Transplanting currant bushes in the fall: methods, step by step

7.08.2017 Currant

Currants have long taken root in personal plots and cottages. In winter, when we open the compote, its aroma reminds us of a warm summer. It is part of many recipes. Mom’s pies with currant filling, jam, a favorite treat in the cold season. In order to get a stable harvest every year, you need to take care of the bush. An important stage of care is the transplant of currants in the fall to a new place.

A feature of the bush is that it grows old quickly enough. After five six years, needs to be updated. In addition, currants grow rapidly. This leads to the fact that he becomes little space, or the bush begins to interfere with neighboring plants. Change the landing site and if the plant lacks nutrients, the soil has been depleted.

It takes root fairly quickly and well in a new place, if you provide him with good conditions. The bush gives the greatest yield for 3, 4 years. The bush develops well when transplanted in various ways.

Conditions for the growth of currants

Before transplanting blackcurrant in the fall to a new comfortable place, you need to decide what conditions the plant needs to create.

Conditions for good growth:

  1. It is necessary to choose a place where there is a lot of light, since it is a photophilous plant.
  2. Soils should not be acidic. If this is the soil on the site, then add peat, ash, a little sand, eggshell, humus, lime, dolomite flour. You can just add chalk. Gradually, it will dissolve and soil deoxidation will occur.
  3. The shrub is moisture-loving, needs a systematic, good watering. At the same time, she doesn’t like it when groundwater comes too close to the roots.

These are the basic conditions for good growth and development of the bush. But, and, of course, top dressing is needed. Organic fertilizers are well absorbed, as well as potassium phosphate. They must be made in the fall. Potash fertilizers, along with ammonium nitrate, are fed in spring and summer.

Reproduction and transplantation methods

About transplanting currants in the fall to a new place there are many videos. Of these, you can clearly draw a lot of information on this topic (see above).


  • cuttings, autumn and summer;
  • vegetative way, layering;
  • dividing the bush;
  • rejuvenating the bush and transplanting it to a new place.

Under good conditions and proper care, the plant takes root within three weeks. Transplantation of currants in the fall to a new place, its timing depends on the region.

Vegetative propagation of the bush

To do this, choose a strong healthy branch of the bush. They bend her to the ground. Fix with a metal hook and drip. It is fashionable to do this in early spring or autumn, in August, September, and the beginning of October.

They add it after the kidneys enter a sleeping state, about a month before the first frosts should begin. In the fall, currants are transplanted to a new place in the Moscow Region, later than in the northern regions (end of September).

During the first three weeks of layering, the root forms and takes root. The next year he releases the first branches. In autumn, it will already be a formed bush.It is cut off from the mother bush, carefully excavated and planted in pre-prepared pits.

Bush division

From a large overgrown bush, you can separate the layering with the root and plant it. In the fall, currants are transplanted to a new place in Siberia in August and early September. To do this, dig a bush around the perimeter, so as not to damage the root system. After that, carefully remove the bush. Shake the ground.

Choose a strong layer with a root and separate it from the mother bush. Then it is planted. Under the old bush you need to make, mixing with the earth, organic and mineral fertilizers. This division rejuvenates the old shrub, makes it possible to propagate the shrub on the site.

Rejuvenating the bush and transplanting to a new place

A bush older than 6, 7 years old can be rejuvenated and transplanted to a new place. In the fall, currants are transplanted to a new place in the Urals in September.

To do this, they dig out its bush, trying as carefully as possible so that the roots are preserved. Purify them from clods of earth. They make an audit of the root system, cleanse them of insects.

Rotted and missing secateurs are cut out, you can separate this part with the processes and discard. Strongly long roots prune. Then planted in a new place.

Old branches are cut, the rest are shortened, leaving up to 4 buds.

Cutting currants

Transplanting currants in the fall to a new place with cuttings, one of the most common. Autumn sprouts the next year can give the first berries if they are well rooted and survived the winter. But you can cut and plant in spring and even in summer (green cuttings).

Cut the plant in the fall, when the plant took off the foliage. For these purposes, the middle of annual shoots is suitable, which began to stiffen. Choose strong shoots, thin and weak may not take root.

The top is cut with a straight cut, 5, 6 kidneys are counted and an oblique cut is made a centimeter below the last. Red currants are planted earlier (in August), and black currants later (September).

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They calculate, depending on the region, so that about a month remains before the frost. The length of the appendix is ​​up to 20 centimeters. Cut off only when the weather is dry.

For a nursery, it is better to make markings, pull a rope or cord. Choose a bright place, the distance between the seedlings is up to 15 centimeters. The lower end of the twig can be soaked in plant growth stimulants.

Dig a hole to a depth of approximately equal to 25 centimeters. They bring peat, ash, humus. Sprinkle with earth so that the roots do not bake.

You can make a little complex mineral fertilizers. Pour water. They are buried by several buds (2, 3) and planted, bending the stalk (at an angle of 45 degrees). This is done with the aim that in this situation more shoots ensued. They fill it with earth and again fill it with water. Then for a month actively watered. In the spring, the bush can be moved to a permanent place.

How is the soil prepared for planting currant bushes?

Plant development and yield largely depend on proper planting. There are several methods of planting: regular planting and a warm bed.

Normal landing

Digging in the depths of half a meter and a little more in width. It is advisable to prepare it in two, three weeks, if you add compost and organic matter, so that they burn out. When planted immediately, you need not to overdo it with organic fertilizers.

Contribute in equal proportions, peat, ash, organic matter, mix. Then a bucket of water is poured. When it is absorbed a little. Sprinkle a layer of earth, and again floods the water. In a liquid ground gruel, lower the bush. A good stimulant for growth and fruiting will be the introduction of humic products.In addition to useful ingredients, the plant needs humic acids, which are many in the soil, but most of them are in a bound state and are not absorbed.

Then they fill the rest of the earth in a hole. Slightly trample and pour a bucket of water. On top, mulch the soil with sawdust or another mulch.

Landing on the principle of a warm bed

The pit delves 40 centimeters deeper than described. All kinds of wooden firewood, branches, bark are laid at the bottom. Desirable dry and slightly decayed. They are sprinkled with earth and spilled with water. Then, the same ingredients are applied as for a normal planting. Again we pour a bucket of water, plant a bush and fill it with earth. Mulch on top. This method provides good drainage and additional nutrition to the plant.

To secure against frost in three weeks, when the plant has taken root, it is better to sprinkle with earth.

Container bushes and varieties for different regions

In the event that you want to expand the varietal variety of currants on the site, it is better to purchase a container plant. It can be planted throughout the garden season. Just take it out of the container with a lump of earth and drop it off. A pit for landing is prepared as described above.

Depending on the region, weather conditions, you can choose varieties that are best suited for cultivation. There are varieties of early ripening, middle and late. Such varieties as Vigorous, Bagheera have shown their productivity and unpretentiousness, therefore they are popular with gardeners.

For the northern regions, early or medium varieties can be purchased. Among them are such as Dikovinka, Selechinskaya early, domestic selection. Openwork, Delicacy belong to the middle grades, are distinguished by good productivity and taste.

How to care for a transplanted plant?

Currants transplanted in autumn will give good shoots in spring. Proper care is the key to good development and fruiting.

In the spring, when the plant wakes up, potassium-phosphate additives are added. But you need to do it right, pour them not at the root, but a little further (30-40 cm). First loosen the earth around the bush, then add mulch. After making a small depression, we fall asleep fertilizer.

Organics in diluted form, on the contrary, are brought directly under the root.

Since currants are water-loving during growth and in autumn, after harvesting, they are watered well, at least once every five days. When the ripening of berries begins, the amount of watering is reduced. Berries may burst due to excess moisture.

Annual pruning during the formation of the bush also plays an important role. Old shoots are removed, 5 to 7 annual stiffened shoots are left, which are cut off in autumn.

Autumn transplantation of currants to a new place, according to gardeners, is the most correct. The plant has time to take root, and in the spring they give good shoots.

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