When to plant marigolds when growing from seeds

9.06.2015 Marigold

marigold seed propagationThose summer residents who first encountered this flower personally or for a long time it was not grown, begin to wonder whether marigolds: growing from seeds, when to plant. In this material we will consider in detail not only this aspect, but also the general conditions for planting and proper care.

Of course, marigolds are unpretentious in cultivation. It is for this reason that many flower beds of large and small cities are planted with them. But for optimal and beautiful flowering, of course, you will need to provide your own special growing conditions.

What is extremely important when growing marigolds:

  • You need to plant a flower in soils that are light in composition. That is, fertile loams, a weakly acidic or neutral environment are suitable;
  • Marigolds love warmth and do not tolerate frost in any form;
  • Flowers of this variety are drought tolerant. But at the very beginning of growth it will be necessary to provide constant hydration;
  • You can plant in an open place or in the shade;
  • Strongly shaded areas for growing are not suitable, because the plant will stretch and bloom poorly;
  • Tall varieties and hybrids require more careful care;

We grow marigolds correctly

Marigolds: growing from seeds, when planted in open ground, why are we talking about such conditions? For the reason that the most popular method of propagating marigolds is using seeds.

marigold flowers in the country

Advice! If you plan to grow hybrids, you can try stem propagation. Because hybrid varieties take root well in water.

For planting, it is recommended to take exclusively fresh seeds. This means those that are stored for no more than two years. You can plant seeds in a dry form, or you can pre-soak them in water and germinate. If you germinate the seeds first, then choose the optimal planting density.

You can grow seeds immediately in the open ground, or you can pre-grow seedlings at home. Here is the answer to the main question, marigolds: growing from seeds, when planted on seedlings - the end of May and the first half of June. If you plant seeds immediately in the open ground in the spring, then additional film shelter will be required. Once again, we recall that the flowers do not tolerate frost.

beautiful marigolds in the country

Factors affecting when to plant marigolds on seedlings:

  • Much depends on how often frosts occur in your area. Young plant in the cold, even short-term, will die quickly.
  • When you want to see blooming marigolds. Before flowering, plants need from one and a half to two and a half months of growth.
  • The best dates for planting seedlings are the end of March and the beginning of April for flowering in June. If you want to get flowering at the end of summer, then you can plant seeds in May and even at the beginning of summer.

When to plant marigolds on the balcony

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If you choose a method of growing seedlings, you need to prepare boxes with suitable soil. Sow the seeds every 4 cm, the depth should be no more than a centimeter.

when to plant marigold seeds

Marigolds: growing from seeds, when to plant on the balcony, we found out, and when to wait for the sunrises? With a temperature of 22 degrees Celsius and above, sprouts will appear in a week. For the development of seedlings, the temperature should be within 20 degrees of heat. When a pair of real leaves appears, seedlings can be dived.

Interesting! Marigolds and picks, and transplant tolerate well. These flowers in these processes do not manifest themselves on the whimsical side.


Soon the time comes (when the warm weather has settled, and the frost does not exactly repeat) to transplant flowers into the open ground. Low-growing varieties can be safely according to the scheme 20 * 20 cm, and for high varieties it is better to adhere to the scheme 40 * 40 cm. When a plant is planted, it must be poured with warm water.

marigold cultivation

What care to provide

Marigolds: growing from seeds, when to plant, we established in this article. As a care, it is necessary to water the flowers, weed and loosen the soil. If the landing is too thick, you will need to thin out it.

To achieve a pleasant decorative look, wilted flowers need to be given. It will also extend the flowering process itself. Marigolds have practically no pests. Sometimes a spider mite may appear if there is heat for a long time. You know flowers for the garden perennials pics with names?

Possible problems with growing and ways to solve them:

  1. If there is little moisture, then the size of the inflorescences will be small;
  2. When there is too much moisture, fungal diseases can affect the roots and the plant will die;
  3. When the weather is rainy, the inflorescences can begin to rot. So that the whole plant does not rot, such buds must be removed promptly;
  4. If the air temperature is below 10 degrees Celsius, the leaves will turn red and growth will stop;
growing marigold from seeds

Marigolds: growing from seeds, when planted, everything will be fairly standard. The plant is unpretentious in outdoor cultivation, therefore, many summer residents love marigolds.

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