Planting and caring for dwarf spruce, methods of treating diseases

16.07.2018 Spruce

Dwarf tree, care and plantingDwarf spruce is a wonderful decoration for a summer cottage. The plant has a conical flat crown; the needles are represented by a bluish-green color.

Dwarf Christmas trees, with proper care, timely treatment of diseases, grow flat and do not exceed a height of 1 m. I share photos of my beauties. If the tree is planted in open ground, its height can be 3 m.

Landing rules

Dwarf spruce

The landing process should be considered carefully. Plant growth will depend on this. Experienced summer residents recommend adhering to some rules:

  1. It is necessary to start planting in the second half of April or August. It was at this time that plants were able to actively develop.
  2. The place to grow spruce should be well consecrated. Otherwise, the tree will lose its decorative appearance.
  3. It is important to prepare the drainage layer. As drainage, you can use broken brick, crushed stone.
  4. Dwarf spruce to the soil composition makes special demands. So that the plant can develop normally, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil. To do this, mix the earth, sand, peat, humus.

Planting dwarf spruce

The landing process consists of the following activities:

  1. The drainage layer should be covered with soil and irrigated.
  2. The plant along with an earthen lump must be removed from the pot and carefully immersed in a pit.
  3. It is important to ensure that the tree is level. Free space must be filled with earth.
  4. At the end, you need to water and mulch.

Now let's talk about caring for dwarf Christmas trees, and then consider their diseases and treatment.

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Dwarf spruce care

Spruce careYou can get a beautiful plant only if you organize the right care for it. Caring arrangements are as follows:

  1. Watering. Adult plants can tolerate 2-week droughts. As for young specimens, they need high-quality watering. The procedure must be performed once a week.
  2. Loosening. Of particular importance is the procedure during dry periods. Thanks to loosening, the moisture will slowly evaporate, and the root part will be able to get enough air.
  3. Top dressing. Any plant needs additional nutrition. Dwarf spruce need to be fed complex fertilizers. It is best to choose formulations with a low nitrogen content. Organic fertilizers are also very beneficial. Particular attention should be paid to vermicompost, compost. Top dressing with dolomite flour is of great benefit.
  4. Mulching. Another important procedure that should be carried out in a timely manner. As mulch, you can use sawdust, pine needles, tree bark. Mulching avoids rotting of the root system and maintains the attractiveness of trees for many years.

The earth, which is collected from under the forest spruce, has a very good effect on the development of Christmas trees.

Dwarf Spruce Disease

Despite the fact that plants are resistant to many ailments, some diseases still make themselves felt. The most popular diseases of spruce are the following:


Shute at the fir treesFungal disease. First, the spruce acquires a black color, then it is covered with hoarfrost. As a result, the needles fall off. Save the plants will help such drugs as Alirin-B, Trichodermin. In advanced cases, the trees will have to be removed from the site.


Young trees are the first to suffer.The needles take on a red hue, and soon fall off altogether. It will not be possible to save the plants; they will have to be dug up and burned.


Spruce RustThe disease damages the needles, as a result of which it turns yellow. Glyocladine or Vectra treatment will help save the trees.

Dwarf spruce trees are amazing plants. They attract attention with their decorative appearance. Keeping the seedlings attractive is easy. It is enough to carry out basic care measures, to identify diseases on time, to carry out work efficiently and in a timely manner.

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