Harvested: cut the currants correctly

27.09.2016 Currant

kak-obrezat-smorodinuGrowing currants on a personal plot, implies constant care for this plant and its timely processing. Therefore, many gardeners are interested in how to cut currants after harvesting, so that in future they will receive large fruits from the bush. A little lower, we want to consider in detail the entire process of pruning currants and subsequent care.

At the end of the next harvest, currant bushes are necessarily processed. This process helps the plant to form the correct form and prevents its disease. At the same time, correctly trimmed bushes help prevent the appearance of harmful insects on the plant. Therefore, if you want to prevent infection, be sure to delete all the old and excess branches.

Tools and processing options

To carry out the correct pruning of the bush, first of all, we recommend preparing all the tools. Be sure to check the cutting surfaces for sharpness, since when making a cut with a blunt object, there is a risk of damage to the branches and subsequent disease of the bush. Therefore, be sure to sharpen all the tools.

No less important is the time and weather conditions during which processing takes place. Experienced gardeners recommend pruning on a dry and warm day, in early autumn, when the shrub ceased to bear fruit and began to prepare for wintering. An excellent time is considered to be the end of September or mid-October, when severe frosts did not occur.

Well, now, let's look at how to cut currants after harvesting photos, which can be seen a little lower. So, if you have young currant bushes in the garden that have not yet brought a crop, then the procedure will not take much time.

Indeed, in this case, partial pruning of root shoots is carried out, which, in essence, is not needed. As a rule, no more than four strong shoots are left on young currant bushes, which allow you to form the correct plant shape.


Adult bush pruning With an age of 5 years, usually held every fall. And in this case, all dry and damaged branches are removed from it. Typically, most of the old shoots, only depletes the plant and reduces the yield of the bush. Therefore, they must be removed.

Another good reason for trimming old branches is that harmful insects or pathogenic bacteria can settle on them. And as a result, after a certain time, the entire bush may become ill.

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So, starting the process of removing old shoots on an adult bush, first of all we carefully examine it. All branches with a brown shade of bark should be removed, but shoots with a green color should be left to form a healthy bush.

All branches with weak growths and poorly developed buds, as well as visible symptoms of the disease, are recommended to be removed. This will subsequently allow the currant bush to be kept in good and healthy condition.

Branches for urgent removal

Among gardeners, there is an opinion that from the fruiting bush, you must definitely cut the lower branches. This is due to the fact that they sink to the ground itself and insect pests can settle on them, which will gradually affect the entire bush. And the fruits from such shoots are not suitable for food, since, in contact with the soil, they deteriorate faster.

There is a whole list that describes the main signs of branches requiring urgent removal, let's get acquainted with them:

  • shoots violating the normal development and growth of the bush;
  • irregularly shaped and crooked branches;
  • branches that are close to fruiting shoots and taking off fruits in a strong wind;
  • branches damaging young shoots.

Phased description of pruning currant bush

There are two options for pruning a fruiting plant. But today we want to talk about how to cut currants after harvesting, that is, in autumn. The procedure consists of several steps that must be performed in the following sequence:

  • First of all, we shorten all the branches along the edges by about one fourth. As a result, your bush should look like a wide bowl;
  • Further, we definitely thin out the crown, removing all excess leaves that block the path to the sun's rays;
  • if the primary pruning of the bush is carried out, then it is necessary to carefully examine all branches that will not bear fruit and remove only weak or with visible damage;
  • Do not forget that after trimming, all hemp must be treated with a special solution. After all, they will be the first to infect insects - pests.

As a result, it is worth noting the most important thing:

  1. Every autumn, remove all excess branches from the bush, leaving only shoots bearing fruit this year. As a result of several years of processing, the number of healthy branches should not be less than 20 pieces.
  2. After the plant reaches 8 years of age, all branches that appeared in the first year of planting the bush should be removed. Additionally cut off all diseased, old and weak shoots.
  3. After pruning currants, be sure to fertilize the bush. For these purposes, manure is excellent, which is sprinkled under a bush and then carefully mixed with soil.
  4. Additionally, in the autumn pruning of the currant bush, complete removal of foliage is done. Why is this needed? And then, that the falling foliage begins to rot and can attract the attention of pests.

At the end of the article we want to add that correctly carried out processing currant bushhelps to achieve not only the cultivation of a healthy plant. But every year it increases the number of crops of large fruits. As a result, the previously spent processing time pays off with interest. Well, now we offer to see how to cut currants after harvesting video material in which you can clearly see the entire processing process and the final appearance of the bush after it.

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