The largest mushroom - in the world, on earth, in Europe and Russia

14.04.2019 Mushrooms

Mushrooms are unusual inhabitants of our planet, because they combine the signs of both plants and animals. Growing in favorable conditions, mushrooms sometimes reach record sizes. Biologists claim that the largest mushrooms are not an anomaly, and almost every species can become a giant mushroom and there are not so few of them in the world.

Description of the largest mushrooms in Russia

In the forests of Russia, mushroom pickers more than once met huge mushrooms, photos of which today are gaining popularity on the Internet. Finding them is a real success, because in the mushroom season, most fruits are cut, which could reach record sizes.


In 2011 was found raincoat-giant. During the “silent hunt” Vladislav Grabosinsky found this treasure. He did not leave the find to himself, but gave it to the botanists of Perm University for study. It turned out that the raincoat hat has grown in diameter of 1 m 72 cm. The height of the fetus has reached 52 cm, and the weight is 12.5 kg.


It is worth noting that raincoats are quite common around the world, except for Antarctica. They can be found in deciduous and coniferous forests, in clearings and in parks. Depending on the type, fruiting bodies can grow from a few grams to 2-3 kg. The hat may be pear-shaped, round or egg-shaped.


Alexei Korol, who was harvesting forest near his village in the Tomsk region, discovered a giant boletus. The mushroom picker was petrified by the size of its find: the stem of the fruit reached 28 cm, and the hat had a diameter of 36 cm. Weighed 2.4 kg and was completely clean and without any damage.


Look for birch trees should be in deciduous forests and birch groves. Fruits most often form mycorrhiza with birch, which is why they got this name. There are four types of boletus:

  • the black;
  • turning pink;
  • ordinary;
  • marsh.

The most common in our forests is the common boletus. His hat usually grows about 15 cm. The color of the surface at a young age is light brown, and as he grows, the hat becomes dark brown. The white flesh is quite dense, does not change color at the cut site.


A huge white mushroom in Russia was found in 1961. This news was immediately broadcast live by Moskovsky Radio. The find weighed more than 10 kg, and the diameter of the cap reached 58 cm. To date, no information has been preserved about the place of its discovery.

The boletus cap usually reaches 25 cm in diameter. The color of the surface depends on the place of growth. The inhabitants of the spruce forests are distinguished by a reddish-brown hat and a thin high leg. Ceps that grow in birch forests have a lighter color, and a relatively thick stalk expands to the base. The leg of the fruiting body reaches 20 cm in height and 10 cm in width.


You can hunt for mushrooms from June to October. The growth of these fruits is quite rapid: the newly emerged fruit weighs about 2 g, and after 7 days the weight increases to 200 g. Giants weighing up to 5 kg are often found, but they are mostly wormy.

Tinder fungus

In the North Caucasus and in the southern regions of Russia there are quite large tinder-carriers. There are no record holders among them, but you can find a fruit of very impressive size. Recently, this species has spread widely in Altai, where massive tree felling occurs.Varnished tinder fungus belongs to saprophytes and contributes to the destruction of wood.

Tinder fungus
Tinder fungus

The biggest mushrooms in Europe

Today, there are about one hundred thousand varieties of mushrooms, among which there are instances with healing properties. Some of them include penicillin and antibiotics. And, of course, the fruits are massively consumed.

Europe is rich in mushroom places, but giants are extremely rare. Scientists still have not figured out the reason for the growth of fruits to unimaginable sizes.


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Of all the huge mushrooms ever found in Europe, champignon is the first. The Italian Francesco Quito discovered a 14-pound fruit on a field near the province of Bari. The farmer and his wife loaded the find into the car. The giant was brought home, cleaned, cooked and called to the table for friends and neighbors.

Champignons in the wild mainly grow no more than 25 cm in height. Adult fruits have a flat hat, and young fruits have a round hat. The color of the surface may be white, brownish or brown. At the beginning of growth, the plates are painted white, and as they grow older, the color changes to pink or almost black.


Honey agaric

In eastern Switzerland, scientists have discovered a huge mushroom mushroom, which is already more than 1000 years old. In Europe, it is the largest mushroom, the sizes of which vary within 800 × 500 m. As you know, honey mushroom form mycorrhiza with rhizomes, which has a detrimental effect on trees.

Honey agaric
Honey agaric

The honey agaric has a relatively small size: a hat - up to 17 cm in diameter, a leg - up to 10 cm in height. The surface is in various shades of brown or olive green. The skin is covered with light scales, which may disappear with growth.


Huge white truffle discovered in Italy. The weight of this delicacy reached 1.89 kg. The difficulty of hunting for a delicacy mushroom lies in the fact that it grows underground, and you can only find it with the help of specially trained dogs. The truffle was put up for auction and sold for 61 thousand dollars.


The fruit has a tuberous or rounded shape. The flesh is fleshy or cartilaginous. Size varies from small walnut to large potato tuber. Truffles can be found in deciduous forests, because they form mycorrhiza with rhizomes of trees. White truffle most often grows near poplar, mountain ash, elm, linden and birch.

World record mushrooms

There are several giant mushrooms on earth that are impressive in size. The most expensive fruit is recognized as a white truffle weighing 1.5 kg, which was sold for 125 thousand euros at an auction.

The highest

A motley umbrella is considered the highest in the whole world. This species is widespread in the forests of Europe, North America, Australia. Usually, the hat reaches 35 cm in diameter, and the leg grows up to 40 cm. But there are specimens whose height can reach half human height.

Overripe umbrellas are not advised to eat, because with age they become quite tough and absorb toxic substances from the environment.

The heaviest

One of the most difficult species is tinder fungus (Fomitiporia ellipsoidea). The found fruit weighed 500 kg and grew over 20 years. Chinese scientists discovered it on Hainan Island. The diameter of the cap was 88 cm, and the height was about 11 m.


A resident of Canada during the collection found a huge raincoat, whose weight reached 26 kg. And in the USA, biologist Rene Andrade found on a coffee plantation titanium macromycetes (Macrocybe Titans), which weighed 28 kg.

The oldest

The oldest and largest fruit to date is Armillaria (Armillaria ostoyae) or dark mushroom. This species is located in the Malur Nature Reserve in the United States.The fruits are no different from ordinary mushrooms, but the underground part reaches unimaginable sizes. The area on which the mycelium lives, reaches almost 1000 hectares. Scientists have found that this specimen is about 2500 years old, and its weight is about 600 tons.

The fastest

Among the fast-growing fruits, the record holder is ordinary fun. The growth rate of the fruiting body and mycelium is so great that no one else has yet been able to overtake. The leg of the fetus is able to grow by 5 mm per minute. Fast growth is not an advantage, because such fruits not only quickly ripen, but also quickly age. The life cycle of common fun is 1-2 days.

Answers to Common Questions

Is it possible to grow the largest mushroom at home?
Scientists still can not explain the abnormal growth of fruiting bodies. It is not known exactly which factors influence the formation of a gigantic size. One thing is for sure - such anomalies are very rare, so it is unlikely that you can specially grow a record mushroom at home.
Which mushroom is the most expensive in the world?
White truffle is considered the most expensive delicacy. The high cost is explained by the difficulty in collecting. This variety is extremely rare and does not grow on the surface of the soil, but directly in it. Truffles can only be found with trained dogs or pigs. In addition to the difficulties of collecting, the fruit has excellent taste.
Do record mushrooms contribute to the Guinness Book of Records?
The Guinness Book of Records describes all the unusual natural phenomena, the record achievements of animals and people and the unique achievements of show business. Fruit bodies have also been described in this book. Records say about two giant mushrooms: a tinder fungus, which weighs 136 kg, was found in 1946 in the United States; a raincoat with a girth of 195 cm was found in Wisconsin (USA).

To date, many giant mushrooms are known that can even be eaten. The largest varieties have even become true champions in their dimensions.

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