How to process raspberries in the spring from pests

12.07.2018 Raspberry

raspberries and pestsThe list of spring work by gardeners includes many activities, and among them is the preventive treatment of raspberries for infections and pests. After wintering, upon the onset of heat, sap flow in the shoots begins, and this period is favorable for pruning, spraying raspberries with special preparations.


Biological products

The composition of the preparations of this group includes live bioagents or waste products of these agents. To get the result, observe all the conditions recommended in the instructions, take into account the features of the tool.


phytofermThe drug is of natural origin, based on special toxins of soil microorganisms. The active substance is a concentrated emulsion of aversectin C, is available in ampoules, vials, cans.


It is used to destroy insect pests of garden and fruit crops. The drug is intestinal and contact action. Protective effect - up to 15 days, but repeated application is required


On raspberries, the drug is used to destroy leafworms, ticks, and codling moths. Fitoverm bred in water, strictly following the instructions for use. Proportion: 2 milligrams of Fitoverma are taken per liter of water.


  1. Quick effect (after 2-3 days, the pests die).
  2. A wide range of effects on different groups of pests.
  3. It does not harm the environment.
  4. The drug is not dangerous to humans.
  5. Apply during fruiting.
  6. “Works” during the heat, which is an advantage.


  1. In order to be sure of the complete destruction of insects, re-processing is required.
  2. You can not use the Fitoverm solution during the flowering of raspberries (insects pollinating the culture die).
  3. Fairly high cost.
  4. The drug is recommended to be used in combination with a soap solution, for spraying the shoots, choose a clear, no precipitation day.

On sale are also funds Fitoverm KE, Fitoverm P, having a narrower focus. So, Fitoverm KE is effective against various types of ticks, and Fitoverm P is intended for the fight against nematodes.


The drug, which includes an alcoholic extract of streptomycetes fungi. It is found for sale under a different, updated name Akarin. It is available in liquid form, most often in ampoules, less often in bottles.


Belongs to the group of contact-intestinal insecticides, gets into insects with food. Causes paralysis, due to which the pest stops eating after about 8-10 hours, and then, after 48 hours, dies. On open ground landings, the impact speed is up to 16 hours. The drug is effective against insects:

  • stem flies;
  • aphids;
  • thrips;
  • spider mite.

Affects adults, larvae.


An alcoholic extract is bred in water. Proportions are indicated instructions for the tool. To prevent the appearance of pests, Akarin (5 ml) is diluted in 4 liters of water, while killing insects, the solution is more saturated: 5 ml is taken in 1, 5 liters of water.

The product is not absorbed in the tissue of plants, it is recommended to add shavings of laundry soap, a spoon of shampoo to working compositions to improve adhesion.

On a note!

The insecticide will show the greatest effectiveness in dry hot weather.

Spray once every 7-7 days, if necessary, repeat the treatment. After treatments 1-2 days, the plants are not watered.


  1. Quick action.
  2. The ability to use in the heat.
  3. Efficiency.
  4. Affordable price on agravertine.
  5. Ease of use.
  6. It has no toxic effects on humans.
  7. Combined with trace elements, plant growth stimulants, fertilizers.


  1. Low effect when applied in the rain.
  2. The tool is toxic to the inhabitants of water bodies, bees, therefore, it is used only strictly on plants. Raspberries are processed before flowering, as well as after harvest, in the fall.


It is a biofungicide, based on the fungus Trichoderma lignorum, as well as biologically active substances secreted by it. For raspberries, it is used as a prophylactic drug against bacterial and fungal diseases. Effective as protection against rot, verticillosis, cytosporosis.


The Trichoderma fungus contained in the preparation is highly active in the destruction of toxins, bacteria, and viruses. It does not adversely affect plants.


Trichodermin is diluted in water, proportions: 10 ml of concentrated composition is added per liter of liquid. Raspberries are sprayed from the moment of budding, 1-2 times. Invetrval between treatments - 10 days.


  1. Universal drug (suitable for different plants).
  2. Affordable price.
  3. Efficiency when used correctly.
  4. Trichodermin is safe for humans.
  5. The tool does not pose a danger to bees, other insects.


  1. It is a prophylactic; in case of mass infection of raspberries, other drugs are used.
  2. The product is used only in warm weather (temperature above + 14ºC). With spring raspberry treatments, this must be taken into account, otherwise the effectiveness of the drug will be zero.


In spring, for the spraying of berry bushes, the natural biofungicide Fitosporin (or Fitosporin-M) is used. The preparation is based on strains of hay bacillus (Bacillus subtilis), additional components are chalk, Gumi.

On sale biofungicide is presented in three forms:

  • powder;
  • liquid;
  • paste.

For prophylactic treatments of raspberries, Fitosporin is recommended without a humic additive (see composition description).


The spores of a culture contained in a powder or paste interact with water and become active. For normal life, they need food, so bacteria “attack” pathogens, fungal spores. The result is the neutralization of the hazardous environment.


On raspberries, Fitosporin is used as an effective prophylactic against fungal infections. Use from a number of pests:

  • stem gall midges;
  • raspberry flies;
  • raspberry beetle.

As a treatment tool, it is suitable only in the early stages of the disease, with an advanced infection, they are sprayed with stronger chemicals.

Phytosporin for treatment is diluted in water:

  • add 5 grams of powder to a bucket;
  • when using pasta, the substrate is first prepared: 100 grams per 200 ml of water), then used as the basis for the working solution: 3 teaspoons per bucket;
  • Phytosporin in liquid form is ready for use, 10 drops are added to spray raspberries on 200 ml of water.

 Work with any such preparations is carried out in protective clothing using gloves.

Raspberries are processed in the spring, when the leaves bloom, as well as during the formation of the ovaries.


  1. High activity against pathogenic fungi.
  2. Good compatibility with other drugs.
  3. Environmental friendliness.
  4. Fitosporin is not harmful to humans.
  5. The drug is not dangerous for insects.
  6. With possible small overdoses of the drug, side negative effects do not occur.


  1. In bright sunlight, Bacillus subtilis bacteria die. It is recommended to process the bushes early in the morning or in the evening.
  2. There are difficulties in preparing the solution, since there is no dispenser.
  3. It is required to add an adhesive (soap, shampoo) to the working solution.

Polyversum BPPolyversum BP

A biological preparation based on the predatory fungus Pythium oligandrum. It is a contact drug, is available in powder form (in packs).


After activation (dilution of the powder with water), the fungus begins vital activity. In the process of nutrition, it destroys the spores of fungal diseases.

On raspberries, the effect is effective as a prophylaxis against fading shoots, gray rot. Use from the beginning of flowering to the beginning of fruiting.


Applied as a working solution for spraying, after activating the spores of bacteria:

  • take 250 grams of the drug;
  • stacked in a mesh bag dust collector;
  • the bag is placed in any suitable container (bucket, tank, container);
  • pour the contents of the bag with water (5-6 liters);
  • leave for an hour;
  • then squeeze the resulting composition from the bag;
  • raspberries are sprayed with the finished compound (0.7 liters per 10 square meters of plantings).


  1. Effective as a means of prevention.
  2. Treating raspberries with Polyversum not only protects plants from diseases, but also improves the quality of berries.
  3. Promotes activation of plant immunity.
  4. High environmental friendliness.


  1. Difficulties in the preparation of the working solution.
  2. For treatments, it is necessary to prepare a new solution each time.


A biological product based on the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis, which has a toxic effect on parasites.

The product is available in the form of a powder, a solution is used to treat raspberries.


A solution is prepared immediately before they are going to process the bushes. The best time is before the raspberries bloom, although the biological product is also used in the summer.

For the prevention of pests, the proportions of the solution: 80 grams of powder are taken per 10 liters.

Chemical substances

Chemicals are considered more effective in protecting raspberries from infections and pests, but due to the toxicity of the drugs, dosages must be strictly observed.


The product is a dark paste with a pungent odor. It is well soluble in water, on sale it is offered in bottles from plastic. Used in early spring as a prophylactic against pests, to prevent anthracnose.


Working solution for raspberry processing: 150 grams of paste are taken on a bucket of clean water. Consumption: 10 m 2 requires up to 2 liters of solution.


 The drug is used before leaflets bloom, since the active ingredients of the solution burn the surface of the greenery.


  1. Effective for protection against raspberry beetle.
  2. Available at a cost.


  1. Toxic.
  2. It accumulates in the soil, therefore it is used strictly in doses.


An effective drug in the fight against stem gall midge is Fufanon - an insecticide produced in ampoules, cans. Basis - the active substance malathion, causing paralysis of insects.


Spray raspberries in early spring, managing to process the bushes before the leaves and the beginning of flowering. The drug is diluted in water, the proportions: 1 ml of the drug is taken per liter of liquid. The flow rate of the solution is up to 1.5-2 liters per 10 square meters.


  1. Fast action of the drug (after 24-28 hours).
  2. No unpleasant odor.
  3. The versatility of the tool.
  4. Easy to prepare working solution.
  5. Affordable price.
  6. Low toxicity to the human body.


  1. It cannot be used in compounds with other drugs.
  2. Toxic to insects.


From aphids, stem gall midges helps spring treatment of berry bushes with Actellik. The agent with high penetrating activity, insecticide-acaricide. Available in liquid form in ampoules.


A drug of contact-intestinal action, causes paralysis, and then the death of pests.


A suspension in water is diluted, proportion: take 2 ampoules (2 ml) for 2 liters. For processing landings on an area of ​​10 square meters. meters requires 1.5-2 liters of composition.


  1. High efficiency.
  2. Affordable price.
  3. Ease of use.


  1. Dangerous for humans (Grade 2), it is required to work in overalls.
  2. Toxic to bees, other insects, birds, fish.


The drug is used to protect raspberry bushes from shoot shoots. This tool has a wide spectrum of action, but requires compliance with the proportion in the preparation of solutions. Available in powder or paste form.


Causes disturbance of nerve impulses in insects, paralysis, and death.


They cultivate the soil under raspberry bushes with a solution of 0.15-0, 3% chlorophos. It is necessary that the soil warms up to approximately +13 ºC ... 14ºC. Two treatments are required, the second - 10-12 days after the first spraying.


To prevent fungal diseases - powdery mildew, rust, raspberries are treated with Topaz. The fungicide is effective and safe for plants, if necessary it is used in any period of vegetation.


The substance penconazole, which is the basis of the drug, acts on spores of pathogenic fungi. Causes a slowdown in metabolism, death.


3-4 ml of fungicide are diluted in a bucket of water, sprayed to 2 liters of the composition per 10 m2.


  1. High efficiency.
  2. Low expense.
  3. Long exposure period.
  4. The versatility of the tool.


  1. It accumulates in the soil, therefore, the drug is not used constantly on the same site.
  2. A strict dosage is required.
  3. Toxic to humans, insects.


From weevil, moths, moths, gall midges, a solution of Kemifos is used. The drug is similar in action to Karbofos, it belongs to the first generation acaricides.


From the essential components of the product, insects show paralysis, and drying and gradual death of egg clutches also occur. Time action - 1.5-3 hours after treatment


Diluted according to the instructions, 1 mg per 1 liter of water. For 10 square meters of landings, about 1.5 liters of Kemifos solution will be required.


Means from the group of insecticides of contact-intestinal action. It is used to protect raspberries from weevil, aphids, leafworms.

Available in the form of an emulsion, in ampoule form, in bottles.


The drug is based on the substances cypermethrin and malathion, which cause paralysis of insects and their further death.


Dilute the drug in water, take 10 ml of Alatar on a ten-liter bucket.


  1. High efficiency.
  2. The composition has a special component - adhesive, which prevents the washing-off of the working solution from treated plants.
  3. Profitability in spending.


  1. Alatar is toxic to humans, insects, fish.
  2. When working, it is recommended to use protective equipment.

Blue vitriolBlue vitriol

Widely known among gardeners, a tool that is actively used to prevent and protect raspberries from gray rot, anthracnose.


Used in spring, before raspberries bloom. Working solution for processing: 50-100 grams per bucket of water (10 liters).

You may be interested in:


  1. Active fungicide and biocide.
  2. Not addictive.
  3. Acts simultaneously as microfertilizer (copper ions).
  4. Affordable cost.


This product is known as fertilizer, but in certain homes in the spring, urea acts as a prophylactic against pests and diseases.


Helps fight rust, anthracnose, spotting. It affects the larvae of the raspberry beetle, the vitreous, which are in the wintering stage.


The bushes are sprayed with a solution - 10 liters per 10 acres. The solution is prepared as follows: 500 grams of urea are taken on a bucket of water (10 liters).

Bordeaux mixtureBordeaux mixture

Universal and affordable, is a mixture of lime and copper sulfate - Bordeaux, copes with various dangerous fungi.

The drug is sold in specialized stores, it is also prepared independently.


When using the finished product, 250 ml of concentrate are taken in a bucket of water.

On a note!

The working solution must be used during the day.

For raspberries, apply a 1% solution, spraying the bushes before flowering.


When spring treatment for the prevention of fungal diseases, it is recommended to use the drug Oksikhom. It is produced in powder, when preparing working compositions it is required to dilute the product in water.


Active substances: copper chloroxide, oxadixilane, are directed to the pathogenic flora. The tool is quick action.


For 5 liters of water use 10 grams of the drug powder. Sprinkle raspberries before flowering. One treatment is enough in the spring.


The drug for the prevention of fungal infections, is available in powder form. It has an unpleasant odor.


Raspberries are sprayed for preventive purposes, the solution is 5 grams per five liters of water. One treatment of the bushes before flowering is enough.


  1. Highly toxic (hazard class 2).
  2. The registration deadlines for Fundazole in the Russian Federation have expired, but at the moment the drug is used for private plots.

Coming soonComing soon

It is used as a prophylactic in spring treatments of raspberries. Effective for the prevention of bacterial and fungal infections. Available in the form of an emulsion, form: bottles, ampoules.


The solution is prepared by dissolving the drug in water: 2 ml per 1 liter. It is enough to spray raspberry bushes once before flowering and again after flowering.


  1. Effective.
  2. Compatible with other fungicides.
  3. No soap or shampoo added to improve adhesion.
  4. It is valid regardless of weather conditions.
  5. Convenient and easy to use.
  6. Not toxic to humans, insects.


  1. High consumption of concentrate (especially if several treatments are required).
  2. High cost of funds.
  3. Not very convenient packaging.
  4. Toxic to fish.


The drug is similar to Bordeaux mixture, the active substance is copper chloride. It is used as a means of combating and preventing fungal infections.


It is not difficult to prepare the solution: 40 grams of the drug are diluted in 10 liters. It is advisable to first dilute the product in a small amount of liquid, and then add to the desired volume with water.

Raspberry bushes are sprayed before flowering, consumption - liter per 10 square meters. meters of landings.


From the kidney moth, the treatment of raspberries with Karbofos gives a good effect.The tool is available in various forms:

  • pills;
  • liquid;
  • emulsion;
  • powder.


A drug of pronounced contact action. It is distinguished by the effectiveness and efficiency of the impact.


In early spring, a solution is prepared for spraying: for 8 liters of water - 60 grams of the drug. The product is completely dissolved in water, then the bushes are sprayed, consumption - for 10 adult raspberry bushes - 2 liters of the composition.


  1. Efficiency.
  2. Universality.


  1. High toxicity.
  2. It is required to observe safety rules when working with solutions.

Colloidal sulfurColloidal sulfur

A special fungicide from the group of inorganic compounds is available in the form of granules, powder. Sulfur is effective against all fungal diseases.


Proportions in the preparation of the solution: 3: 1, that is, they take 30 grams of powder per 10 liters of water.

Raspberries are sprayed before flowering (3-4 times, interval 2-3 days).


From aphids and thrips during spring processing, a drug based on tobacco dust is used - Antitlin. Available in packages of 500 grams.


For the solution, the package is poured into a bucket, poured to the top with water. The composition is kept for 24 hours, then filtered and soap chips are added (40-50 grams). The berry is treated before flowering.


The tool is a fungicide, getting on the stems and leaves, destroys the spores of fungi, preventing the appearance of infections at the earliest stages.


Apply DNOC in early spring, preferably before budding. The solution is done as follows:

  • a package (50 grams) is diluted in water (1 liter);
  • mix the composition;
  • add water to a total volume of 10 liters.

Consumption for raspberries: 1 liter per 1-sq. meters.


 The drug is toxic, explosive.

Recommended for processing garden plots located away from residential buildings.


Among the drugs - new products on the market, Horus is recommended, which has shown effectiveness against spotting, gray rot, powdery mildew.


Pour water into the sprayer (by a quarter), add the drug (according to the instructions), add water, mix. For raspberries, they are used before flowering bushes.


From kidney moth, it is recommended to carry out treatment with Decis. It is a contact-intestinal fungicide, the basis is deltamethrin. Available in the form of granules.


For the solution, a standard amount of liquid is taken - 10 liters, 1 gram of the drug is diluted. Sprayed before the flowering of raspberries.


  1. high decis action rate.
  2. Moderate danger to humans.
  3. Effectiveness.
  4. No pungent odor.
  5. It is safe for soil (does not accumulate).


  1. It is poorly divorced in water.
  2. Toxic to bees and fish.

Folk remedies

Widely used for the prevention of various diseases, as well as the appearance on raspberry bushes of pests, compounds prepared according to folk recipes.

Marigold TinctureMarigold Tincture

The familiar tagetes flower (marigolds) is effective against raspberry beetle. To prepare the solution, you need 200 grams of flowers, which insist 10-12 hours in a bucket of water. It is advisable to fill the grass with hot water.

Bitter Wormwood Tincture

Exactly the same method of preparing infusion from wormwood, but the infusion time is less - 1.5-2 hours.

Onion tincture

This tool repels pests well, in addition, it serves as fertilizer for raspberries. An infusion of husks is prepared as follows: 50-60 grams of husks are poured with water (10 liters), insisted for a week.

Sprayed bushes, and also watered the soil near the plants.

Birch tar

From raspberry-strawberry weevil, birch tar will be a sure remedy. It is effective against spider mites.

Proportions for the preparation of the composition:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 10 grams of tar;
  • 40 grams of laundry soap.

Processing is carried out until the first buds appear on raspberries.

Citrus infusionCitrus Tincture

Of folk remedies for the prevention of pests, an infusion of citrus fruits (orange, lemon) is used.

Take 50 grams of fruit peels, pour hot water (1 liter), withstand 3-6 days. Then raspberries are sprayed before flowering.

Soapy soda solution

From aphids it helps both a simple soap solution, and in combination with baking soda.

Soap chips (300 grams) are first dissolved in a liter of warm water, then a spoonful of soda is added there. If soda ash is used, the amount is halved.

Whey or sour milkWhey or sour milk

The milk mixture is prepared simply: 1: 1, while you can take both sour milk and whey, low fat kefir. The resulting composition is sprayed with raspberries in the spring, as well as at the time of the appearance of aphids on the leaves of plants.

Wood ash with soap

Sift the ash (take 3 kg), then pour hot water (10 liters), insist. Add three tablespoons of shavings or liquid soap, stir. Spray raspberries in the morning before flowering bushes.


From stem flies and gall midges, treatment with a solution with kerosene helps. To do this, green soap (300 grams) is gently stirred in hot water (1 liter), then kerosene (800 ml) is added there.

Top up the composition to 10 liters. The result is a white emulsion, which is sprayed with raspberry shoots.

Kerosene is also mixed with sawdust, peat, sand (1 glass of kerosene per bucket of material) and the resulting mixture is laid out in heaps of raspberry bushes. This method is used to scare away raspberry flies and gall midges.

Garlic and mustard tincture

To process raspberry bushes from pests, a garlic mustard infusion is prepared. To do this, take 100 grams of mustard (powder) in a bucket of water, add finely chopped garlic (300 grams), insist 2 days and then spray the bushes.

Boiling water treatment

The most inexpensive and simple way to process raspberries in the spring is to water the bushes with boiling water. This technique allows you to get rid of pest larvae that winter in the soil.

The soil around the plants is shed with boiling water, and the top of the shoots are also very carefully watered.

Spring processing of raspberries is an important agricultural technology event that allows you to get a healthy crop, as well as facilitate the work of gardeners in the summer.

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