use all the time.


“I'm using superphosphate. The main thing is to correctly calculate the dose and do not overdo it using the product under the bush. "I decided to fertilize them with potatoes after the effectiveness was noticeable in other crops."


“For me, phosphate fertilizer is a real salvation. "The soil on our site is far from the best, so you can’t do without fertilizer to get a good crop."

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