Mushrooms in the suburbs in August 2017

4.09.2016 Mushrooms

Mushrooms in the suburbs 2016- forum, AugustWhere to find mushrooms in the suburbs of 2017: the forum will tell. August and September are the most mushroom months, which means that you should prepare in advance for a quiet hunt. This year, porcini mushrooms and brown boletus went before, but it is precisely in winter that the whole mushroom encyclopedia is found in the forests of the Moscow region in all its glory.

Of course, if parents and grandmothers did not teach how to understand mushrooms from childhood, then before you go to the forest, you will have to try and study a lot of additional information for your own safety. One must be able to distinguish edible mushrooms from non-edible ones, as well as from their counterparts. In this material, according to the analysis of many mushroom forums, we consider which mushrooms in the suburbs of 2017 in August and September which ones to pick.

This year, due to the weather in the forest, porcini and boletus. They love to grow in warm and humid weather. Mushroom picking, of course, must be carried out in safe places from an environmental point of view. Fortunately, there are many such directions in the Moscow Region, but always try to move further away from the highway or railway tracks.

Important! Never pick mushrooms that grow near a busy road, industrial plant, or landfill. Mushrooms are unique sponges that actively absorb all harmful substances from the soil and even from the air.

Where to go for mushrooms in the suburbs:
1. From an environmental point of view, the west of Moscow is considered the most prosperous area. Many mushroom pickers are sure that it is here that the best areas for picking mushrooms are located, for example, the Ruzsky, Shakhovsky, Lotoshinsky, Mozhaysky district.
2. In the north of the capital, the Taldomsky district is considered the cleanest.
3. If we turn to the southeast, then at a considerable distance from Moscow there is a beautiful Zaraysky district, as well as Serebryano-Prudsky district.
4. Some environmentalists believe that mushrooms collected in Mytishchi, Khimki and Lyubertsy forests should not be eaten.

Mushrooms in the suburbs of 2016

Judging by the forums, then mushrooms in the suburbs of 2017 in August they were pleased with the harvest of white and boletus. But novice mushroom pickers do not always know where to look for even these common mushrooms in the forest. We emphasize that birch trees choose to grow places on clearings in bright deciduous forests. The grass should not be tall, for example, the edge of the forest, young birch trees or the slope of the ravine is perfect.

How to distinguish a boletus mushroom from its double:
1. An ordinary edible boletus cap may have different shades, but there are always black vertical scales on the leg. The flesh of the edible mushroom is white and dense; it does not change its color. Be sure to pay attention to the smell, it will be pleasant and truly mushroom.
2. The bile fungus is a double of boletus and it is considered poisonous. Even to taste, this mushroom is bitter and, if accidentally gets into a basket, then it spoils the taste of any dish. You can determine in advance by the fact that when pressed, the tubular layer of the hat will turn brown or red, that is, it will change its color. At the same time, there are no scales on the leg, the mushroom is odorless and you can notice that even the worms do not eat it.

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How to distinguish a white mushroom from its double:
1. We consider the white mushroom to be the king of mushrooms, because it has an incredible taste and wonderful aroma, and a delicious appearance. The tubular layer of this fungus can be colored white, yellow or olive.The leg of this mushroom is always dense, the hat is brown with white flesh. The taste and smell are, of course, pleasant.
2. The twin fungus, called the satanic mushroom, is found in nature (although, after heat treatment, it loses its toxic properties, but it is highly recommended not to eat it anyway). The tubular layer of this fungus is orange or any shades of red, the leg also has pronounced red veins, and after a couple of minutes the slice of the pulp turns blue.

Mushrooms in the suburbs 2016- forum

Where and when do we collect

Mushroom pickers know that they do not pick the mushrooms themselves, but their fruiting bodies, which appear only under certain favorable conditions. Mushrooms love wet weather, especially in July and August. Most of them can be found in mixed, spruce and pine forests, as well as in birch groves.

Among the cap mushrooms there are many edible. They are distinguished by developed mycelium and especially love to grow near large trees. Here you can highlight, for example, honey mushrooms. Sometimes mushrooms can be found even on bonfires or burnt places, for example, high morels. In the forest, you don’t even have to go into the thicket, because many mushrooms love to grow along forest paths and right on clearings. It’s definitely not worth climbing into dense thickets of grass.

Interesting! Morels and stitches are the first spring mushrooms. The bulk of mushrooms appears in the forests already in the middle of summer, and then until the end of September the number of items only increases. The growth of autumn mushrooms is inhibited with the onset of night frost.

Mushrooms in the suburbs 2016- forum

Folk examples related to the appearance of mushrooms and the mushroom year:
1. If there are a lot of stars in the sky on Christmas night, then the coming year will be fruitful.
2. If on March 14, the Orthodox holiday of Evdokia, the weather is fine, then in the fall there will be an excellent crop of mushrooms.
3. Wet April, according to popular beliefs, predicts mushroom summer, a crop of mushrooms predicts frost on the feast of the Annunciation on April 7 of each year.
4. If the night of Ivan Kupala starry, July 7, then there will be many mushrooms in the forests.
5. The abundance of whites is indicated by clear weather on the holiday of August 25th.

Of course, in addition to some specific national signs, each mushroom picker will have its own special signs, acquired over the years of quiet hunting. For example, many people think that if there is a lot of raspberries in the forest, then you can find a lot of ceps. The first mushrooms appear when the rye begins to spike, in the people these mushrooms were even called "spikes" even earlier. As for honey mushrooms, these are the first real spring mushrooms, which clearly indicate that summer has already ended and autumn has come.

It is very possible information about mushrooms in the suburbs 2017 can be found on the forum in August and at the very beginning of autumn. We hope that the information from this material will also be useful and that in the forest you, as a mushroom picker, are not confused, but you can make the right choice. Remember one last rule: if the mushroom seems doubtful to you and causes suspicion, then it is better to lay it out of the basket.

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