Planting Zinnia on Moon Seedlings

28.03.2019 Zine

Zinnia is loved by many gardeners, not only for its bright and large buds, but also for its unpretentiousness. It feels great at home and in greenhouse conditions, but it easily tolerates temperature spikes, even drought. If you know how to plant, when it is best to transfer to a new place, you can get a luxurious carpet of colorful flowers in the first summer months. You can grow seedlings from seeds in just 30 or 40 days, however, meeting the timing of sowing is extremely important.

Standard Dates

Landing of this species should be started based on the climatic norms of the region. Zinnia does not tolerate subzero temperatures and instantly dies. Its young seedlings are also sensitive to adverse effects, so only stronger seedlings take root in a new place after the final transfer. In this case, the ripening period can be calculated in days: twenty days will be enough in the south, thirty in the suburbs and forty in the northern regions. Therefore, the optimal landing time is called the second half of April and the beginning of May. In late spring or early summer, it will be possible to do work directly in the garden, while the first flowering will not take long.

On a note!
Transplanting too late will harm the plants, as will the early one. If you carry out work already in late June, there is a high probability of a complete absence of buds.

It is better to plant zinnia for seedlings according to the lunar calendar in 2019. Like any flower, it is sensitive to moon cycles. If you sow it on time, you can get large buds, blooming in large quantities, high strong stems and saturated greens. If you follow these recommendations, you can even extend the total flowering period. It is better to work with seeds on the most favorable days. In April 2019, these will be the numbers 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17. At this time, the Moon contributes to the rapid emergence of seedlings, a noticeable increase. But each astrological day has its own characteristics, which are reflected in the table:

date of




The growing moon in the sign of Taurus

The beginning of the period of astrological activity, planting will be successful if you add a little organic fertilizer and carefully cultivate the earth


The growing moon in the sign of Taurus

Even the most capricious varieties of flowering plants will sprout well, it is on this day that it is better to carry out the bulk of plantings


The growing month in Cancer

Maximum caution will be required, although the day is fertile, but controversial, plants may become ill due to improper handling

13.04, 15.04

The growing phase with the influence of Leo

Planting will be successful, but in the first few days the seedlings will need a lot of water


The Growing Moon in Virgo

Everything planted on this day will grow rapidly, so it is better to pay attention to tall honeycombs with lush greenery


The Growing Moon in Virgo

The most favorable day, if possible it is better to plan work on this particular day

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The least favorable days will be April 5 and 19. At this time, it is better not to work with seeds and soil in general. It is likely that the seedlings will be rare and weak, and the growth of zinnia will be too slow at all. You can plan a future flower bed, prepare containers, but even soak planting material is not recommended.
Zinnia is grown everywhere, because it blooms quickly and even in cold regions manages to please with bright colors. In the Moscow Region, Central Russia and the Volga region, all varieties are sown from April 15 to April 30.You can divide the planting volume into two or three parts to get continuous flowering in the garden at the expense of shifted timing. In the Urals, Siberia and the Leningrad Region, it is recommended to slightly shift the sowing time. To plant seedlings here should be from April 25 to May 15. In this case, the flowers do not have time to stretch out before being transferred to the open ground, and there is no need to build additional shelters.

On a note!
Picking is not required if you immediately place the seeds in an individual container.

If necessary, you can pick, but not before the appearance of two or three full sheets. So, you can change the density of landing and slow down the stretch in low light. Transfer to the open ground is carried out in the second half of May or in the middle of June, depending on the time of planting seedlings. Some varieties can be preserved for a couple of years, but most of the species are annuals, with the exception of rare and new hybrids. Therefore, the seedling method is the most common, it allows you to shorten the time until the first buds appear.

Plant care

Sow zinnia is necessary, observing just a few simple rules. First of all, this is the composition of the soil. It should drain water well and let air through. Therefore, the more loose and airy the mixture, the better. This applies to both pots and containers in the house, and open ground. It is acceptable to use universal garden mixes, but you can make them yourself. The following composition will be optimal:

  • 1 part of river sand;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part of fertile soil;
  • 2 parts of turf land.

To zinnia quickly grew and hardened, you need to take care of a sufficient amount of mineral fertilizing. Nitrogen, potassium and iron are especially important. Adding a small amount of humus will positively affect the condition of the plants. It is important to pay attention to the amount of land per plant. 250 milliliters of soil is enough for full development. The container should be taken wide, but not too deep. This will avoid soil acidification in an unused thickness. Be sure to lay a drainage layer below.

Zinnia is thermophilic, so the temperature regime is extremely important. For seedlings, optimal values ​​are 23 or 25 degrees during the day without sudden changes. Before transferring to the site, plants need to be hardened gradually. Lower the temperature by 2-3 degrees every 2 days. Before planting, only 16 degrees is enough to maintain the health of the flower. However, you need as much light as possible: a 14-hour sunny day will contribute to active growth.

The technology of planting seeds is simple. In the ground, you need to make small holes at a distance of about 5 centimeters. Pre-moisten the soil using solutions against various diseases and fungi. Seeds do not need to sprinkle with a thick layer, just a couple of millimeters. In the first weeks, watering is best done with a spray gun, this will eliminate soil displacement and root damage.

Zinnia cultivation - A simple task even for beginners. The flower is not whimsical, it requires only heat and a sufficient amount of light. Timely planting of seeds and transplanting in open ground will avoid major problems. Large, bright buds in large quantities can be obtained if you not only follow agrotechnical recommendations, but also follow the advice of the lunar calendar.

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