Zinnia - how to grow from seeds, when to plant

30.03.2019 Zine

The perennial Zinnia plant became a regular not only in gardens, but also in alleys and city parks. It is popular with gardeners, because it has a bright appearance, and is unpretentious when grown. Consider how to get a flower from seeds, and also when to start planting seedlings in different regions of Russia.


Propagation of the plant occurs by seed, in areas of stable, warm climate, you can plant flowers directly on the street. The slightest frost will lead to the death of the sprouts, therefore, in a place where in spring the temperature can drop below zero degrees, it is better to grow seedlings first. If the process is carried out in accordance with all the rules, it is well tempered, then after a transfer to the street it will quickly take root.

The flower seeds are quite large, so it is easy to work with them, they do not require any additional processing. To separate high-quality seeds from empty ones, it is necessary to wrap them in gauze soaked in Epina solution. Seeds of last year in two days will sprout, while expired seeds can sprout only after a week.

Zinnia cultivation from seeds is best done in separate, peat pots, because the plant does not tolerate picking. The sprouts of this culture are large, so when you plant a seed in the ground, you need to deepen it by 1 cm. Cover the pots with film to create a greenhouse effect, there is no need. If everything is done correctly, then in a week you can see the first shoots, as in the photo. Flowers do not like stagnation of water in the ground, so you need to take care of drainage, add sand to the ground.

For reference!

If the seeds were planted in a box, then after a certain period it will be necessary to pick the plants.

How to apply the lunar calendar

Before you start growing zinnia from seeds, you need to determine when to plant seedlings. To calculate the exact date, several factors must be taken into account:

  1. Seeds hatch after about 4-6 days, depending on the quality of the seeds.
  2. To obtain full seedlings, it is necessary that it grows in room conditions for at least 2 months.
  3. It is necessary to determine a date when you can not be afraid of frost and calmly plant seedlings on the street. For different regions of the country, these terms vary.

In the southern regions of the country, zinnia is planted immediately in the open ground, and in the northern region spring comes late, therefore, in order to enjoy the plant longer, the seedling method is used. The date when seedlings can be planted is determined based on the above factors.

For example, if heat is established in the Moscow Region after May 20, flower cultivation from seeds can begin in early March. We select the desired favorable day according to the lunar calendar and produce planting seeds for seedlings.

The following days will be suitable this year:

  • March - 10, 12, 15, 20;
  • April - 7, 11, 18;
  • May - 9, 10, 15, 17.
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In May, dates for planting zinnia on the street are indicated, and in March and April, seeds are planted for seedlings.The influence of the night star on plant growth has long been proven, therefore, in order to grow healthy and beautiful flowers, you need to know what work can be done in different phases of the moon:

  1. New moon - on this day and three days after it, it is better not to carry out any procedures with plants at all.
  2. The growing moon is the most favorable period for planting seedlings, as the metabolism and the movement of juice increase. At this time, it is better to plant plants in which the aerial part, for example, flowers, plays a decisive role.
  3. The full moon is a bad time for planting, but you can take care of plants, spud and feed them.
  4. Waning Crescent - during this period, the underground part of the plants develops well, therefore, it is the right time to plant, for example, potatoes.

In order to get healthy and beautiful flowers, it is necessary to carry out all the work based on the lunar calendar.

Number Moon phase Zodiac sign Lunar day
March 21 Full moon Moon in Libra 15,16
March 22 Waning moon Moon in Libra 16,17
March 23 Waning moon Moon in scorpio 17,18
March 24 Waning moon Moon in scorpio 18,19
March 25 Waning moon Moon in Sagittarius 19
26 March Waning moon Moon in Sagittarius 19,20
March 27th Waning moon Moon in Sagittarius 20,21
March 28 Third quarter Moon in Capricorn 21,22
March 29 Waning moon Moon in Capricorn 22,23
March 30 Waning moon Moon in Aquarius 23,24
March 31 Waning moon Moon in Aquarius 24,25
April 1st Waning moon Moon in Aquarius 25,26
April 2 Waning moon Moon in Pisces 26,27
April 3 Waning moon Moon in Pisces 27,28
April, 4 Waning moon Moon in Aries 28,29
5th of April New Moon Moon in Aries 29,30,1
April 6th Waxing Crescent Moon in Aries 1,2
April 7th Waxing Crescent Moon in Taurus 2,3
April 8th Waxing Crescent Moon in Taurus 3,4
April 9th Waxing Crescent Moon in the twins 4,5
April 10th Waxing Crescent Moon in the twins 5,6
April 11th Waxing Crescent Moon in Cancer 6,7
April 12th First quarter Moon in Cancer 7,8
April 13th Waxing Crescent Moon in Leo 8,9
14th of April Waxing Crescent Moon in Leo 9,10
April 15th Waxing Crescent Moon in Leo 10,11
April 16th Waxing Crescent Moon in Virgo 11,12
April 17th Waxing Crescent Moon in Virgo 12,13
April 18th Waxing Crescent Moon in Libra 13,14
April 19th Full moon Moon in Libra 14,15
20 April Waning moon Moon in scorpio 15,16
The 21st of April Waning moon Moon in scorpio 16,17
April 22 Waning moon Moon in Sagittarius 17,18
April 23 Waning moon Moon in Sagittarius 18
April 24th Waning moon Moon in Capricorn 18,19
25th of April Waning moon Moon in Capricorn 19,20
26 April Waning moon Moon in Capricorn 20,21
April 27th Third quarter Moon in Aquarius 21,22
April 28th Waning moon Moon in Aquarius 22,23
April 29th Waning moon Moon in Pisces 23,24
April 30 Waning moon Moon in Pisces 24,25

The lunar calendar also shows the signs of the zodiac in which the moon is located, they are distinguished by their fertility, therefore, determining the day of landing, you must also rely on them.


The most fertile are Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn, if you plant seedlings, when the moon passes through these signs it will be more resistant and hardy. Aquarius, Leo and Gemini are barren signs, therefore, at this time, it is better not to land. The remaining signs are intermediate and can only be considered for a certain type of plant.

Determining the date for the northern regions

Due to the harsh climate of Siberia, the cultivation of zinnia from seeds is carried out by the seedling method. When determining the date when to plant seedlings, one must rely on weather forecasts. This year, warm weather will set in mid-May, given that full seedlings can be obtained in just 2 months, and seeds will hatch in five days, we get the approximate date of planting seeds.

Consider a specific date when to plant flowers in open ground, for example, it will be June 10, therefore, the cultivation of zinnia from seeds should be carried out in early April. We turn to lunar calendar, where we see that April 7 will be a favorable day for landing.

Naturally, the flowering period in the northern regions is shortening, therefore, to collect seeds, you need to cut off a wilted bud, and wait until it is completely dry and ripening, you will have to go home. The same late spring will be in the Urals, so the cultivation of zinnia from seeds should also begin in early April. If the deadlines for planting seedlings have already passed, then you can plant later, using growth accelerators.

Seedling Care

Do not grow the plant on too sunny window sills, zinnia loves diffused light. Young seedlings can be very long, then you will need to add to the pots of earth, that is, sprinkle the root. Watering must be carried out as the soil dries up, 10 days before planting on the street, seedlings must begin to harden.

It is better that this was a gradual process, first open the window. Then it will be possible to take the pots to the balcony for a couple of hours, then you can leave them for the night, and if there is such an opportunity, then we take them out to the street.

Transfer of seedlings to the street

After the cultivation of zinnia seedlings from seeds has been completed, we transplant into open ground. When and how to plant flowers can be seen in more detail on the video. The plant loves a bright and windless place, while the composition of the soil should be neutral. Before planting, the earth needs to be dug to a depth of 50 centimeters, previously having cleared it of weeds. When digging, compost, leafy humus is introduced into the soil.

You can add mineral fertilizers, based on 1 sq.m. land:

  • superphosphate - 1 tbsp;
  • potassium sulfate - 1 tbsp;
  • nitrofoska - 1 tbsp.

Between the flowers you must observe a distance of 30-35 cm from each other, carefully tamping the ground near the roots. If seedlings were grown in peat pots, then seedlings should be planted in the soil directly in them, in addition, this will be additional fertilizer.

How to care in the street

This is a fairly simple process, you need to water the flowers as needed, while trying so that the stream does not fall on the buds and stems. Excess water can provoke rotting of the roots, but it can easily tolerate zinnia drought. Periodic loosening of the soil around the plant is also required to provide air access to the roots.


The flowers have a very strong stalk, so there is no need to put a stand or make a garter on the stem.

If the date when to plant the seedlings was determined correctly, and the cultivation of zinnia from seeds was carried out according to all the rules, then already in early July you can see lush flowering, as in the photo. Fertilize the flowers twice enough during the summer, a month after planting, and a second time when buds appear.

If you want to have a voluminous bush of zinnia, then you need to pin it over the third leaf in seedlings, you can also carry out this procedure on the street when the plants are well rooted. If you need to grow flowers on a long stalk, then nothing needs to be done.

Diseases and Pests

May bugs, slugs, aphids and snails annoy zinnias most of all, destruction is possible by setting traps. To get rid of snails and slugs, you need to place beer bowls on the ground or lay out pieces of slate where the larvae will hide from the sun.

May bugs will need to be collected manually, from aphids, spraying with the following solutions will help:

  • 10 grams of tar soap per 10 liters of water;
  • Fufanon;
  • Actellik.

Diseases of a flower appear most often due to improper care, for example, due to a very dense planting, or excessive watering.Zinnia is susceptible to the following diseases:

  1. Alternariosis - the leaves are covered with brown spots, in the center of which you can see spores. Sick plants must be destroyed, reduced watering and treated with Baimat or Rovral preparations.
  2. White rot - the flowers begin to fade, brown spots appear on the leaves, inside of which there is a white, felt mycelium. Sick plants need to be cut and burned, and the remaining sprayed with Rovral.
  3. Powdery mildew - with this disease, a white coating appears on the leaves, even flowers can be affected. If you remove the plaque, you can see that the plant tissue is brown. If the lesion is weak, treatment with biological fungicides will help. With severe infection, drugs such as Thiovit, Strobi, Topaz should be used.
  4. Root rot - leaves begin to turn yellow from the edges, the roots become brown, on some you can see whitish roots. The appearance of the disease is possible, with too acidic soil, fertilizing with fertilizers is required. Spraying with Fitolavin, Bactofit, Gamair will help.
  5. Bacterial spotting - the leaves are covered with gray-brown circles, this disease is incurable. It is better to tear out the plant and burn it so that it does not infect the flowers nearby.

If you follow all the recommendations and be caring for plants, then the appearance of diseases can be avoided.

In more detail, the process of growing zinnia from seeds, as well as how and when to plant seeds for seedlings, can be seen by watching the video.

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