How to water tomatoes after planting in a greenhouse

14.09.2016 Tomatoes

How to water tomatoes after planting in a greenhouseOnly if the irrigation process is established will small sprouts be able to quickly take root in a new place, and then they will rapidly develop and bring the first crop. It is worth saying that watering during growing tomatoes in a greenhouse may be different at some points in the development of the plant, for example, during the period of active growth it is necessary to moisten the soil very often, but after a while the number of waterings is reduced, and hydration is carefully monitored during the flowering period, and then during the formation of the first fruits.

If the gardener learns to follow the simple rules for caring for new plants, the seedlings will be able to feel more comfortable in the new place, which will speed up the process of their survival. It is also worth knowing exactly where the seedlings were grown, if the gardener does not grow it on their own, as the care for greenhouse sprouts and greenhouse is different. The greenhouse has a stable warm temperature, where the seedlings get used to the heat, but the greenhouse is quite cold, for this reason the plants are more hardened, but care for each of them must be correct.

If a gardener independently engages in growing seedlings, then he already knows how often to water tomatoes after planting in a greenhouse, since he has information about the place of growth of this plant. For example, if small sprouts were grown on a window sill, then they will have to go through the hardening process, and only then transplant them into greenhouse soil, for this reason it is worthwhile to take the plants in separate pots to a cool environment, that is, to the street at sunny times of the day.

How to water tomatoes after planting in a greenhouse

How to properly irrigate plants in a greenhouse?

It’s worth saying right away that the first watering of transplanted plants will depend on what qualities tomatoes have, if the plants are sufficiently hardened and the variety can easily tolerate temperature changes, then the soil will be moistened no more than once per day, just three liters per seedling well . But it is worth considering that watering plants every day in polycarbonate greenhouse not always suitable, because the greenhouse is equipped in such a way that excess moisture does not evaporate, which means that you can reduce the amount of soil moisture up to three times a day, but experienced gardeners recommend just monitoring the soil, if it is slightly dried up, you can water the seedlings a little . Watering occurs in the morning, as in the evening the weather can be a bit cool, and not all greenhouses can keep the temperature in the same range as in the daytime.

You need to know not only how to water the tomatoes after planting in the greenhouse (video), but also about how the soil should be before and after moistening, and the soil must be loosened, if it is too dense, the plants will not have enough oxygen, For this reason, gardeners should use water carefully so as not to flood small plants. The soil should be only slightly moist, the formation of puddles and dirt in the holes should not be allowed.

How to water tomatoes after planting in a greenhouse

Small plants should be watered constantly, it is important to keep the soil moist until the plants are ten days old, after which the seedlings are already sufficiently taken and can begin their active growth, at this time it is important to carry out a small loosening of the soil to allow more oxygen to the roots of plants.

In this period, the gardener can begin the so-called period of calm. This method consists in sufficient watering, and after a day the soil is loosened, then the plants are left without watering for three or four days, in some cases, watering is not required even for about ten days, but this is provided that it is not too hot outside .

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Some gardeners want to learn how to water tomatoes after planting in a greenhouse through plastic bottles, this is quite simple, you just need to water the beds quite abundantly, and then start harvesting each bottle. Plastic containers are taken, the upper part is cut off from each of them, and several holes are made at the bottom at the bottom, then the containers are buried in the ground about half or one third, this will allow the water not to pour into the hole, but be slowly absorbed into the soil if necessary . As soon as the bottles are placed in the ground at the holes, it is necessary to pour water into them and leave them in this form.

How to water tomatoes after planting

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This type of irrigation will provide plants with constant access to water, if there is not enough liquid, then it will come from the tank into the ground. Since this is a greenhouse place, there is no need to cover the jars with lids, but if you wish, you can close each container so that the water does not evaporate. This method is often used by summer residents who can not often come to their site and produce constant watering of plants in the greenhouse.

The main rules for watering plants in a greenhouse

It is very important to take into account some rules that will help to carry out soil hydration correctly, so as not to destroy small plants. So, in the hole after watering, the water should not stagnate, otherwise it will begin to acidify the soil, which will negatively affect the plants. And you can determine whether watering is necessary even by the shade of the soil, if it is much darker than dry, then watering is not required, when in the hole the earth is almost the same color as around it, it is worth moistening the earth a little.

It is very important to consider how to water tomatoes in the fall in the greenhouse, because watering may differ slightly from spring, but not too much, since both of these seasons are pretty cool. In the autumn, only already ripe tomatoes are watered, which means that soil hydration is only required if it has already become almost dry. Small plants are watered with exceptionally warm liquid, you should not use ice water, as this can adversely affect plant health. When, after watering, the ground cracks and becomes denser, the gardener should reduce the amount of liquid used to water the tomatoes.

How to water tomatoes in a greenhouse

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Plants also need complementary foods, for this reason it is worth learning how to water tomatoes after planting in the greenhouse with yeast, this product is very useful for plant growth, and it also enriches the soil with useful minerals and other components. It is recommended to carry out such complementary foods only two or three weeks after transplanting seedlings. To make a solution, you need to take one bucket of water and pour in only one pack of yeast, the resulting mixture is mixed, and it is allowed to infuse for several hours.
We also recommend using this is fertilizer, as it greatly improves plant growth.

The gardener should take into account that for this method it is better not to buy fast yeast, since they have slightly different qualities, but it is recommended to make a mixture of pressed yeast, since they have the desired properties. No more than one liter of the resulting composition is poured on each plant, while it is worthwhile to make good watering before using this complementary foods.

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Comments on the article: 2
  1. Avatar


    Water the tomatoes in the greenhouse very carefully, especially in the early stages, as it is easy to destroy the fruit and then not get the crop.It is very important not to fill the bushes whole if there is water inside the hole - this is very bad and there is a chance that there will not be a proper crop. In this case, it is better to water less than more. It is also important to determine the right days for watering. If the greenhouse has high humidity, then there is no need to water every day, you can do this every two, or even three days. Those who constantly grow tomatoes in greenhouses already easily recognize when to water - at the moment when the soil begins to dry out.

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  2. Avatar


    I read it carefully, because this year I planted tomatoes for the first time, but the harvest was not very good. I was pouring yeast, but I probably messed up something with the dosage, and probably too often. They also say it is good to water with fermented grass or diluted mullein. Well, nothing goes fast and I won’t make such a mistake anymore, made a bookmark here and will use it.

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