When to get gladioli after winter storage

16.06.2016 Gladiolus

When to get gladioli after winter storageGladiolus is a unique plant belonging to the bulb family. During flowering, it delights gardeners with its gentle to the touch and bright colors. Gladiolus blooms in the period from mid-July to mid-August. After that, the bulbs are dug up and stored for storage in the basement or refrigerator, where they will winter, and wait for the time for a new planting.


In order for the gladiolus bulbs to be stored until the next planting, not be affected by diseases and delight gardeners with abundant flowering, a number of the following rules must be observed:


  1. Gladiolus will not bloom productively in the same place for two years in a row. After the bulbs have been laid out from a cold place to a warm place for germination, it is worth starting a search for a suitable seat.
  2. The life expectancy of gladiolus bulbs depends on how well they are selected for the climate of the corresponding region. So, for example, heat-loving varieties will die and will not tolerate wintering if they grew before that in cold climatic conditions.
  3. The bulbs of adult plants and children should not be planted next to each other, since adult specimens will not allow young plants to develop.
  4. Bulb planting depth is of great importance. Here you need to proceed from the composition of the soil and the diameter of the bulb. So on light soils, the planting depth should not be less than four diameters, and on heavy soils - not more than three.
  5. Before planting, gladioli are cleaned of scales. This will allow the plant to quickly break through to the sunlight.
  6. Watering landed gladioli is carried out every other day in the absence of rain.
  7. In order for the plant to be less susceptible to disease, it is planted in a sunny place that is well ventilated.
  8. When the gladiolus gives the first flowers, watering will need to be reduced to once a week and only in the evening with the onset of coolness. Watering must be plentiful. A small amount of water is more harmful to gladiolus than its complete absence.
When to get gladioli

After the last flowers bloom on gladioli, you can begin to harvest the bulbs. Usually this happens no earlier than the first half of September. To do this, the flower is dug up, the stem is cut close to the bulb, and the tuber itself is sent to dry in a cool and well-ventilated room.


Even before the bulbs are sent for drying, they should be treated with antibacterial drugs. The most popular among gardeners are Maxim, phytosporin, potassium permanganate solution.

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So, the bulbs are processed from diseases, dried and sent to winter in a cool place in cardboard boxes, where they have to wait time until the next planting. Check for bulbs affected by the disease at least once a month.

When to get gladioli after winter storage

When to get gladiolus after winter storage? Gladioli are taken out of the refrigerator 3 weeks before planting. First of all, they are freed from scales. So the arrows will sprout easier, and the condition of the overwintered planting material will be easier to determine. If diseased specimens are found, then the affected areas are cut off to healthy tissue, and the sections are treated with brilliant green or crushed activated carbon.


It is useful to soak the bulbs before planting for 20 minutes in a solution of an antibacterial agent, and then dry thoroughly. Bulbs should be stored upside down in a warm place before planting.In a warm room, they will immediately sprout, and you will see what material is suitable for planting.


You can plant the plants in early May, then they will please the gardener with their flowering in early July.

The flower possesses interesting beauty eremuruswhich we propose to learn about here.

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