Favorable days for planting nasturtium on seedlings in 2018 according to the lunar calendar

2.04.2018 Nasturtium

Nasturtium can become an adornment not only of flower beds, but also of a balcony (loggia) in an apartment. Beautiful flowers will delight the eye throughout the summer. The homeland of Nasturtium is South America. Flower culture is not only very beautiful, it can be used in cooking. The leaves, stems and fruits of the plant are edible and have a healing property. How to grow nasturtium in the climatic conditions of Russia? When to plant nasturtium for seedlings in 2018? The lunar calendar will help you figure it out.

Landing of Nasturtium

The growing season of flower culture is 2-2.5 months from seedlings. This means that already at 60-75 days a flower should bloom. Seeds germinate within 10-12 days from the moment of placement in the soil. Sowing is carried out to a depth of 2-3 centimeters. You need to plant immediately in a deep pot, so that the root system has where to develop.

Sowing of Nasturtium depends on climatic conditions. The plant is very thermophilic, the normal temperature for development is + 20-25 ° C. For example:

  • planting a plant for seedlings in Siberia and the Urals is necessary no earlier than mid-May in order to transplant seedlings in June, when the air temperature reaches the optimum level;
  • in the Moscow Region and the Leningrad Region, central Russia, seeds are sown for seedlings in early May, in order to be planted on a flowerbed at the end of May;
  • in the Krasnodar Territory and southern regions of the country, seed material is planted in mid-April to dive plants on a flowerbed in mid-May. You can sow Nasturtium directly into the open ground in May, when the soil warms up to + 18-19 ° С.

Plants love a lot of light, so place the seedlings on the sunny side of your house. The seedling period of flower culture is 20-30 days, after which you can plant flowers on the flowerbed. 5-7 days before transplanting, harden the young bushes, exposing pots with plants for several hours outside.

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Nasturtium is transplanted in cloudy weather or in the evening to enable it to adapt without direct sunlight. In leaving flower culture is unpretentious. You will need to water it every 8-10 days and weed so that the weeds do not clog the plant growth. On the flowerbed, it is recommended to plant 2-3 sprouts per hole, at a distance of 20-40 centimeters from each other.

Lunar calendar 2018 lunar landing date

The moon affects the plants depending on the phase, and the zodiac sign in which it is located. Each year, astrologers display a map of favorable and unfavorable days for sowing seeds of various vegetable and flower crops. Consider how each of the signs affects the plants:

  1. Aries is a barren sign. When the Moon phase in Aries comes, it is recommended to cut flowers, the damage to the plant will be the least.
  2. Taurus is a very fertile sign, it favorably affects the growth and development of all vegetable and flower crops.
  3. Gemini is characterized by barrenness and dryness. During these periods, sowing the seeds of Nasturtium is not recommended.
  4. Cancer is a fertile and moist sign, plants will not develop actively, but they will be very hardy.
  5. Leo is a fiery sign, it is not recommended to sow the seeds of a plant, it is better to do weeding and caring for other crops.
  6. Virgo is not a fertile but wet sign. Not suitable for sowing seeds, but is an excellent period for transplanting tuberous flowers.
  7. Scales - a productive sign, directs all energy to the formation of colors.
  8. Scorpio is a fertile sign.Crops will sprout quickly. Plants throughout the development period will be resistant.
  9. Sagittarius is an unproductive sign; sowing of Nasturtium is not recommended.
  10. Capricorn is a fertile but dry zodiac sign. Perfect for sowing Nasturtium.
  11. Aquarius refers to unproductive, dry signs. Sowing seeds of flower crops is not recommended, they may not take root.
  12. Fishes - are part of a group of fertile, moist characters. You can safely plant seeds during this period.

Sowing Nasturtium - auspicious days according to the Lunar calendar 2018

April May
Auspicious days 7,8,9,10; 19, 20,21, 22 5,6,7,8,9; 19,20,21,22,23,24,25

As can be seen from the table, favorable periods for sowing seeds will be sufficient. Depending on climatic conditions, select the appropriate favorable days for planting Nasturtium. Nasturtium blooms in June, July, depending on the time of planting.

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