How to grow onions at home

24.08.2016 Onion

How to grow onions: planting, growing and careEveryone knows that with the help of onions you can avoid colds and flu in the winter. Therefore, this product is every person in the house. But, before he gets to us, he needs to be raised. There are many varieties that some do not know which one to plant this year. It is important to know which one is zoned in your region. We will tell you in detail how to grow onions. Planting, growing and caring for onions, these are the issues we will consider.

Onion General Information

This product contains a lot of vitamin C, antioxidants and trace elements. That's why in the winter everyone is recommended to eat it. It will also normalize your metabolism and cleanse the blood of toxins. There are a huge number of varieties of this product. But the whole onion is divided into three groups:
• sharp;
• peninsular;
• sweet.
Each variety is quite original in the field of agricultural technology. Some of them are grown from sevka, and others are their seeds. If you plan to plant onions on your site, then you need to plant it in a place where zucchini, cucumbers or pumpkin grew not so long ago.

Onions - planting, growing and care

Let's talk about how to properly plant onions in the ground. First of all, you need to know that this is a cold-resistant plant. But some varieties can die at -3 degrees below zero. It has a weak root system and therefore it will not grow where there is poor soil. He needs a lot of nutrients.
Onions - planting, growing and care
If you decide to plant seeds, then first you need to make beds. The distance between the beds should be 25-30 cm, and between the holes with seeds 10-12 cm. The depth of each hole should be 2 cm. After you have planted all the seeds, you need to compact the soil.
Onion seeds

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It is better to plant sevok in autumn, otherwise it will dry by spring. When planting in the autumn period, it is necessary to mulch all the rows with peat or humus so that the seeds do not freeze and die. Before planting, the seeds should be sorted out, discarded spoiled and dry bulbs. And then send it to warm up on the battery for 8 hours. On the eve of planting, they should be soaked in warm water. And add potassium permanganate and aloe juice to it. In this form, they must lie down for a day so that no illness kills them. The distance between the beds and seedlings should be the same as when sowing seeds.

Proper onion care after planting

The first 2-3 weeks are the most important. It is necessary to constantly water and loosen the earth. If the ground was already well fertilized in advance, then additional feeding of the onion would not be necessary. But in early spring, this will need to be done just in case. As soon as the snow melts, it is necessary to make a solution. To do this, you need 10 grams of urea and 15 grams of potassium salt. These two ingredients need to be dissolved in 10 liters of water and pour onion. You also need to thin out the beds. If you notice that the onions started to shoot green arrows, then you need to break them off, and then feed the plant with nitrogen and potassium fertilizer.

find out Methods for processing onion sevka from pests.

White onion
Yalta onion

It is the most common type of onion. It is also called Crimean onion. It usually does not have the bitterness inherent in onions, so it can even be eaten raw.
Yalta onion
Usually it is added to salads, pickled or added to poultry or fish. Real Yalta onion grows only on the southern coast of Crimea. But even if you live in a different area, then with diligence you will be able to grow this onion in your area. True, the specific sweetness characteristic of this variety may disappear.
How to grow onions: planting, growing and care
This variety is very picky about growing and needs very fertile land. And so it is no different from growing ordinary onions and care for it is needed the same.
How to grow onions at home
As you can see, growing onions in the garden is quite simple. No need to buy expensive fixtures that will help you in this matter. The main thing is to properly care for the sowing and process it on time from various diseases. And then you can collect a good harvest and not get sick all winter.

We also recommend reading the article - Leek, planting and care in the open ground.

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  1. Avatar


    Onion is one of the most unpretentious vegetables. I was convinced of this for a long time. Our country has poor land, nothing grows on it except onions, its harvest is always high.

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  2. Avatar


    For onions at home, the main soil. Onion care is needed, but not as thorough. You need to choose onion sevok of small sizes. At a certain time, you need to plant it and water it regularly, and at the end of August, stop watering and periodically loosen it. There is still one moment when the onion throws arrows, you don’t need to tear it off, and for greens to plant another onion-set, so when the onion falls, you need to dig it out before the rains and put it in a sunny place, so that it does not rot during storage . So your onion is very tasty and healthy and I advise you to plant it on your site.

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