Potatoes Lyubava: characteristics, growing rules, reviews (photos)

18.01.2018 Potatoes

Variety Lyubava was bred GNU VNII them. A. G. Lorch. From that moment, potatoes managed to become popular among Russian gardeners. They plant it both on personal plots and on farms. You can learn about Lyubava potatoes through the description of the variety, photos and some reviews from experienced gardeners. Basic information can be found in the State Register.

Description and characteristics of potatoes Lyubava

Potato Lyubava is characterized by medium bushes, which can be described as intermediate. Potato bushes are semi-erect with small neat purple corollas. They are medium, sometimes they can have a reddish tint. Lubava leaves are small, open. This is an early ripe variety, demonstrating technical maturity already on the 70th day from the moment of planting. In extreme cases, it may take several additional days, a maximum of five.

Potatoes of the Lyubava variety are not covered with a thin peel; in some descriptions of the variety they characterize it as rough. Her color is red. The tubers have shallow eyes and an oval shape. The minimum weight of one tuber is 110 grams, and the maximum is 215 grams. The Lyubava potato variety has white flesh with a starch content of 11-17%.

Potato yield, biological characteristics

Lubava's yield is high. You can influence it with additional fertilizer. Potatoes are sensitive to soil quality, the more nutritious it is, the higher the yield. You need to choose material for fertilizer that has managed to earn the trust of gardeners and has been tested in practice. In order to smoothly form the tubers, it is advisable to carry out an earthing up several times.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Potato variety Lyubava, its characteristics and reviews will give an overall picture of the merits and negative aspects of the culture.

Among the positive points worth highlighting:

  • size of tubers;
  • smooth potatoes;
  • during long-term transportation retains strength and does not deform.

There are a lot of commodity tubers at the exit of 80–97%. Potatoes ripen at the same time, the harvest will not keep you waiting long. There is immunity to the causative agents of many diseases, including potato cancer. Potato drought is not dangerous.

When considering Lyubava potatoes, it is important to pay attention to the description of the shortcomings. There are few of them, but they are important for the gardener.

Important! First of all, it is necessary to carry out cultivar processing procedures to eliminate or prevent diseases such as cyst-forming nematodes and late blight, to which potatoes are susceptible.

Landing rules

Potato Lyubava has the characteristics of an early ripe variety. One planted plot yields two crops at the exit.

You may be interested in:
  1. To harvest early, you need to take care of the germination of planting material in advance. You need to choose it carefully, only healthy and strong tubers.
  2. The culture is grown for consumption in the cold seasons. The selected bed should dry quickly and remain immune to the influence of northerly winds.
  3. Better tubers will develop in loamy soil. Good results can be achieved by choosing sandy soil for planting. Its quality should be on top.
  4. The material is germinated before planting.The process of germination takes a month and a half.
  5. The feeding process is important already at the planting stage. The material should be light so that it is absorbed faster, absorbed by planting material and contributed to an unhindered vegetative period.
  6. Compost or manure will be a good option, it is put in the holes before laying the tubers. The depth of the hole should not exceed 12 cm. The average depth is 10 cm. Each hole needs 300 grams of humus and a small amount of ash.
  7. The planting process is completed by irrigation. Each well needs 500 ml of water.

Care Rules

Lovers of Lyubava potatoes know how important it is to know the detailed description of the variety and the reviews of experienced gardeners about it. It is the latter who recommend, having planted Lyubava, to think about a plan for cultivation. This process, along with weeding and eliminating weeds, is as important as top dressing. Early potatoes require an established watering regime, with additional moisture, if necessary.

An excellent harvest is waiting for people who have taken care of the hilling in the early stages of the growing season. After this procedure, the late frosts of Lubave are not afraid. When the crop is grown farther south, the process is transferred to the period when the tops grew at least 20 cm.

Top dressing is carried out several times:

  • 0.5 liters of mullein and about 17 grams of urea are diluted in 10 liters of water. Mullein can be exchanged for chicken droppings;
  • each bush needs 500 ml of feeding material;
  • re-nutrition is necessary when forming buds. The composition of the fertilizer make wood ash;
  • Lyubava does not need frequent watering. But the soil must be moistened at the same time at the level of 0.5 m.

Diseases and pests of the variety

Potato Lyubava is certainly a wonderful variety with excellent taste, but the description of the variety of its diseases cannot be ignored. Lyubava cannot boast of high resistance to disease or pests. Potato cancer and the black leg do not particularly threaten this variety, but late blight and scab are the main enemy of Lyubava. She had a difficult relationship with the nematode. The variety often suffers from macrosporiosis. You can treat the plant using exclusively high-quality materials, with a low level of aggressiveness, so as not to harm the tubers.

Advice! When planting Lyubava, it is recommended that you choose the right seed. Seeds must be kept strictly adhering to the basic rules.
Late blight



“The Lyubava potato variety has long won my heart, all because of its unpretentiousness, relatively simple methods of care. I often disappear at work, often linger, it is always difficult to establish watering of plants. Fortunately, Lyubava can easily cope with drought. "


“I heard about the variety Lubava different conflicting reviews. In the end, I decided to try the potatoes myself. He stopped at the end as the main variety for sale. I know that there are better options in comparison, but he completely suits me. ”


“I, as a small farmer, have long known about Lyubava and appreciate this variety for its stable high yield. At first it was difficult to determine the moment of landing. But now he’s set up the preparation of tubers, and adjusted the planting scheme, taking into account the peculiarities of Lubava. ”


“The potato is neat, despite the fact that it is quite large. The tubers are smooth, the skin is very dense. It’s never scary to transport potatoes. The product indicator is a great success. We’ve been selling Lubava for the second year, while we started small. Soon we will begin large-scale plantings in order to collect a large crop. The customers were always satisfied, and our family appreciated the taste of Lubava and its quality for dining purposes. ”

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