Nasturtium seed cultivation: when to plant

8.04.2016 Nasturtium

nasturciya-vyrazhivanie-iz-semyanIf you are interested in growing nasturtium from seeds, when it is of interest to plant, we will tell you how to deal with this generally unpretentious flower, and what benefits you can get from it.

Firstly, in addition to beauty, nasturtium will help protect cabbage from such a serious enemy as whitefly and cabbage flea, then it will protect it from planting potato nematodes, fruit trees from aphids, cucumbers and roses, also often from aphids, should be planted with nasturtium bushes. And yet - the southern beauty is not inferior to lemon in its benefits, it has even more vit. C, and adding it to salads is an excellent option.
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So, we figured out that nasturtium is useful for the garden, it can be eaten, it is beautiful and decorates the garden. Now we will figure out how to plant this beauty in order to get good plants as much as possible. To do this, consider - nasturtium is a thermophilic lady, and does not tolerate a strong decrease in temperature. Therefore, when landing, you need to, taking into account your climatic conditions, plant it so that the nasturtium shoots do not fall under the frosts that are disastrous for it. What is interesting - its seeds that fall self-seeding into the earth winter there very well, and then they sprout themselves. True, it blooms late in self-sowing, but still many people like this passive cultivation without any hassle. Nasturtium seeds can be harvested as they ripen, and then planted in the spring. How - we will consider further.

Landing immediately in the ground

This is a good way, because the roots of the southern lady are weak and delicate, and planting seeds immediately in the garden is preferable. But - because she is afraid of colds, she needs to be planted almost by the end of May, when certainly there will be no frost, because her shoots are tender and weak, will die immediately. In the pits to a depth of about 2 cm, put the seeds, sprinkle with earth, the next hole - after 25-30 cm. To ascend faster, soak in warm water, then wrap in a damp cloth for a day. You can do this: plant the seeds early, in early May, for example, but cover them well, and open them in early June.

Seedling method

seedlings of nasturtium

The second option will make it possible to get blooming early, if you plant nasturtium seedlings. There are also nuances here - due to weak roots, seeds need to be planted in separate containers immediately, without picking. You can take peat pots, plant three seeds in them, you can drop disposable cups, and then when planting, just gently remove the bottom from them and plant them together with the glass. To plant seedlings in April-May, after planting in the soil a month later it will approximately bloom.

Nasturtium Care

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Our beauty is not demanding, she does not need a lot of attention - water in moderation, rid of weeds, that's all she needs.

Tip: if you need seeds for propagation - then do not remove the faded peduncles, watch for seeds, remove on time, so that self-sowing does not go. And if you want luxuriant blooms - then remove the faded ovaries immediately.
Another interesting flower for the garden - petunia: when to plant for seedlings in 2016.

Types of Nasturtiums

types of nasturtiums

We have already said that many species of this wonderful, beautiful and useful plant are now bred. But the most popular is still a large nasturtium. In a bush with a height of up to 70 cm, it can grow, and in its creeping incarnation it can produce lashes up to 2.5 meters. Her flowers are bright, catchy, in fact, this species is the basis for the breeding of many hybrids.

• Bush nasturtium is also good, which keeps beautifully on erect stems and is used everywhere for decoration of borders.
• Climbing nasturtium is used by many owners of country estates as decoration of arbors, terraces, for vertical gardening, in hanging flower pots hanging from balconies or pots installed on a raised platform, creating beautiful cascades.
• Terry nasturtium is very popular in ampel form; it adorns the walls and fences of garden plots. It reproduces beautifully with seeds and looks beautiful.
• Foreign nasturtium, it is also called curly, looks like a beautiful vine, and also, like its subtropical cousin, requires moisture and heat. This view can be applied anywhere on the site, covering or masking with a vertical carpet any place, wall or terrace.

Varieties of nasturtium


Among the whole variety of this useful and beautiful flower, we can distinguish the most popular:

• Vesuvius - very beautiful flowers of a gentle salmon color with cherry impregnations have gained widespread use and love for this variety. The bushes are not high, up to 30cm maximum, the leaves are large, the stem is erect, good in the design of borders or the edges of flower beds.
• Terry mixture - the same not tall erect bushes, with juicy green leaves and fragrant flowers of different shades, flower beds are very fun to decorate, and can be planted on balconies in containers.
• Cherry rose - you can add to the previous two this variety with unusual raspberry flowers and create an extravaganza of colors on the flowerbed.
• Canary creeper - gives huge, up to 3.5 m, whips, and the flowers resemble a canary, and it seems that they are about to flutter and fly away.
• Alaska - a bright beautiful mixture, small neat bushes, leaves with a wonderful marble edging, large, beautiful, multi-colored flowers.

Given the diversity of species, unpretentiousness, beauty and tenderness of the plant, as well as its obvious benefit for other plants in the garden, nasturtium is in the forefront of flowers for growing in your areas.
See also: DIY garden not like everyone else - interesting ideas.

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