How to deliciously pickle porcini mushrooms at home for the winter (+16 photo)?

9.01.2019 Winter blanks

Boletus edulis is the most popular representative of the Borovik clan, known for its high palatability. There are many edible species in the genus Borovikov, however, they all have similar external characteristics and are actively used in cooking. Among the common species, spruce, oak, birch and pine boletus are distinguished. All these types can be cooked in different ways, but pickled porcini mushrooms are most appreciated.

View Features

It is not difficult to distinguish ceps from others. The main characteristic feature is a convex cap, which can reach 20 cm in diameter. Her color is uneven: varies from brownish red to white or lemon yellow. Its surface can be either smooth or wrinkled, sometimes covered with mucus in wet weather.

The pulp is strong and juicy, white. Over time, the body grows yellow. The taste and smell of the pulp are almost neutral, but are significantly manifested during cooking and drying.

The massive leg reaches 8-25 cm in height and 7-10 cm in width, has the shape of a cylinder with a thickened base. Its surface may be reddish or brown, coinciding with the shade of the hat. The leg is covered with bright veins, which are mainly located on its upper part.

The tubular layer is located near the legs, easily separated from the pulp. In young organisms, it is colored white, in older organisms it is yellowish and greenish. The length of the tubes is up to 4 cm. The pores are small, have a rounded shape. Spore powder is brown. The average size of the spores is 15.5 × 5.5 microns.

How to pickle porcini mushrooms in jars for the winter at home?

Marinating mushrooms in jars for the winter is the most common way to cook. There are several options for such recipes.

The most popular recipes

In addition to mushrooms (1 kg), the following ingredients will be needed for pickling:

  • salt and sugar (1 tablespoon each);
  • vinegar 9% (3 tablespoons);
  • cloves;
  • black pepper;
  • bay leaves.
Pickled porcini mushrooms
Pickled porcini mushrooms

Mushrooms should be processed, peeled and chopped into small slices, if necessary, then put them in a saucepan and pour water. Bring the water to a boil, and continue cooking for another 15 minutes. After set aside the pan. Drain the water, and discard the mushrooms in a colander.

To prepare the marinade, take 2 glasses of water and pour them into the pan, add all the above ingredients and place the pan on the stove. Bring to a boil, and add vinegar. Put food in banks, pouring it with marinade, then roll up the lids.

From the ingredients already indicated, mushrooms can also be pickled in the following way:

  1. Throw mushrooms into boiled water, and cook them for 5 minutes. Rinse with cold water afterwards.
  2. Make a brine (1 liter of water / 200 g of salt), boil it and add the mushrooms. Continue cooking for another 20 minutes, removing the resulting foam, and then rinse the mushrooms in a colander again.
  3. Pour the marinade water into the pan, add salt, pepper and spices to it. Boil, add mushrooms. 3 minutes before removing the pan from the stove, add 70 ml of vinegar.
  4. Infuse the mushrooms in the marinade for 10 hours, and add more vinegar after.
  5. Arrange them in separate jars and cork them with lids.
Ready Mushrooms
Ready Mushrooms

The following recipe will help you quickly pickle pickled mushrooms at home. To do this, take 1.5 kg of boletus, water, salt and sugar, a bay leaf, sweet peas, vegetable oil and vinegar essence.

Process mushrooms: rinse, remove debris, separate legs and hats - only the latter are needed for cooking. Boil water in a saucepan, add mushrooms to boiling water and cook them over medium heat until they sink to the bottom of the bowl. Stir them during cooking.

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For a marinade, you need a liter of boiling water, in which salt, pepper, sugar and bay leaf should be added. Instead of pepper, you can use cinnamon. Cook the marinade for 15 minutes, and then add the vinegar. Put mushrooms in pre-sterilized jars, pour them with hot marinade, and then vegetable oil.

Mushrooms in the marinade
Mushrooms in the marinade

Banks need to cover with lids and put them in a container of hot water on the stove. Wait for the boil, and keep the jars in boiling water for another half hour. Then roll them up with sterilized caps.

Universal marinade

For pickling according to a universal recipe for the winter, it is necessary to take into account some features of the selection of mushrooms. Mushrooms of any size are suitable for harvesting, but there should be no defects on them. Unlike other types, mushrooms do not pickle whole: for this type of cooking, only a hat is used.

Wash the jars thoroughly, sterilize both them and the lids in boiling water. To do this, pour cool water into the container, put the cans in it so that they are completely in the water. Wait for boiling, and continue sterilization for another 5 minutes. Then lay them on a clean cloth.

Universal pickling
Universal pickling

Rinse the mushrooms and dip them in a pot of water. Boil them over low heat, and after boiling add 2 g of citric acid. When the mushrooms sink to the bottom of the pan, they are ready. On average, cooking will take about a quarter of an hour after boiling water. Remove the pan from the heat and pour 50 ml of vinegar.

After that, distribute the mushrooms in sterilized jars. If you plan a short storage of the product (up to two months), then it is enough to cover the banks with lids and roll them up. After you need to turn the cans over, cover with a blanket, and wait for them to cool completely. In order for the product to be stored for longer than two months, you need to add to each jar a spoonful of vinegar and vegetable oil, cover the jars with a lid and put in a pan with boiling water. Leave the jars in boiling water for half an hour, and then remove them, and roll up the lids.

Recipe without sterilization

In order to pickle mushrooms without sterilization, special attention must be paid to the choice of product. It should be fresh and unripe, without worms. If cooking without sterilization is planned, pickling should begin as soon as possible after harvest. Small boletus can be cooked whole, and large - by separating the hats from the legs. After this follows processing: cleaning and cutting roots.

To cook 1 kg of boletus, 200 ml of water and 40 g of salt will be needed. Water needs to be salted and brought to a boil, then put mushrooms in it, while not laying large portions in the pan. Boil mushrooms should be boiled 10-15 minutes after boiling water, not forgetting to stir and remove the emerging foam with a slotted spoon. After that, the fire must be reduced.

Pickled porcini mushrooms for the winter in jars without sterilization
Pickled porcini mushrooms for the winter in jars without sterilization

When the foam no longer appears, spices and sugar should be added to the water. When cooking, add 5 ml of vinegar 80%. If the use of the product in food is not planned in the near future, you can add 10 ml of vinegar. Cooking must be completed when the mushrooms sink to the bottom of the pan.

Remove the pan from the heat and let it cool without spilling water from it. After cooling, transfer them to a wooden barrel or clog a large jar. They must be completely covered with fill. Then place the containers in a cool, dark place. In a month they can be used as food.

Answers to Common Questions

If you pickle mushrooms without sterilization, how much can they be stored?
Shelf life of the product in a non-sterilized jar is about 50 days, provided that they are stored in a cool, dark room (up to 8˚C), in glass containers closed with metal lids.
What to do if mold appears on top of pickled mushrooms in a jar?
If mold appears only on the top layer of the product, remove it. The part of the jar on which the mold has formed must be wiped with alcohol, and pour the contents of the container with vegetable oil. The product can also be pulled out of the can and brine, washed with boiling water, cooled and, divided into several portions, sorted into packages for freezing. The product can then be used after cooking soup or pie.
Is it possible to poison pickled porcini mushrooms?
Although this species is safe for health, poisoning with a pickled product is not excluded. Do not cook old mushrooms and pay great attention to the processing of young ones. If the lid of the can with the finished product is inflated, and the product has an unpleasant odor, you can’t eat it.

The cep mushroom marinade is easy to execute. The finished product can be served as a separate snack, or served with meat or potato dishes.

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