Processing potatoes before planting from a Colorado potato beetle

26.05.2016 Potatoes

How to process potatoes before planting from the Colorado potato beetleWhy do you need to process potatoes?

As potatoes get to our table, it goes a long way of weeding, watering, fertilizing and chemical treatments. By the way, the last point deserves additional consideration, since not all gardeners know how to process potatoes before planting. From the Colorado potato beetle and diseases today there is a fairly wide range of special tools. Moreover, the problem often lies in choosing the most suitable chemical composition. How not to risk the poisoning of yourself and your family with pesticides should be known to everyone who has decided to grow this culture on their site. pay attention to gardener sowing calendar for 2016.

For many years plantings were able to dot the question of the timeliness of the chemical treatment of potato tubers. It turns out that the fruits will become the most protected from the effects of harmful bacteria and insect parasites after processing before planting. Material having potent substances on its surface does not attract the attention of pests, which will protect it from encroachment and allow it to grow as needed.

In addition, preplant planting has repeatedly helped gardeners to achieve a more numerically potato crop, which in itself is invaluable both for the production scale of cultivation and for modest household stocks. When answering the question of how to process potatoes before planting from a Colorado potato beetle, reviews play an important role.

How to process potatoes before planting from the Colorado potato beetle

Indeed, in retail there is such a variety of chemicals that the eyes of gardeners unwittingly run up. As a rule, they all have a different focus and scope. Conventionally, it is possible to divide the compositions into groups according to their functional purpose:

• repelling pests;
• contributing to a decrease in susceptibility to specific diseases;
• increasing productivity;
• universal exposure.

As for the means to protect against the Colorado potato beetle, they are, perhaps, the most popular. That is why they should be given special attention. Find out, how to fertilize potatoes for the best harvest.

Chemicals for Colorado potato beetles

Everyone who grows a crop for more than a year or wants to get a crop for the first time should know how to process potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm before planting. The latter pest is no less dangerous for root crops, and its occurrence can also be prevented at the initial stages before planting, using the same preparations that help prevent the appearance of striped bugs.

The most common chemicals for processing potatoes in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are:

• "Maksim";
• "Prestige";
• “Cruiser”.

How to process potatoes before planting from the Colorado potato beetle
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At the moment, no experienced gardener has any doubts about the effectiveness of the preparations. The advantages of the compounds are considered and their possible combination, which allows you to enhance the degree of protection. Better exercise planting potatoes 2016 according to the lunar calendar.

You should also pay attention to one important detail before processing potatoes before planting from the Colorado potato beetle. The taboo on the use of such funds is explained by their principle of action. Such pesticides pose a threat to early vegetables.After processing potato tubers, at least 60 days should pass. Only then can they be used as food, which means that this factor should be taken into account when planting. Accumulated toxic substances may be present in the first varieties of potatoes. At the same time, for long-term winter storage, treatment with such preparations will be the best solution.

To date, quite common options for protection against pests, including the Colorado potato beetle, are mixtures aimed not only at the destruction of harmful insects or the fight against diseases. They often serve as growth stimulants and additional nutrition. Since the above funds can be hazardous to human health, many people ask the question about the early harvest: "How to process potatoes before planting from the Colorado potato beetle?" In addition to Prestige, there are many other effective compounds.

How to process potatoes before planting from the Colorado potato beetle

Typically, processing with their help is carried out a couple of days before planting in the garden. "Poteytin" or "Mikom" are quite economical, one ampoule of one of them is enough to spray 80 kg of planting material. To plant a modest plot of land, one portion of the drug is enough.

Nitrofoska or Mortar has been known for its effectiveness over the years. These pest control drugs can be called true classic pesticides. Sometimes, using them, they process not only potato tubers, but also soil for planting root crops.

Folk recipes in potato care

One should also consider folk recipes for getting rid of the Colorado potato beetle, because not so long ago they were the only ways to protect the crop from parasites. Experienced gardeners know how to process potatoes before planting from a Colorado potato beetle without chemistry. In addition, today such methods of getting rid of the pest can be safely called budgetary and relatively safe. They are no worse than special drugs contribute to the growth of root crops and protect them from infection. Many summer residents are ready to protect their crops by applying such methods in practice.

How to process potatoes before planting from the Colorado potato beetle

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A solution of copper sulfate is used not only to preserve and stimulate the growth of potatoes. This folk remedy is considered effective in combating pests that affect other fruit crops, and more often the treatment is carried out by spraying plants. In the case of potatoes, things are different. In the prepared solution (3 grams per bucket of water), it is necessary to withstand the tubers for some time, previously washed from dirt and earth. Two minutes will be quite enough, after which the root crops intended for planting should be removed from the liquid and allowed to dry. As a rule, after a week the procedure is repeated. According to the scheme, for an absolute result, they act about 3 times.

How to process potatoes before planting from the Colorado potato beetle

Another time-tested method is the permanent manganese. Having decided how to process potatoes before planting from a Colorado potato beetle (video tutorials will help you make a choice), you should not exclude this method, even if it’s for preventive purposes, it will never harm. One gram of dry manganese per liter of water will be enough to prepare the solution. Similarly with the previous processing option, the same should be done in this case. And the Colorado potato beetle will not become an obstacle to the normal growth of potatoes, and underground pests such as wireworms or bear cubs will be too tough.

Before processing potatoes before planting from a Colorado potato beetle, choosing a folk remedy or purchasing a chemical product at a specialized outlet, it is important to study user reviews and possible recommendations.

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