Potato Gala: variety description, characteristics, reviews

1.04.2017 Potatoes

Potato Gala: variety description, photos, reviewsThere are a dozen diverse potato varieties, even a stranger to selection and country work, a person feels the difference. After all, potatoes, even on the market, look different, taste different. Each variety has its own characteristics. For example, Gala potatoes, variety description, photos and reviews let you know more about it. How to care, what soil he loves, what kind of taste it turns out, how it looks.

Growing difficulties

Only for an unsophisticated viewer does a green garden represent a beautiful sight that does not require much effort. It seems that the plants should just be planted by digging a hole and watering as much as necessary. Further nature will complete the work. Alas, if we talk about potatoes, they distinguish, firstly, different varieties. Each has a number of its own characteristics, weaknesses.

Some do not like moist soil, others do not tolerate dry soil, others need to be watered every other day, fourth are extremely painful to pests, for fifths they need to carefully select their neighbors. Sometimes summer residents simply do not know what to grow.

After all, most can provide only the usual conditions. 70% of people do not even have greenhouses, which means that any culture in their garden must put up with climate, weather and soil. The characteristic of the Gala potato is just right for such ordinary people who do not want to bother much. They need a high yield, beautiful tubers that can withstand winter storage and delight in taste.

Breeders worked for a long time on Gala, trying to optimize it for the needs of summer residents and large manufacturers, which provide the country's markets annually. They are also not profitable to grow too picky potatoes. Gala is considered universal, able to grow, give good crops, no matter in which region it was planted.

Gala is considered one of the earliest varieties in terms of ripening. For example, to collect one full-fledged crop, you need to wait only 70-80 days, this is not from the day the sprouts appeared, but from the moment the seeds were planted! Such conditions are considered optimal for the whole potato cultivation structure.

Gala shoots are semi-erect, intermediate type, average height. It has large, pronounced leaves with a beautiful rich green tint. Slightly wavy along the edges. Corolla from the inflorescence is white, medium size.

The tubers are medium-sized for the most part, weighing 100 to 120 grams. Round, oval, but less common. The skin is yellowish, average thickness. The flesh is pale yellow, rich yellow tubers are found, there is a little starch in them, up to 13%. Taste is recognized by many as excellent. Even after a long cooking, the potato will remain whole, the fibers will retain their structure, and rarely darken.

If you look at the characteristics of the variety, reviews will be unambiguous. Gala is plastic, as the product has a consistently high return. People choose it for its great taste, beautiful view. Interestingly, this potato can even be eaten by people with a diet menu, because it has little starch and a lot of carotene. The tubers are beautiful, even, they are easy to clean and of course the hostesses like it.

Gala has high storage periods, which is also important, because potatoes are often grown in large, even huge quantities and stored for a long time, all winter. however, there is one point. It is worth harvesting the tops somewhere in 10, a maximum of 12 days before the start of the general harvest. Then the tubers will be well preserved all winter.

Alas, even the fine varieties, specially bred for the needs of people, have their drawbacks. Gala is particularly sensitive to rhizoctonia, it is a fungus that grows in the lower part of the stems of the bushes. Etching measures are necessary as prophylaxis after disembarkation. Everything else is good.Gala is really fruitful - about 20-25 tubers, moreover from the bush, its advantage is easily covered by disadvantages. At the same time, do not forget about potato fertilizer during the growth period.

Curious facts

The potato itself arrived in Russia from abroad, it is a mistake to believe that it was still eaten by our ancestors. No. Interestingly, a number of other countries used it as a component of dessert dishes. Potato is often found sweet, it is baked. Mash people guessed later.

Among your favorite side dish, if you ask a hundred eaters, mashed potatoes will surely take first place. Gentle, without lumps, with milk. It is delicious to eat with sausage, and with a patty. Potato Gala, although it retains its shape, is perfect for mashed potatoes, it has a delicate, rich taste, even experienced gourmets will like it.

Professionals involved in planting different vegetable crops can compare the properties of potato varieties can be said in practice. They noted the high plasticity of the Gala. This variety without any problems really adapts to any soil, any climate. It doesn’t matter if it is sandy or even clay. This is a huge plus, because sometimes summer residents can not choose a climate for living, not everyone has their own closed greenhouse space, and even in summer even owners of greenhouses plant vegetables in vegetable gardens.

Only prosperous summer residents are capable of replacing the composition of the soil, who have no problem bringing ten kilograms of purchased or dug up land from the nearest undergrowth. And then, for the potatoes you have to try better, because it is a tuberous culture, it has developed roots that need moisture and minerals. Therefore, with Gala much easier, there is no fear that the potato will not sprout. Moreover, for residents of Russia, where you can not be sure of the climate. Frosts happen even in the summer.

Tubers most often have a beautiful, round or slightly oval shape that holds well, not yielding to mechanical or other damage. The eyes are small, easy to cut and few. Such characteristics made the variety ideal for washing, cooking, and packaging. Moreover, as a product, he keeps his attractive appearance for a long time, for which manufacturers love him.

If you look at the entire crop, about 90% of the total potato stock will survive until spring.

Landing, care

How does planting potatoes begin? After all, it is not enough just to dig up the earth and sprinkle seeds. To get started, select small tubers (somewhere with a chicken egg) and place under the sun, let them bask. This should be done about a week before the planned start of the landing and be sure to consider gardener and gardener lunar calendar.

Depth for planting is about 10-12 cm, they look there according to the peculiarities of local soil. Make a little more distance between the two holes. After all, there will be more tubers in the bush, they will need space for development, growth. Professionals advise to keep 75-80 cm.

Look after landing. If you sprinkle a little sprouts on the ground with already appeared sprouts, this will give the root system an incentive for branching and strengthen. Such actions can be repeated more than once, then the yield will be maximum, and from each of the planted bushes.

Watering is necessary regularly. Here, do not rely solely on weather conditions, it is better to draw up an approximate watering schedule and, if necessary, help nature with your own efforts. Still, summer residents here are easier than many villagers. The houses have water, you can connect hoses. In villages, a system of canals is often used.

Fertilize carefully before planting, add when you spud a second time. Fertilizing with nitrogen will be extremely useful. By the way, hobbing should also be done periodically. Fertilizers are first applied before flowering, then they are repeated, if necessary. Better yet. this is fertilizer, which will help increase the yield by at least 1.5 times.

Grade Cons

Yes, in addition to vulnerability to one of the diseases, the Gala variety has other disadvantages.For example, a variety is extremely dependent on the moisture level of its soil. If you look at the description, there will be a direct indication to water abundantly. Therefore, if the land is extremely arid, do not risk immediately sowing it completely with one variety, perhaps Gale will not have enough moisture.

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So that the bushes do not get sick with a dangerous fungus, it is better to pickle them, and even before planting, treat all the seed with a 15% solution of boric acid.

Of course, wanting to get high rates for the crop, you need to make every effort. Potato Gala needs supervision, top dressing, regular watering and hilling. But it ripens early, the potatoes are tasty and beautiful, it will certainly be enough for the whole long winter, especially since it is considered optimal for the climate.

Landing, other events

Of course, she really is a potato and special magic, expensive means and special equipment for its care does not require. Enough land prepared for planting tubers and the desire to grow a good harvest.

To begin with, even before planting, it is necessary to carefully harrow the soil selected for potatoes.

It is better to spud potatoes in the morning or in the evening, usually after watering or the past rain. Sometimes people themselves every 2-3 days in the morning walk between the beds, looking. And hilling is such a thing, it is better to carry it out really in the morning, before the onset of heat or in the evening, when the Sun is already setting.

For the first time they grow up from the moment the plants reach 12-15 cm in height (on average), the next one is already in 3 weeks. Although there is no strict schedule, everyone watches.

For the first feeding of potatoes, you need to cook 10 g of urea plus 20 g of superphosphate or replace it with potassium chloride. Feeding time is the last of the decades of June, and the amount of materials is calculated per square meter. You can separately spray the bushes with a 2% solution of superphosphate, you can replace it with potash fertilizers.

Recommended: Ways to plant potatoes for an excellent harvest

Bordeaux liquid is well suited as a protection against pests and most potato dangerous diseases.

Reviews, opinions of vegetable growers

Ordinary people are more likely to rely on their opinions, because it’s easier to put together a complete picture of the variety you like. The buyer is only clear appearance, taste, the possibility of long storage. Vegetable growers also look at a number of other distinctive features. In particular, how the Gala grows in private areas, is it difficult to look after, does the laudatory description justify.

According to many experienced vegetable growers, Galu can be considered one of the most successful varieties of potatoes, proposed by the classic selection conducted in Germany. It is in demand among large manufacturers and homeowners. There are positive reviews from vegetable growers from various regions of large Russia, and this is the best indicator of the versatility of a variety and its tolerance for different climatic properties. Potato is also spread in the CIS countries even to neighboring countries; it is successfully grown by European farmers who are engaged in potatoes.

An important indicator for them is really early ripening, when the first trial digging can be done by the beginning of 3 months and this is after planting, and not seedlings. With careful, good care, the bush will give up to 20-25 tubers.

Heat treatment does not spoil the root crops, they will not lose their structure even after prolonged cooking, there is no tendency to quickly darken. Potato growers are strongly advised to harvest the tops about 10-12 days before the planned main harvest, then the tubers last longer. By the way, the approach of the crop is easy to notice - the tops will begin to turn yellow, then completely dry. Many vegetable growers note that it dries faster when compared with other varieties.

To ensure the right amount of moisture, potatoes can be watered separately, especially if the summer is hot. It is worth following the weather. Often during all the summer months there will not be a normal, long rain, so every gardener should mark the days of watering. The description for the variety separately indicates the need for good watering.

Gala, of course, is written as a unique variety, but if the soil is extremely dry, it can spoil badly. It is important to observe the level of humidity, to feed. There will be no records, but the indicators will approach the norm.

Outwardly, Gala, of course, among other varieties of potatoes will not break beauty records. The skin is of medium thickness, but it pays off with good taste and low pretentiousness. Another variety is more resistant to many diseases that affect vegetables and potato varieties. In addition to the fungus, but here it is important to regularly treat with pesticides and monitor for signs of disease during planting potatoes for a good harvest.



“Recently, literally in 2016, Gala was planted for testing. I will say, of course, 25 tubers did not work from the bush, but the summer turned out to be extremely hot, dry, not a single normal, long rain passed. perhaps the heat is to blame. On average, there were about 16-18 one-dimensional tubers, medium, but really beautiful, with small, even neat eyes. The variety turned out to be really early, I don’t remember the dates, but the neighbors had green bushes when the tops turned yellow and even withered. I’ll tell you who is a beginner, this is a sure sign of harvest time. The potato tasted good. Most of the harvest, however, was left so far the next year. Maybe the summer will come out cooler. While I was pleased with the harvest, nothing for the first experiment ”


“I just love the early ripe variety to dig and taste faster. Grew up early, then collect earlier. Less problems. I wanted an unpretentious, but early variety, which has little starch. Stopped at the Gala. It's nice, the materials also have tips on how to care for the site itself, what kind of land it is better for him to pick up. ”


“Gala is an early, really early variety that needs to be harvested on time, otherwise the tubers will turn out to be large, because they continue to grow even after the tops are dried. If you look at the taste, then ... potatoes, than not potatoes. I think there are tastier varieties. But for sale it’s all right. They planted a couple of times, although it was not possible to break yield records; apparently, there is little feeding. Or the soil is a bit dry, because the description says more watering and more moisture. Maybe Gala would grow best somewhere in India, where humidity can be up to 89%? With us she really took root pretty well, but it's just interesting. ”


"Why taste good? For me, the variety is good enough, even in complex dishes, soups, frying. She kept in shape, baked well, tasty. What else can I talk about. Personally, I have no complaints about the grade, although I just buy it and don’t prepare it. One familiar seller sells Galu, in bags, says he’s growing well. "


“They tried Gala, the first time only. Normally, followed all landing instructions. We withstood the time, watched the watering. Fortunately, it is convenient to water; the garden is small. Nothing, the crop is quite on the level. I also liked the taste, I don’t know what people want from the potato so that it tastes like pineapple or something? Or what gourmets have gathered. He will be potatoes. On mashed potatoes, soup and frying are not bad. They baked it on the coals, didn’t notice much difference ”


“Who plants Gala, is she really so dependent on the degree of humidity? We just have a dry summer, the climate is clay and the soil. Of course, you can water it yourself, there are basically no problems, just ... will there be a good crop with clay soil? She seems to have a little humidity. I noticed that for our region vegetables do not grow so well, in the south it is better, for example. Kazakhstan, we have the Northern region. Here the winter is long, all March snow lies. We think about landings only closer to May and so annually.But I want to try it, it seems like the characteristics are not bad, I took it to taste from the bazaar, I also like it.

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Comments on the article: 2
  1. Avatar


    Hello. The first time I planted potatoes Gala this year. One and a half buckets. Dug 23. I liked the potato. Tell me this variety HYBRID (F1)? If hybrid, then it makes no sense to plant your seeds for the next year? Or is it just a new GRADE?

    To answer
  2. Avatar

    They planted Gala for the second year, watered and had enough rains, in general, the harvest was excellent, on average 15 pcs in the bush. The four bushes of the bucket are flat, clean and boiled the taste they liked.

    To answer

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