Sparaxis: growing and gardening

26.04.2016 Sparaxis

sparaxis garden cultivation and careA tropical handsome man may well have articles as an ideal decoration in the group of your flowers, you only need to know what sparaxis is, what gardening nuances it has. Take a look at the photo, and you will see for yourself how good this flower is, and you will definitely want to get it for your garden.
See also: planting petunias for seedlings in 2016.


Garden cultivation

It must be remembered - capricious sparaxis does not tolerate low temperatures at all, likes sunny areas. It looks especially beautiful in plant groups, where it needs to be planted in front of other flowers. If your chosen species will be up to 15-30 cm tall, it will just perfectly shade other flowers, and will not obscure their beauty.

In most cases, sparaxis is grown in warm, southern regions, but stubborn gardeners still manage to grow this beauty even in cooler areas.
In autumn, nodules are dug up, peeled, dried and, sprinkled with dry sawdust. stacked for storage. The place to choose must be cool, but ventilated. It is stored well, up to 3 years.

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In spring, it needs to be moved closer to the heat, in early May, when it is already warm enough, you can transfer it to the open ground. If you plant it from April to May, then it will give its flowering already in August, but it will continue until frosts.

In the southern regions, you don’t need to dig it out at all for the winter, but simply cover it well with your spruce branches, and so it blooms much earlier. Just peel off the mulch, add humus and moisturize.

Choose a site not only sunny, but also sheltered from the winds, she does not like draft sparaxis, it is very tender. Soil requirements - drainage, loamy, nutritious. In warm areas, you can even drop it off in the winter, but then you need to dig it deeper, by 10-15 centimeters.

Growing in the house

sparaxis in the house

A wonderful sparaxis will delight you on the windowsill, blooming all winter, if you plant 3-4 pieces in pots, pour it and put it in a place that is covered from drafts.
You can sprout seeds in pots, and then take them out to the garden, so it will bloom early and be stronger.
See also: marigolds - growing from seeds when to plant.

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