Children of gladioli: what to do with them

29.12.2017 Gladiolus

Many flower growers do not know how to grow gladiolus from children. Tuber buds are the best planting material. Having familiarized yourself with the technology of growing flowers, you can create an amazing flower bed on your own site.

Each grower gives preference to certain plants. Gladioli are often found in the flower garden, few know how to grow them from children. In most cases, the tubers are simply thrown away, not even suspecting that they can be used in the future for reproduction.

Description of the kids

Children are small tubercles that can be seen at the base of the adult bulb. They can be of different sizes. Even if the kidney is small, it should also not be thrown away.

On average, tuber buds have a size of 4 to 7 mm. They have a dry and dense shell, which acts as protection against adverse conditions.

It is important that children, unlike bulbs, are perfectly stored in the winter. For this, appropriate conditions must be provided. With the correct implementation of all activities, the germination of tubers reaches 100%.

What are the kids for?

Many flower growers are unaware that children can be used to reproduce gladioli. Bulbs quickly age, die. If you do not grow new ones, soon the variety will be lost.

Children perform 3 functions:

  • help maintain and renew the collection of plants;
  • you can easily increase the number of flowers grown;
  • it will be possible to adapt some varieties for growing in a particular area;
  • gladiolus bulbs will be healthy if received from children.

What to do with the kids after digging, how to store

Digging corms is necessary in the fall. Calendar dates in different regions may vary. First of all, you should pay attention to the bulb itself, it must be ripened. You can independently determine the cleaning period. It occurs after 30 days from the moment when the gladiolus fades.

All tubers need to be separated from the bulbs, washed and dried.
Note, It is advisable to sort the children. This will allow in the spring to get a variety of varieties.

To save children in the winter, it is necessary to provide optimal conditions:

  • It is advisable to choose a room equipped with ventilation;
  • temperature conditions should be in the range of 3 to 8 degrees heat.

Several times a month it is worth examining the kids. If damaged instances appear, they must be removed.

What to do with children in the autumn

With the advent of autumn, children need to be dug, sorted, dried and stored. Flakes do not need to be removed, they are removed immediately before planting in the spring.

What to do with children in the spring

With the arrival of spring days, summer residents can start preparing bulbs for planting. This process should be carefully considered; it deserves a serious approach. If all the measures are carried out correctly, gladioli will be able to please lush flowering.

Rules for the propagation of gladioli

The reproduction of gladioli by children is becoming increasingly popular. The method is one of the effective ones. It allows not only to obtain plants of unusual beauty, but also to maintain the variety. As a result, it will be possible to rejuvenate the flowerbed.

First of all, the kidneys need to be prepared.Then they should be planted in the soil mixture for germination. This will take no more than a week. It is necessary to ensure the temperature regime within 25 degrees. After the shoots appear, the tubers need to be transplanted into the ground.

Preparing kids for boarding

Before starting sowing, children need to be prepared. First of all, they should remove the scales. This is not easy to do, but a procedure is necessary. To facilitate the process, children can be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Importantif the scales are not removed, the seeds may not sprout.

In addition, you need to check the children for germination. To do this, they should be lowered into a glass of water. Instances that rise up are considered unsuitable for landing.

If a lot of children are needed for planting, the cleaning process will be quite laborious. Therefore, germination is necessary.

To do this, use one of the following methods:

  • Sprouting in bags

Children need to be washed, dried, laid out in bags. Be sure to make a few holes so that air enters.

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As soon as the first sprouts appear, it is necessary to provide good lighting and ventilation. Crops should not be exposed to direct sunlight. This will cause the kidneys to rot. It is best to provide extra lighting with a lamp.

  • Germination in cool conditions

What to do with the children of gladioli in this case is of interest to many gardeners. You can use a refrigerator. In such conditions, the children will germinate evenly, the root system will be stronger.

You need to start work a month before landing. We must not forget that tuber buds need lighting. You can use a lamp for this.

The fastest way to prepare your kids for a drop off is to soak it. To do this, they need to be placed in a glass with warm water, allowed to swell. In this state, children should lie down for at least 24 hours. Then you need to drain the water, put the kidneys in containers, cover with a damp cloth. In a week, the first sprouts will appear.

Growing seedlings

Many gardeners grow gladioli through seedlings. This will take more time. However, the result will be amazing. To grow seedlings, the following conditions must be observed:

  • plants need to be planted in separate containers, seedlings do not tolerate transplanting;
  • growth will require cool conditions. It is necessary to maintain the temperature up to 15 degrees.

After the children have been planted, it is necessary to water in the pan. When the first shoots appear, crops need good lighting.

Seedlings can be planted in open ground in April

Planting gladioli in the open ground

Planting children gladioli is carried out only in the prepared soil. To do this, make a ditch with a depth of not more than 9 cm. Water should be watered, wait until the water is completely absorbed. After this, you can start sowing. Planting material must be planted in the ground, slightly tamped the soil. The first shoots will appear within 20 days after planting.

Gladiolus Care

It’s easy to take care of the flowers, however, in order to get a beautiful flowerbed, you must follow certain conditions.

Crops need shelter. To do this, they need to cover with plastic wrap. This will not only protect the seedlings from the adverse environmental conditions, but also help to get friendly seedlings. As soon as the first shoots appear, the shelter must be removed.

Do not forget about watering. It should be timely and moderate. Also you need to carry out loosening, mulching.

A month after the emergence of seedlings, you need to fertilize. In the future, the procedure will need to be carried out every 10 days.

Shooting can occur in the first year of flower growing. In this case, the stems will have to break off. If this is not done, flowering will be modest, and the plant will not be able to develop further.


Tatyana, 35 years old:

“Children of gladioli always threw away, did not even know what to do with them. A friend recommended using them to propagate flowers. Now I pay special attention to caring for plants, I keep children for subsequent planting.

My collection is huge, there are more than 200 varieties of stunning gladioli. I can say for sure that caring for flowers is simple. You can easily breed a variety that you liked more than others. The flowerbed is my pride. I spend all my free time in the flower garden. ”

Elena, 42 years old:

“Most often I separate the children, dry them, put them in bags. So, tubers are stored all winter. With the advent of spring, I take out the children, plant them in a container with the ground. So it turns seedlings.

With the arrival of warm days, I plant plants on a flower bed. I can say that caring for plants is not as laborious as it might seem at first glance. There are even rare and expensive varieties in my collection. ”

Gladioli are the favorite colors of many gardeners. They are used for single plantings, creating floral arrangements. Get new varieties and rejuvenate the flower bed is not difficult. Just learn about the methods of reproduction and the flower garden will sparkle with bright colors.

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