How to pinch a petunia to be magnificent

4.07.2018 Petunias

how to pinch a petunia

The unpretentious shy petunia, familiar from childhood, has long been transformed into a luxurious beauty. Thanks to the hard work of breeders, a huge number of varieties and hybrids of various colors and shades have appeared. The plant won the hearts of even inexperienced gardeners, characterized by unpretentiousness and continuous chic flowering. One of the main procedures during its cultivation is the removal of apical kidneys. Such an operation allows you to get a lush bush, strewn with multiple flowers.

Description and characteristics of the petunia plant

The birthplace of this beauty is considered to be Brazil and Uruguay, from where in the 18th century it was brought by the French botanist Jean Lamarck, who is engaged in the search for rare plants.

The plant is a perennial, however, it is mainly grown as an annual, and, with the onset of the first frosts, it is simply thrown away. In late autumn, petunia can be transferred to a container with nutrient soil, brought into the room and provide additional lighting. Then this flower will delight year-round.

petunia in winter

The flower is a shrub from 15 to 90 cm high with creeping stems forming axillary shoots of the second and subsequent order. Perennial leaflets, characterized by a diverse shape and size, without teeth and grooves, very pubescent. Flowers of the correct form: simple, semi-double, double. They are distinguished by a delicate aroma and a variety of colors. The fruit of the plant is represented by a box having 300-800 pieces of small seeds.

The beauty blooms in late June - early July, delighting with its beauty until the onset of significant frosts. Quietly withstands a short decrease in temperature to -3 degrees. Propagated by sowing seeds or cuttings. Seedlings begin to grow in the third decade of January, using additional lighting.


When planting in a permanent place, the plant must provide well-lit areas, adequate watering, and ventilation.

How to pinch a petunia correctly and why


Having worked on the creation of modern varieties and hybrids, breeders made sure that the gardener had to exert a minimum of effort and intervention in the formation of the crown of the petunia. However, even when growing modern hybrids, pinching can simply not be dispensed with.


The method of pincing is applied in order to:

  • stimulate the growth and development of lateral branches;
  • provide abundant flowering;
  • give splendor and compactness to the bush.
how to pinch a petunia

Removal of apical buds is carried out at the time of active seedling growth no later than 30-55 days after the appearance of the first seedlings. The procedure is carried out by any cutting tool or simply by fingers. The escape is cut off over the fourth or fifth real leaf. A new growth point is created at the fracture site of the plant, from which secondary stems will grow. After the operation, seedlings inhibit their development for a while. However, after a few days it is fully restored and begins to grow more actively.

After the pincing process, the lower part of the petunia becomes very strong. Due to this, the plant is more hardy and resists any natural disasters.

Do you need to pinch all varieties of petunias

varieties of petunias

The mandatory removal of apical kidneys requires:

  • old varieties that are not decorative;
  • plants cultivated from seeds that were collected on their own.

Most hybrids bred by originators-breeders do not require pinching, differing in compactness and lush flowering. Hybrids do not need to be tweezed at all:

  • Limbo F1;
  • Mambo F1;
  • Alladin F1;
  • Schok Wave F1;
  • Ultra F1;
  • Frost F1;
  • Picobella f1;
  • Hulahoop F1;
  • Dreams F1;
  • Merlin F1;
  • Mirade F1.

The time when you need to pinch the petunia

pinching time

In order for the beauty to please with gorgeous and long flowering, you need to remove the apical buds three times per season:

  1. When a fourth or fifth true leaf is formed on a plant 30-40 days after the appearance of the first seedlings.
  2. 10-15 days after transplanting seedlings to a permanent place in the ground.
  3. During the active growth of flowers in a constant place, no later than thirty days after transplantation.

Triple tweezers allow the plant to turn into a bright chic bush over the season.

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Petunia care after pinching

After removing the tops, you need to provide the plant with the necessary fertilizing. A few days after the first pinching, young seedlings need to be fed with any growth stimulator according to the instructions:

  • Endophyte;
  • Regoplant;
  • Epin;
  • Succinic acid;
  • Alfa Nano.
how to feed petunia

Further feeding should be carried out every 10-15 days with complex mineral fertilizers with a high percentage of nitrogen. A pinch plant also requires systematic watering and loosening of the soil. If you don’t provide petunia after proper care is pinched, you can get in return the development of thin painful shoots.

Cutting of petunias after pinching

Remote apical shoots are a complete planting material. Using the remaining cuttings, you can successfully replenish the collection of petunias. This is especially true for those hybrids whose seeds are of considerable value. To get a young bush you need:

  1. Leave 1-2 leaves on the cropped shoot.
  2. Place the handle in a container of water, adding 2 tablets of crushed activated carbon.
  3. When whitish roots appear on the shoot, plant the plant in a container with nutrient soil.
  4. After complete engraftment of the petunia, make its forceps, necessary dressings and plant them in a permanent place.
petunia cuttings

How to pinch different types of petunia

Differing in the shape of the bush and the length of the stems, the plant has some features in the formation of its lush crown.

Ampelic Petunia

Plants that inherit the natural formation of a lush, flowering bush. Many ampel hybrids do not need to be tweezed. However, to fully guarantee the creation of a well-branched bush, it is necessary to carry out a one-time removal of apical shoots at the seedling age of 35-45 days.

ampelous petunia

Cascading petunia

A type of petunia that needs at least triple tweezers for the entire growing season. Removing apical shoots on a plant, one can achieve elegant flowering and the shape of a brightly blooming ball.

cascading petunia

Bush petunia

Plants of this type are nipped at the formation of small lateral branches. Such petunias should be stimulated by cutting the central stem and treating with any growth stimulator.

bush petunia

Terry Petunia

Terry hybrids need removal of apical shoots very rarely. Compact luxurious flowers created by breeders that initially form an elegant crown during vegetation. The pinching procedure is carried out in cases of drawing out young seedlings due to a lack of daylight.

terry petunia

Is it possible to pinch a petunia when it blooms

pinching during flowering

If the flowers have already begun to bloom profusely, removal of apical shoots can also be successfully carried out.The main thing is to cut from the bush no more than four processes. After the procedure, in a day, treat the flowers with any growth stimulator.

What to do with cut shoots

The spiked processes of plants can be rooted by replenishing the flower garden with new bushes. To do this:

  • process the cut stems with Kornevin or dip the bottom of the cuttings in wood ash;
  • tear off all the leaves on the processes, leaving 1-2 in the upper part;
  • place the cuttings in a container with distilled water with the addition of activated carbon;
  • plant the tops in open ground, mulching, covering with a transparent plastic container.
rooted petunia cuttings

Useful Tips

To form a bush that will delight with its beauty and continuous flowering, remember the following recommendations:

  1. For a good build-up of vegetative mass, top dressing with complex fertilizer is necessary every 7-10 days throughout the season.
  2. Be sure to carry out regular watering and loosening of the soil.
  3. Remove faded buds and seed bolls.
  4. Preventive treatment from pests by pesticides, from the defeat of diseases with copper-containing drugs.
  5. Perform the tweezing procedure with a sterile instrument.

For the fastest formation of lateral branches on the plant, you should lower the air temperature at night by 4-6 degrees.


When conducting competent removal of apical shoots, following the recommendations for the care of petunias, you can admire the exquisite beauty of plants and continuous flowering until the frost.

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