Raspberry variety “Monomakh's hat”: description, reviews

19.09.2016 Raspberry

Raspberry The fruits of this raspberry varieties large and have a rich dark color. One berry can weigh an average of 7 to 17 grams. But such large fruits can appear only with proper care of the plant. In good years, one raspberry bush gives about 5 kilograms of fruit. This variety is sweet and sour. Raspberries are eaten fresh or made from it for the winter.

Difference of the Monomakh Hat variety from others

This variety has some peculiarity. Such plants are capable of producing two crops in one season. The fruits ripen by mid-summer, and then by mid-August. In the first case, the fruits are located on last year's shoots, and in the second - ripen on young shoots.

Repair raspberries have a lot of advantages. The fruits of such a plant are large. It has good taste. Berries can be stored longer than regular varieties. The variety is characterized by high productivity.

Planting remontant raspberries: preparing a place

Before you begin planting a plant, you need to familiarize yourself with some important information. Raspberries “Monomakh’s Cap”: variety description, photos, reviews - this whole topic will be disclosed in this article.

• It is better to plant repair varieties on the south side of the site.
• The seating area should be warmed up properly. There must pass the sun's rays.
• Groundwater should not go closer than 1.5 meters from the ground. This will help prevent root decay.
• The soil for planting seedlings is suitable with a high content of organic substances.
• It is better to plant a plant with an interval of 80 centimeters from each other. When landing, you should dig a hole 35 centimeters deep. In addition, you need to learn how to prune raspberries in spring.


Experienced gardeners recommend planting raspberries of this variety in the first week of October days and at the end of October in the south. In spring, the plant is planted at the earliest period before the buds come to life. After immersing the seedlings in the soil, the plant must be watered. Raspberries “Monomakh’s Cap”: variety description, photos, reviews - all this is covered in this article.

How to care for the plant?

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The most important condition for the cultivation of repair varieties is abundant regular watering. This will help the plant grow better. It is also important to constantly loosen and weed the soil. After planting seedlings, the earth must be enriched with humus. The plant needs access to sunlight. Raspberry needs proper care, therefore it is necessary:


• monitor and remove sprouting weeds;
• loosen root processes;
• cut seedlings for the winter, leaving stumps 2.5 centimeters long;
• after trimming, all areas are sprinkled with ash;
• insulate the plant for the winter.

Raspberry Repair require good nutrition, so you should prepare the soil for planting in advance. Every year you will need to apply fertilizer to the soil. This will help the berries develop and grow properly. If you have fertilized during planting, then you will not need to feed the soil in the first couple of years. Then each year it will be necessary to saturate the soil with nitrogen. Such fertilizers help the plant grow and develop faster. And during fruiting, phosphorus and potassium should be added to the soil. In winter, it is better to saturate the earth with humus.


Raspberries “Monomakh’s Cap”: variety description, photos, reviews - this topic is fully covered in the article. During the growth and development of the plant, it is necessary to prune the plant correctly. These actions will protect raspberry bushes from various diseases and pests.The plant is usually trimmed in late autumn, when the cold comes. Stems need to be cut to the very root, which will not allow pests to hide inside. Repairing varieties are superior in quality to the summer collection of raspberries.

Useful Tips

1. In early spring, you need to tie the stems of the plant.
2. After two years of plant development on the previous site in autumn or spring, 5 kilograms of humus, 25 grams of superphosphate and 25 grams of potassium should be added to the soil. This volume is calculated for each square meter.
3. If the plant grows too slowly, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with manure and bird droppings in the calculation of 5: 1 and 12: 1. To prepare the composition takes 10 liters of water. It is enough for 5 bushes.
4. It is important in early spring to spray the soil under raspberry bushes. Processing is carried out before flowering and after flowering.


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Raspberries can be collected before the onset of frost. In order for the berries to ripen faster, it is necessary to cover the bushes with foil in the spring. This can protect the plant from frost. It is necessary to carry out the harvest in time so that the fruits are not overripe.

Reviews on the cultivation of the repairing variety are very diverse. Unfortunately, the Monomakh Hat raspberries are not very popular due to the fact that the plant is very affected by fungal infections. But basically all the feedback from experienced gardeners is only positive.

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