Methods of processing grapes in autumn before shelter for the winter

17.11.2018 Grape

During the cultivation, grapes are attacked by insects and diseases. This leads to lower yields. For protection, grape processing is used in the fall before shelter for the winter. Gardeners use folk remedies and chemicals. It is necessary to observe the dosage for spraying the vineyard and use precautions when working with chemicals.

Methods for processing grapes in autumn

Vineyard pruning

Before conducting autumn grape processing against diseases and pests, it is necessary to prune the shrub. You need to do this after harvesting and falling all the leaves. Grape pruning can be divided into three types:

Vineyard pruning

  1. Shaft-less bush formation. Circumcision is performed two weeks after the fall of all leaves, but until the temperature drops to three degrees. The best period for carrying out work is the end of October - the beginning of November. The stemless bush formation differs in the length of the cut vine, which is measured by the left kidneys. The main task of such pruning is the formation of 4 branches, which will turn into sleeves.
  2. Fruit pruning. It is held annually from the fifth year of life of grapes.
  3. Stamping. Work begins in early September. Young branches on old sleeves are removed to the first wire. Stepsons are cut off. In mid-October, branches are cut at the level of the first two wires. Symmetrically to the first shoot, 5–12 fruit-bearing arrows are cut off.
When pruning grapes, you must leave your eyes in reserve. Pruning of shrubs in autumn is done in the inner part of the branches, which is directed towards the middle of the bush. This will quickly cut the cut.

Methods for spraying

For processing grapes in the fall from diseases and pests modern drugs are used. Three groups of substances are distinguished.

First - insecticides. Used to combat leaf-eating pests and insects. Drugs come in contact and systemic effects. The first option has a direct effect, destroys the pest and offspring. The second penetrates deep into the grapes and acts on the pest when it begins to eat grapes.

Methods for spraying grapes

Second group - acaricides. Preparations are used to kill spider mites or herbivorous mites. The contact preparation has a direct effect on ticks and larvae. All parts of the plant are carefully treated with the drug. Systemic acaricides penetrate the grape tissue and are distributed in all parts. This option has a quick effect.

Third group - fungicides. These are special drugs that are used to combat fungus. They are classified as protective and treating. The first option is used for prevention, and the second - for the treatment of diseased grape branches.

By the method of exposure, contact and systemic drugs are isolated. The first option penetrates deep into the tissue and forms a protective film. Mushrooms, in contact with such protection, die. Systemic drugs quickly penetrate deep into the tissue, moving through the grapes. The processing result is visible on the first day.

In addition to chemicals, do not forget about folk remedies that are often used.

Chemical treatment

Carry out processing grapes before shelter for the winter mandatory, even if there is no damage. Used for processing grapes one percent Bordeaux mixture. It is made of 9 liters of water and 100 g of copper sulfate. Separately, 100-150 g of slaked lime and 1 liter of water are mixed. Divorced vitriol is slowly poured into a container with hydrated lime, carefully mixed. Start spraying the vineyard necessary from below. The drug is toxic, therefore, protective clothing is used.


You can also process the vineyard with iron sulphate.. To prepare the mixture, a 10-liter container and 30 g of the drug are taken. You do not need to increase the dose yourself, since you can damage the leaves of the bush. Iron sulfate copes with moss and lichen on the bark of a vineyard.

Experienced gardeners apply the processing of grapes with copper sulphate in the fall, which helps protect the vineyard from pests. To prepare the mixture, 100 g of the drug and 400 ml of water are used. All this is well mixed and poured into a deep container, where it is diluted with water. Use the mixture immediately. If you leave copper sulfate for a while, then it will lose its healing properties.

Urea (urea) can be used to control pests. The substance is also used for nitrogen fertilizer. For the mixture, 30 g of the drug and 10 liters of water are taken. Spraying is done before sheltering the vineyard for the winter. The solution does not allow the roots to rot and fights with the leaflet, phylloxera. Spraying is carried out 1.5 months before the first frost. A film is formed on the bark of the vineyard, which destroys the pests. Its validity is up to two weeks. You need to work with the substance in rubber gloves. It is not recommended at this time to smoke and eat.

If the drug is used for dry top dressing, then it is applied to a depth of about 50 cm in the ground.

Folk remedies

For spraying the vineyard, the means that are at home are used. For example, soda is used to control pests. For the solution you will need:

  1. Five liters of water.
  2. Five tablespoons of soda and liquid soap.
  3. Vegetable oil - 75 ml.

This mixture is processed vineyard in dry weather. It is forbidden to exceed the dosage, as this can lead to alkalization of the soil. To combat powdery mildew, a solution of 5 g of potassium permanganate in a bucket of water can be used. The mixture eliminates shrubs from rot and oidium, is foliar top dressing. Also, do not exceed the dosage of this substance, it can lead to a decrease in soil fertility.

Grape processing folk remedies

You can use freshly cut grass, which is put in a heap. A gray mold should appear in the middle. The grass must be collected and put in water, stirred and traced. Use the resulting liquid for spraying.

There is a folk remedy for protection against spider mites. Take green potato tops - 2 kg, pour hot water - 10 liters. It is necessary to let the solution brew, then spray them with a vineyard.

To prevent gray rot, it is necessary to make a solution of 5% iodine and 1 liter of water. Spray 2 times a day.

You can protect the vineyard from pests with a solution of onion husks. To do this, pour half a bucket of onion husk with water and boil it for 20 minutes. Leave for a day to insist. Add water to get 10 liters, put 20 g of honey and strain the solution, after which they can be sprayed with culture.

Tips from gardeners

Plant sprayer

  • Spray and prune the vineyard immediately after harvest, especially if the variety is early. No need to pull until the end of November, as during this period develop some diseases.
  • Pay attention to the sprayer as well. It should be with a sealed pump and a good nozzle.
  • It is necessary to carry out preventive procedures every year. The vine should be fertilized only on schedule, even if it bears fruit well.
  • No need to cut the tops of the lashes. This will lead to decay of the shoots, and the plant will not be able to rest in the winter. Be sure to do katarovka (trimming of surface roots), especially to a young plant.

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