How to care for currants in spring

2.08.2016 Currant

How to care for currants in spring so that there is a good harvestIn many suburban areas you can find whole shrubs of currant, but this is not an indicator that they bear fruit abundantly. It is not worth relying on the fact that once you plant a currant, it will produce a crop every year, because, like any other plant, currant bushes need some care.

Providing timely watering to the plant is only part of the job of caring for currants in spring so that there is a good harvest. Other work should also be done, and if they are not done, then you should not rely on a good harvest.

What is included in the list of spring works

The list of how to care for currants in spring so that there is a good harvest (video) includes:

  • Loosening the soil;
  • Getting rid of weeds;
  • Fertilizing in the soil;
  • Pruning.

As soon as the last heaps of snow have melted, you can start spring work to care for currants, so that as a result you can be content with a plentiful ripe, and most importantly, healthy harvest. The first one. What needs to be done is to “free” the plant from old, diseased branches that will only interfere with the full growth of the plant in the future.

When possible, pruning should be started as early as possible, before the plant is still fully awake after winter. To make pruning, you need to have a pruner and a sharp eye in the barn. When pruning, it is important not to leave diseased and dry branches on the bushes of the plant, you can also remove branches that are very weak.

Important! When pruning, it is necessary not only to remove old and diseased branches, but also to correct the shape of the bush. This will not only help to give aesthetics to the appearance of the bush, but also increase productivity.

As soon as the weather outside becomes warm, the currant enters the phase of active growth, as it receives enough nutrition and moisture. But, if spring does not favor rain, then the bush needs to organize regular additional watering. It is important to use warm water when watering, since a cold plant does not tolerate.

At the same time, proper watering means that the water pours under the root of the plant, and not on it. If you douse the currant bushes entirely with water, then this can cause a disease such as powdery mildew, and this implies an additional set of work.

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how to care for currants

With the advent of spring, not only plants wake up, but also their main enemies - various diseases and parasites. Therefore, the prevention of diseases and parasites is an integral procedure in the complex, how to care for currants in the spring, so that there is a rich harvest. Prevention is carried out by spraying plants with special drugs.

In the case of currants, the use of drugs such as acelite and phytoverm is recommended. About how to properly use these drugs and in what dosages is indicated on the package, they can be easily found in any store for the garden.

Still, it is important to take care and periodic weeding of the earth near the plant and the removal of weeds. These works will protect the currant from the attacks of pests and larvae, who so love to hide on the leaves of the bush.

Spring fertilizer

It is important in the spring to provide the plant with proper nutrition, so in the spring you can’t do without work on fertilizing. After the winter, the plant was hungry, and in order to gain strength for further growth and fruiting, it needs an additional power source. You can make mineral and organic fertilizers (manure, ash).In the spring, currants are especially lacking in magnesium and potassium, therefore it is recommended to purchase those fertilizers in which there is an excess of these substances.

How to care for currants in spring

Useful Tips

Useful tips on how to care for currants in the spring, so that there is a good harvest, they will tell you how to carry out certain works correctly:

  • Before the buds of the plant begin to swell, you can dig in the currants and make fertilizer in the form of humus;
  • After pruning the currant bushes, you can give them a hot shower to wash all the larvae and pests that hid there in the winter;
  • It is necessary to care for the currant until the fall, remove fallen leaves and other debris, dig in the bushes, make humus and cover the ground with mowed grass.
  • When pruning, it is recommended to remove not only old and dry branches, but also part of the young shoots. Of all the new shoots, only the strongest and healthiest (no more than 5-7) should be left.

Spring care for currants will not cause any difficulties even for those who are new to summer work. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations, and for work and attentive care, the bush will give a lot of ripe and healthy berries!

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