An overview of the breeds of egg-laying hens with photos and a description

16.04.2018 Chickens

Breeding chickens begins with the selection of breeds, which are divided into egg and meat. The name of the breed variety indicates their purpose. Consider the breeds of laying hens with maximum productivity.

General characteristics of egg-laying birds

Highly productive laying hens are beneficial for both ordinary farms and poultry farms. Egg birds stand out against the background of meat breeds with the following characteristics:

  1. The body weight of the chicken does not exceed 2-2.5 kilograms.
  2. The development of the chicken and its transformation into an adult occurs very quickly, this period is 120-140 days from birth.
  3. Egg color depends on the breed of chicken.
  4. On average, up to 300 eggs per year can be obtained from laying hens.
  5. Plumage in birds is well developed.
  6. More often than not, chickens begin to give eggs four or five months after birth.
  7. Good breeds are carried every day, they can move around for several days.

Breeds of egg laying chickens

The 5 best breeds of laying hens include:

  1. The breed "High Line" was bred in one of the US research centers. In leaving, the bird is unpretentious, highly productive. The temperament of the chicken is calm, the immunity is high. The feed consumption per animal is small. The bird carries large eggs, their weight reaches 60-65 grams, the shell is strong. You can recognize the breed by external characteristic features. Breeders managed to breed brown and white chickens. They have the same characteristics, except for the color of the plumage. They start scampering 120-130 days after birth, weight reaches 1.3-1.5 kilograms. The crest is medium-sized, erect (can bend), red. The head is small, the beak is yellow, the neck is not very long, the body is oblong with a wide back. During the year, an individual can lay 240-340 eggs. The most active period begins at 6 months after the birth of the chicken. Feed consumption is 1-1.5 kilograms per dozen eggs.


  • unpretentious in leaving;
  • feed consumption for maintenance is small;
  • high productivity starting from 6 months from the birth of a bird;
  • the character is calm;
  • immunity is high.


  • short period of active oviposition, which is 18 months.

High Line chickens (white and brown)

  1. “Shaver” was brought out by Dutch scientists who crossed several of the best breeds of laying hens and got a cross (hybrid breed). Researchers managed to achieve not only the high productivity of the feathered animal, but also to establish genetic stability and good health. By color, the breed is divided into:
    • Shaver White - chickens with white plumage;
    • Shaver Black - birds are painted black;
    • "Shaver Brown" - a layer with brown plumage.

    All other characteristics are the same. The average weight of an adult does not exceed 2 kilograms. The chicken begins to scam after 5 months from birth. The eggs are brown or white, the shell is strong, the mass reaches 65 grams. The crest of chickens is small, leaf-shaped, painted bright red. In roosters, the scallop stands upright, and in laying hens it is slightly tilted to its side. Throughout the year, one hen produces 200-220 eggs.


  • the character is friendly;
  • high egg productivity;
  • high resistance to various diseases;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • breed endurance;
  • quick adaptation to living conditions;


  • the impossibility of crossing with ordinary breeds of chickens, chickens will grow, but they will be low-lying.

Breed "Shaver Brown"

You may be interested in:
  1. “Haysek” brought in the Netherlands. The size of the chickens is compact, the mass of an adult reaches 1.8-2.2 kilograms.The plumage can be painted in brown or white. The breed belongs to the hybrid. The physique is strong, massive enough, but neat. Brown hens can be found with white wings and tails. The crest is medium in size, tilted to the side, painted red. The character is non-aggressive, you can safely place them with other breeds of chickens.
    Egg birds are very active, so they need to be kept in fairly spacious enclosures. Puberty occurs at 5 months from birth. During the year, laying hens bring 250-300 eggs. The shell is strong, can be painted white or brown. On average, the weight of one egg reaches 65-70 grams. The chicken rushes well during the first 2-3 years of life, after which the number of eggs begins to decline.


  • the breed is resistant to various diseases;
  • highly productive;
  • friendly character;
  • large eggs;


  • whimsical care, it is necessary to maintain a constant air temperature, observe the regime of making vitamin in the diet, etc .;
  • it is impossible to cross with ordinary breeds of chickens, the offspring will not receive the set of genes that are inherent in individuals.

High-breed Brown Chickens

  1. "Russian Crested" bred in Russia. First of all, the bird attracts attention with its appearance. A distinctive feature of the chicken is the feather tuft on the head, which covers almost the entire comb. The breed of chickens is resistant to cold and various diseases, so if you do not have the opportunity to heat the barn, this breed is ideal. The head is proportional to the body, slightly elongated. The crest is leaf-shaped, has a red color. The breed has a large number of colors, the main colors include: black, white, red, gray, black-silver, black-golden. The neck is quite short, so the head fits snugly to the body. The back is wide, the tail is elongated, the plumage is dense. Adults reach a weight of 2-2.5 kilograms. Egg production per year is 150-160 pieces. The shell is strong, the weight of one egg reaches 56-60 grams.


  • the breed is frost-resistant, can be grown in any region of Russia;
  • interesting and unusual appearance of chickens;
  • stable egg production;
  • the character is calm;
  • unpretentious in leaving.


  • relatively small egg production with the above breeds of chickens;
  • periodically you need to trim the withers so that the chicken can see.

Breed "Russian Crested" (white color)

  1. Leggorn was bred in Italy in the 19th century. Hens of egg direction reach no more than 2 kilograms. The breast of the hens is set high, the back is small and sloping. The head is medium-sized, the scallop is leaf-shaped, medium-sized, tilted to the side. Bill is yellow, not long, pointed. The breed is presented in 20 colors. The most common is the white "Leggorn." Sexual maturity occurs at 4.5-5 months after birth. On average per year, chickens can lay 250-300 eggs. The weight of one is 55-60 grams. If you take good care of the bird, then they will be carried with such productivity for three years.


  • the eggs are delicious;
  • high egg production;
  • non-aggressive, good-natured disposition;
  • quickly get used to the change of scenery;
  • can be grown in any region of Russia;
  • feed consume a little, which makes it possible to breed them in large quantities.


  • you need to monitor the diet so that the eggshell is strong.

Breed "Leggorn" (white color)

The presented breeds of chickens are perfect for growing in households and poultry farms. It is difficult to identify the best breed among the presented chickens, each bird is highly productive and has many positive qualities, so everyone can choose the best-of-the best for themselves.

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