Plum compote with grapes, recipe without sterilization

8.09.2018 Winter blanks

Stewed plums and grapesIn the cold season we all miss summer, warm days. It is at such moments that you can get a can of tasty and fragrant compote from juicy plums and grapes from the pantry room and enjoy it in full. A recipe with a photo will help to prepare it correctly.

The drink is pleasant, refreshing and fights thirst perfectly. In addition, unlike purchased sweet drinks and juices, you can be 100% sure of its naturalness and safety.

When harvesting grape-plum compote according to this recipe, you don’t even need to sterilize the container, because before we roll it, we will fill the fruit with boiling water for a quarter of an hour. Even the most inexperienced and novice housewife will cope with this compote.

Ingredients (calculated on a three-liter jar of compote):

  • ripe plums - 8-10 pieces,
  • grapes (blue) - 300 g.,
  • drinking water - 2500 ml.,
  • granulated sugar - 250 g.

products for compote

How to make compote from plums and grapes

Plums and grapes can be taken in any variety. The main thing is that they do not burst from the effects of boiling water. Blue grapes will give compote a beautiful shade. We wash our fruits and put them in a washed and dry jar (3 liter). You can take smaller containers, but keep in mind that compote is drunk very quickly. Grapes can be laid directly with twigs.

stacking plums in a jar

Boil the right amount of water and pour boiling water into a jar. We do this gently and strictly in the center on plums and grapes so that the glass does not crack.

add boiling water

Let stand for a quarter of an hour and pour the water back into the pan / stewpan. Now we prepare a sweet filling from it: pour 250 grams of sugar into this water and bring to a boil.

syrup preparation

Pour fruit syrup to the very top and seal with steamed lids.

syrup pouring

We leave the compote to cool upside down, and then put it in the pantry room or cellar.

cooling cans

It is recommended to use compote from plums and grapes chilled.

grape compote fruit compote for the winter

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Stewed plums and grapesStewed plums and grapes

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