Avocado kernel - what to do with it and is it possible to eat?

18.02.2019 Avocado

Recently, a healthy and nutritious avocado has become a frequent guest at the tables of compatriots. Dark green, with shiny skin and delicate pulp - it brings variety to the daily diet and enriches the body with many useful substances. Until recently, the only disappointment was the bone inside the avocado, as many do not know what to do with it. In fact, a large teardrop seed, which occupies up to half the total volume of fruit, is undeservedly overlooked. It is useful no less than the pulp, and has a lot of useful properties.

Is avocado seed edible and its health benefits

Edible avocado seed or not is a controversial issue. As a result of the analysis of its chemical composition, we can conclude that it is quite useful. It is rich in fiber and soluble dietary fiber, vitamins, calcium, magnesium and potassium. According to the content of the latter, the fruit core is twice as fast as bananas. It contains saponins, responsible for the metabolism and removal of cholesterol from the body. And in terms of the number of amino acids, the avocado seed is significantly ahead of the flesh.

Avocado Composition
Avocado Composition

Vitamin composition is also diverse. Most of all, the product is rich in B vitamins, beta-carotene and vitamins C and K.

In addition, avocado seeds contain antioxidants - one core contains up to 70 percent of a person’s daily intake, and flavonol is a powerful weapon in the fight against cancer cells.

All of these components bring undeniable benefits to the body and are used:

  1. In the fight against cardiovascular diseases, they lower cholesterol and prevent the development of IHD.
  2. In weight reduction - the bone contains substances that can break down fat cells.
  3. In preserving youth and beauty.
  4. For the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea.
  5. In the fight against cancer.

    Beneficial features
    Beneficial features
  6. As a powerful antibacterial and antifungal agent.
  7. To increase performance and reduce fatigue.
  8. To combat skin diseases - boils and acne.
  9. In the regulation of the thyroid gland.
  10. In the fight against asthma and prevents its development.
  11. To relieve joint pain with arthritis.
  12. To increase libido and improve mood.

To combat many diseases, avocado seed is not only used externally, but also used internally.

How to eat avocado seed?

Before use, the seed must undergo mandatory training and then it can be eaten. There are several ways to do this.

  1. Fresh bone must be placed in a bag, beat off with a heavy object and beat the resulting pieces in a blender.
  2. Remove the brown peel from the seed with a sharp knife and cut into small pieces or thin slices.
  3. After peeling, grate.
Avocado Bone
Avocado Bone

Now the product is ready for further use.

In pure form

In its natural form, the grated core is used in the kitchens of Morocco, Mexico, Japan. It is added to salads and first courses, sauces and desserts. In a small amount, fresh powder from the avocado kernel will not bring harm.


Bone seasoning is a powder obtained after grinding fresh or after heat treatment.The dried, crushed core is turned into powder using a coffee grinder - the food supplement is ready. It can be used in various dishes.

Ready-made salads and soups are an excellent solution for both a festive and casual menu. Ready seasoning is added mainly to vegetable mixes, and in combination with the pulp of the fruit, the taste will be especially original. For example, you can cut large slices of any vegetables and avocados, and add the finished powder to taste. This dish goes well with meat, fish or eggs.

Bone seasoning
Bone seasoning

Soups, especially those with unexpressed taste, will sparkle with new colors when adding ready-made powder. Since the core of the avocado is bitter, the powder from it will add a little piquancy and pungency to the dish.


For baking, use both the whole kernel and the sliced ​​slices. A whole bone is baked for a long time - about two hours. The temperature should be low. After that, it is necessary to peel the baked product and grind it until a powder is obtained.

Slicing is not so long. The prepared core is cut and placed in an oven with a low temperature. The signal of readiness of the product will be a golden crust, covering the pieces of the kernel. It is necessary to allow the product to dry and also grind it in a coffee grinder. The finished powder is used as an independent seasoning or is used based on need.


Slices of the kernel or mashed potatoes, obtained by rubbing, are fried on a gentle fire until a red-brown tint appears. The product is allowed to cool and a powder is prepared from it.


Having received the powder from the fried or baked fruit kernels, you can prepare a decoction. To do this, pour a teaspoon of the product 300 ml of water and boil for 15 minutes. After cooling - strain and consume in small portions throughout the day.

Such a product, due to the presence of tannin in the product, helps with stomach upsets and diarrhea. In addition, the decoction is able to normalize the metabolism and have a general tonic effect on the body.

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If there is a tendency to constipation, then it is better not to abuse such a tool.


Avocado tinctures are prepared using oil, alcohol or water. To prepare the alcohol tincture, the powder is poured with a small amount of high-quality vodka or alcohol and insisted for a week. Inside the drug is not taken, use only externally. It is especially effective for migraines. If you add camphor to the prepared product, you can get rid of the heel spur.

Oil infusion is prepared on the basis of castor oil and used in cosmetology. Tincture on wine will require 4 tablespoons of crushed bone and 500 ml of white wine. Mix the ingredients and insist a week. This drug is taken orally twice a day for two tablespoons.

Bone Oil
Bone Oil

The water infusion is prepared as follows: pour a teaspoon of powder with a glass of non-hot water and drink it in the morning before meals.

Whatever way the infusion is prepared, it is important to use it for its intended purpose and not to allow excess dosages.

Contraindications and harm to avocado seeds

Despite the mass of useful properties, the finished powder has contraindications. It can also harm the body for several reasons:

  1. Fungicidal toxin and tannin present in the seed in large quantities can cause serious digestive problems - constipation, diarrhea and food poisoning.
  2. Allergic reactions to the product are a serious contraindication. This also applies to the fruit itself. Manifestations of intolerance to the product are the appearance of skin rashes and itching.

  3. Eating an avocado kernel by a nursing woman can lead to diarrhea or poisoning the baby.
  4. The restriction in childhood to 3 years applies not only to the stone, but also to the fruit itself.

What else can be done with the bone?

In the world, the healing properties of the seed have long been known. Many recipes have survived to this day, which can be done now. Avocado core is used as a beauty product and as a healing agent.

Application in cosmetology

Fruit oil is a common ingredient in many cosmetic products. It is used to care for the skin of the face, body and hair.

Being a source of collagen, powder from avocado kernels has also found its application in industrial cosmetology. It is an important component of creams for mature and aging skin.

Avocado Bone Powder
Avocado Bone Powder

In home cosmetology, there are many examples of the use of avocado seeds - as part of masks, scrubs, hair health products:

  1. To exfoliate the dead skin layer, use a scrub made from powder and ground coffee beans. The products are mixed with sea salt, and the resulting composition is applied to the skin with massaging movements. After washing off, the skin will become soft and acquire a light golden hue.
  2. A mask of powder and cosmetic clay has worked well. The products are mixed, diluted with water to a thick sour cream and applied to the face. Stand on the face for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. After applying a moisturizer. Such a tool will not only saturate the skin with nutrients, but also cleanse it.

    Avocado mask
    Avocado mask
  3. Acne and acne can be treated with crushed bone, water and tea tree oil. The ingredients are mixed to the state of slurry and spotted on the site of inflammation. Stand for 5 minutes and rinse.
  4. To get rid of cellulite, fresh crushed bone is combined with almond or linseed oil and applied to problem areas. Manifestations of the "orange peel" will noticeably decrease in a month.
  5. Smooth and shiny hair will become a reality if you use chopped raw core and burdock oil. After mixing the components, they are left to infuse for a day, and then applied to the scalp. It is advisable to wrap your head with a towel or film - this creates an additional thermal effect. Withstand the tool on the hair for an hour and rinse with water.

Use in traditional medicine

Recipes of traditional medicine allow you to use decoctions and infusions from the core of the avocado from many diseases:

  1. The alcoholic extract of the fruit kernel helps with headaches and migraines. They rub the inflamed joints to relieve pain. Infusion on alcohol also fights with heel spurs.
  2. Pigment spots will noticeably decrease if you mix the ground core with castor oil, and with the addition of tea tree oil, skin inflammation can disappear.

    The use of bone in traditional medicine
    The use of bone in traditional medicine
  3. The broth, thanks to the presence of tannins, perfectly copes with digestive disorders, eliminating diarrhea.
  4. The extract from avocado seeds is widely used to combat fungal diseases, including candidiasis. Regular consumption of small portions of decoction or tea using the fruit kernel produces a general strengthening effect, suppressing pathogenic viruses and bacteria.


Creative people find their application to seeds. The large size, smooth texture and rounded shape give a wide scope for imagination and allow you to use the material for different purposes.

Owners of equipment can please loved ones with small figures or persons carved from the core.


The founder of this work is considered Jen Campbell, who created the collection "Stone faces from avocados."

By collecting several bones, you can make unusual Christmas-tree decorations from them. They are wrapped in foil or bright paper, attached a loop - and delight children on the eve of the new year.

Lovers of Hand made jewelry find the use of the core of avocados in creating beautiful pendants, pendants, key rings. Such an ornament looks original, and exists in a single copy.


Instead of traditional wood, the core of avocados is used to make hot coasters. They serve for a long time and have an unusual appearance.

Common questions

How poisonous is the bone?
The core of the avocado contains toxic substances - thymol and persen. In large quantities, they can cause intoxication. Therefore, the toxicity of the product depends entirely on its consumption.
What can bone abuse lead to?
The consequences of overeating the product can be very different - from relatively harmless constipation to severe allergic reactions and food intoxications, the treatment of which will need to be carried out only in a medical hospital.
Are there any contraindications for use?
To abstain from the use of seed is necessary for breastfeeding and allergies to the fruit. In addition, young children and pets may suffer from severe intoxication if the product enters the body.

The seemingly useless core is fraught with so much interesting, and it can be used in different ways. Cooking, medicine, cosmetology, creativity - everyone chooses the most suitable option for himself.

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