Cucumber Marinade with Vinegar

20.08.2018 Winter blanks


Marinade for cucumbers per 1 liter of water with 9% vinegar - sweet and sour filling with spices. Cucumbers in such a marinade turn out to be crispy and incredibly tasty, and the pickle will find its fans. To easily calculate the amount of water needed for preservation, fill the jars with vegetables, pour some water in them, drain and measure.

It will take 5 minutes to cook. The indicated amount of marinade is enough for pouring several cans of vegetables.

Ingredients for Marinade:

  • spring water - 1 l;
  • coarse salt - 45-55 g;
  • granulated sugar - 55-75 g;
  • 9% vinegar - 80-90 ml;
  • bay leaf, pepper, coriander, mustard seeds, caraway seeds, currant leaves.

The method of preparation of marinade for cucumbers

Pour spring or filtered water into the stewpan. Do not use tap water to prepare brines and fillings, if it is difficult to get spring water, take filtered water.

Pour water

From 45 to 55 g of sodium chloride without additives is needed per liter of water. If the salt is large, then this amount fits in 3 tablespoons without a slide.

We measure salt, pour into a saucepan with water.

Add salt
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Next, measure the granulated sugar, pour into the stewpan following the salt. In a tablespoon without a slide fits 15 g of sugar.

Add sugar

Next, add spices to the marinade. Since the spices are not sterile, it is advisable to boil them; moreover, when boiled, they will give off water to the aroma, and the filling will be fragrant.

Introducing spices

In addition to spices, I advise you to put in a stewpan and a sheet of currants and cherries. The greens on the trees are also not sterile, so additional heat treatment will not harm it.

We bring the pouring to a boil, boil for 3-4 minutes, remove from the stove.

Currant leaf

At this stage, pour 9% vinegar. I usually add vinegar at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 1 liter jar of cucumbers. One liter of pickling is enough for three liter jars tightly filled with cucumbers, so 80-90 ml of vinegar is enough for this amount of water.


Marinade filling is ready, you just have to fill it in jars with prepared cucumbers and roll vegetables for the winter.

Ready marinade

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